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No Race, No Religion, No People on Earth,
Are Discriminated Against, or Treated as Horrible,
As America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans !
Everything on this Website May be Freely Copied !
For 53 Years the Army, VA, and U.S. Department of Justice, has Engaged in Rights Violations, Never-
Vietnam was a "Class-
If they refused to be drafted, they were hunted down by the F.B.I., and put in prison, while children from Influential Families were given endless deferments, and never had to serve their country, or worry about the Draft.
Tens of thousands of Soldiers returned to the States from the Vietnam War, Sucidial, suffering P.T.S.D. Combat Depression, Disabled, and Unable to perform their Stateside Military Duties, because of their Combat Stress Disability, were denied Medical Care, or even counseling, for their Combat Stress Disability.
Instead of receiving Needed Medical Care, Soldiers returning to the States, disabled with Combat Stress Disabilities (P.T.S.D.), were selectively given fraudulentArticle 15's, overcharged, placed in Stockades, Gang Beaten, Stripped of their Rank, and Combat Medals, without a trial, Starved, Tortured, Threatened, Intentionally Lied To, and Defrauded into requesting AR 635-
These Punitive P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharges were illegal, and intended to place a life-
To deceive the public these Punitive P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharges are called "Bad Paper Discharges" by the Government, in a scheme to cover-
These Punitive P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharges are part of a Government Genocide Scheme, to reduce the cost of the Vietnam War, by committing Never-
At least Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand (380,000) Disabled Veterans were Murdered with the VA's Medical Waiting List Crimes, and the VA has driven tens of thousands of other Vietnam Veterans to Suicide, with the VA's Never-
This website documents the case of Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, 100% Service-
Please read on to see how inhuman, and horrific, America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans, are really treated."The Unsung Heroes of the Vietnam War"
In Janurary 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War, the Newspapers were full of names of soldiers being killed in combat in Vietnam.
Most soldiers were drafted for the Vietnam War. America was divided, and there were Massive War Protests, encouraging those subject to the draft, to resist, and flee to Canada, while thousands of soldiers that were already drafted, and serving in the Military, deserted when they received Orders for Vietnam.
Gays could not serve in the Army, and there was a massive Draft Resistance Movement, by the Gay Community, that counseled, and encouraged citizens being drafted, to pretend to be Gay, to avoid the Draft, and Military Service.
The Draft System itself was not fair, and was "Class Based", in that the poor, the working "Class", and Minorities, had to report for the draft, or face arrest by the F.B.I., while America's Silver-
It was the poor kids, from impoverished neighborhoods, and small farms, that knowing they could likely die, enlisted, and asked for Vietnam Service, durring the height of the Vietnam War. These were the Unsung Heroes of the Vietnam War.The Case of Billy Kidwell, an Eighteen (18) Year Old, Teenaged, Kentucky Farm Boy that Enlisted in the Army
On Janurary 3, 1968 Billy Kidwell enlisted in the Army, for $68 a month, asking for the hardest service the Army had, and was assigned to Sand Hill, Fort Benning, Georgia, and voluniteered to be sent to Vietnam.
Billy Kidwell sent all of his Army Pay home to his dad, and mother, in two (2) allotment checks, to help support his five (5) brothers, and sisters, while Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, 100% Service-
He is dying because of a recent attempt by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to cause his death, by violating the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Act, and the November 10, 2021 Veterans Memorandum of Attorney General Merrick Garland, causing Kidwell to suffer a Life-
While Kidwell was dying, and in Terminal Medical Condition, with his Aortic Aneurysm tearing, he suffered a Massive, Life-
Kidwell was Obstructed from receiving Needed Lifesaving Emergency Surgery, and Medical Care, by two (2) Corrupt Federal Judges, (Judges, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, Florida) who are owned by Politicans, and Special Interests, and wanted to help the Justice Department kill Billy Kidwell. [See a 28 U.S.C. 1746 Declaraction here.]
