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The United States Military's
And It's Use in the Genocide of Disabled Vietnam Veterans
by Billy Ray Kidwell
The United States Army has been aware of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (P.T.S.D.) since the Civil War
Although the symptoms of P.T.S.D., after Military Trauma have been reported since ancient times, the Civil War marks the start of the United States Government to address the problems of Military Veterans exposed to combat.
During the Civil War, P.T.S.D.-
In World War I, P.T.S.D. was called "Shell Shock", or "War Neuroses", and mild cases were treated with a few days rest, while severe, or chronic P.T.S.D. Cases received treatment intended to return them to productive civilian lives.
During World War II P.T.S.D. was called "Combat Stress Reaction", which is also known as "Battle Fatigue".
P.T.S.D. h mposes a lifetime of Inhuman Torture and the Gencide of Disabled Vietnam Veterans.(I) The U.S. Army's "Illegal P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharge Con-
The Inhuman Treatment of Disabled Veterans in America, starts at least as far back as the United States Army during the Vietnam War, and continues today, with the Democrat Politican, and Secretary of the Army, Christine Wormuth, who has no respect for the rights of those that defend this country, no respect for America's Laws, and no respect for the Constitution.
When I returned to the states from Vietnam, I was Tortured by the Army, denied Needed Medical Care, Gang Beaten by Guards in the Stockade, Starved, and put in a "Box", to punish me for being disabled, given a corrupt Army Attorney, who, in writing, falsified my Army Records, and gave me an Illegal AR 635-
Despite the Army, and Courts, calling AR 635-
While the Army lied to soldiers, telling them if they requested an AR 635-
The Army knows a Discharge, Under Dishonorable Conditions, is the worst Punishment the Army has, and can only be given at a General Court Martial.
And can only be given for the most serious crimes, such as Rape, or Murder, since the stigma of a Discharge Under Dishonorable Conditions, destroies the soldier's whole life.
The Army, and VA, conspire together, and use the Army's P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharge Con-
Upon learning that his Dishonest Army Attorney falsified his Army Records, and that he had been lied to, tricked, and victimized with an Illegal Dishonorable Discharge, without a General Court Martial, or any lawful authority, as punishment for being Disabled with P.T.S.D., Billy Kidwell sent a Victim's Criminal Complaint to the Justice Department, and to the Secretary of the Army.
And on December 17, 1975 Billy Kidwell filed a Public Records Request with the United States Army requesting a copy of his Army Records.
, reported to the Justice Department that the Army was Torturing Soldiers, Gang Beating them, putting them in the stockade for being disabled with a Combat Stress Disability, Denying them Medical Care, Starving Soldiers with "Rabbit Chow", and falsifying Discharges, and on December 17, 1975, Billy Kidwell requested a copy of his Army Records to prove his allegations.
From December 17, 1975 to the present the U.S. Department of Justice has refused to investigate while the Army has violated Federal Public Records Laws, hiding Billy Kidwell's Army Records.THE GENOCIDE OF AMERICA'S DISABLED VIETNAM VETERANS
How the Army Betrayed, Tortured, and Intentionally Destroied, the Lives of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, Driving Thousands to Suicide
Thousands of soldiers that returned from Vietnam were disabled, and unable to adjust to Stateside Military Duty.
Thousands of those Disabled Soldiers were denied Medical Care, or counseling, for their Combat Stress Disabilities, and were put in Military Stockades, to punish them for being disabled with Combat Stress Disabilities, where they were Tortured, Starved, Gang Beaten by Stockade Guards, put in a Torture Box, and fed "Rabbit Chow".
The purpose of this Torture was to soften the Disabled Soldiers up, and make them easy to defraud, as they were deceived into accepting, what they were told was an Administrative AR 635-
These Soldiers were disabled with P.T.S.D., many depressed, and suffering, because of the Army refusing to provide Medical Care, or counseling of any kind to for their Combat Stress Disorder, they were Tortured, and given Dishonest Army Attorneys, that habitually lied to them, to trick them into accepting the Illegal Dishonorable P.T.S.D. Discharges, which they were told were merely Administrative Discharges.
When those Veterans went to the VA for Medical Care, and benefits, they were then told that their service was "Dishonorable", and Army Attorneys now agree that the AR 635-
illy Kidwell enlisted in the Army at the height of the Vietnam War, asked for Vietnam Service, and returned from Vietnam disabled with a back injury from a Rocket Attack, and a Combat Stress Disorder, we now call Post-
When he asked for Medical Care his Company Commander refused saying that all soldiers return from Vietnam with "Stateside Adjustment Problems".
After being unable to adjust, unable to deal with the Severe Depression, and severe insomia, due to combat nightmares, Kidwell's CO told him that since he couldn't adjust he should voluniteer to go back to Vietnam.
Since his Army Discharge, on October 8, 1970, Billy Kidwell has been victimized in one Government Scheme, after another, intended to reduce the cost of the Vietnam War, by causing the death of America's Soldiers that served in Vietnam.