The VA's Medical Waiting List Con Game Kills 387,000! - VetsForJustice

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The VA's Medical Waiting List Con Game Kills 387,000!

Were You Victimized with the ....
The VA Murders Over 307,000 Disabled Veterans


Another scheme of the government to reduce the cost of the Vietnam War, by killing Vietnam Veterans, is the Veteran Administration's (now Department of Veteran Affairs) Medical Waiting List Con Game.

Vietnam Veterans that need VA  Medical Care to live, such as needing Heart Doctors, and Heart Medication, Cancer Care, or other life-saving VA Medical Care, are told that the VA doesn't have a doctor for them, and that they have been put on a VA Medical Waiting List for the Medically Needed, Life-Saving Doctor.

Only the VA never provides a doctor, and lets the Veteran die because of needing Medical Care.

According to a VA Inspector General Investigation over 307,000 thousand Disabled Veterans were intentionally Murdered with the Veteran Administration's  Illegal Medical Waiting Lists.

Upper-Level VA Management was paid large Bonuses for Murdering the Disabled Veterans.

The VA's Policy of Medical Waiting Lists continues, as the VA continues to Murder Veterans, and there is no one to help America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans.

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