Why is the News Media Silent About the SVI Con-Game? - VetsForJustice

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Why is the News Media Silent About the SVI Con-Game?


The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020

The most important law ever passed for America's Veterans is the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act (SVI Act of 2020, in that it provides Specific Statutory Rights to Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families, and places Specific Statutory Duties on a very corrupt, and Veteran Hating, United States Department of Justice.

The problem is that United States Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, absolutely REFUSE to comply with the SVI Act of 2020, and REFUSE to comply with their Statutory Duties pursuant to the SVI Act of 2020, and REFUSE to provide the Services of the Justice Department to Veterans, and especally to America's Disabled Veterans, and/or, their Families.

Where is the VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS, Vietnam Veterans of America, IAVA, and others?

So WHY hasn't the Veterans Organizations told their members about this Great New Law, and WHY are the News Media covering-up how Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his Justice Department, are abusing Veteran's Rights, by refusing to obey the law, by refusing to comply with the STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act?

WHY are all the Veterans Organizations"Strangely Silent".

The large VSO's rake in filthy amounts of donations, intended to help America's Veterans. So WHY are they letting Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, violate, and refuse to comply, with the most important law ever passed for Veterans?

A law that REQUIRES the Justice Department to Establish an SVI Section in the Justice Department to protect the rights of Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families, and REQUIRES the Justice Department to start protecting Veterans Rights, in Criminal, and Civil Matters.

WHY has the VSO's, and the News Media, allowed Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, to Mock Veterans, and the SVI Act of 2020, violating their Rights?

It's about time the large VSO's started doing their job, making America's Veterans aware of the SVI Act of 2020, and their new Statutory Rights, and start protecting Veterans Rights,starting with exposing the mockery being made of the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020, by Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department.

The SVI Section of the United States Department of Justice will not even spend fifty cents on a stamp to respond to Complaint Letters from Elderly, Dying, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, being terrorized, and denied the right to sit on a Public Beach, or to enjoy a Public Park, with their needed P.T.S.D. Service Dog.

The VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS, Vietnam Veterans of America, and IAVA, have nearly Unlimited Resourses, Teams of Attorneys, Political Connections, and the ability to stop this injustice, and to get the Justice Department to START complying with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020, and START protecting Veterans Rights, but yet they REFUSE to do so.

And WHERE in the hell is the so-called "News Media", the New York Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and FoxNews?

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