The joint attempt to cause Billy Kidwell's Death, by the United States Department of Justice violating the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, and violating the Memorandum of Attorney General Merrick Garland, while U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, Obstructed Needed, Emergency Medical Care, while Billy Kidwell's Aortic Aneurysm was tearing, and while Kidwell was also suffering from a Life-
These Crimes by the Justice Department, and Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, while not killing Kidwell, did inflict Horrific, Willfull Torture, and Maliciously Punish Billy Kidwell for being an Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, while causing Billy Kidwell to suffer Great Bodily Harm, and Permanent Disability, costing America's Taxpayers OVER a Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in VA Funds, harming thousands of Veterans in Florida. [See Florida Statute 825.102(a)(2).]
Billy Kidwell's Life has been substantially shortened, his heart is now as bad as it gets, pumping LESS than 15%, while Kidwell's back, and legs burn, non-
Both Medical Emergencies were intentionally caused by the United States Department of Justice, and Judges, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, with Malice, Hate, and the Intent to Intentionally Harm an Elderly, Disabled Vietnam War Veteran.
It clearly was an Indisputable Attempted Murder Attempt by the United States Department of Justice, and United States District Court Judges, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy.
This page will provide links to Indisputable Evidence of the ongoing Genocide of America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans, Name the Agencies involved, and expose the ongoing attempts by the government to Murder Billy Kidwell to shut him up, including the exposing how two (2) Federal Judges, Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers Florida, have cost Florida's Disabled Veterans OVER a Million Dollars ($1,000,000), with their Criminal Attempts to Murder Billy Kidwell, so please read on. The Ongoing Government Genocide of Elderly Disabled Vietnam Veterans
Since the Vietnam War Disabled Vietnam Veterans have been victims of an ongoing Genocide Scheme by different Government Agencies, and even different branches of the Government, and Special Interest Groups, in a scheme to reduce the cost of the Vietnam War, by intentionally causing the death of as many Vietnam Veterans, as possible.
The Cover-
Since the Vietnam War the DOJ has assisted the Army in driving tens of thousands of Disabled Vietnam Veterans to Suicide, by covering-
For over Fifty (50) Years the DOJ has refused to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans being victimized by these War Crimes, and instead has defended, and covered-
Durring the Vietnam War the Army engaged in Medical Deprivation Torture, by denying Medical Care to soldiers returning to the states from Vietnam, with severe Combat Stress Disorders (P.T.S.D.), and instead intentionally aggravating those Combat Stress Disorders, by overcharging the Soldiers, and tossing them in the stockade for very minor offenses, caused by their not receiving Medical Care for their Combat Stress Disorder, then torturing the Disabled Soldiers in the stockade with horrific conditions, sporatically beating the Disabled Soldiers,starving them by restricting food, feeding them what the Army calls "Rabbit Chow" for punishment, until most of the Tortured Soldiers would agree to anything to get out of the stockade, and stop the Torture.
The Army then lied, and tricked the soldiers into accepting a P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharge, that the Army told the soldier was only an "Administrative Discharge" to quickly get out of the Army. [The Army, and Justice Department, calls these P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharges "Bad Paper Discharges" to deceive the public as to the actual punishment inflicted by those illegal Discharges, and the actual purpose they were issued which was, "to punish soldiers for being disabled with a Combat Stress Disorder".]
The Army denied Medical Care for Combat Stress Disorders, falsified the soldier's Army Records, lying about the soldier's Character of Service, as the Army knowingly, and intentionally, defrauds its soldiers, in a scheme to reduce the cost of the Vietnam War by intentionally driving soldiers disabled with Combat Stress Disabilities to suicide, by destroying the soldier's family, and the soldier's life, with Army lies, Torture, and Illegal P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharges.
Hundreds of thousands of Vietnam Veterans, who have done nothing wrong, other then to enlist, and defend, a Nation that tortured them by refusing them Needed Medical Care for their Combat Stress Disability, have been intentionally driven to Suicide with these Illegal P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharges.
Billy Kidwell was rushed to the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Emergency Room, in terminal condition, dying, and was barely saved with hours of Emergency Surgery, costing America's Taxpayers (the Department of Veterans Affairs) over a Million Dollars in Medical Costs.
So much harm was intentionally inflicted on Billy Kidwell, by the United States Department of Justice violating the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, and violating Merrick Garland's Veterans Memorandum, that Kidwell will never walk again, and will suffer inhuman pain, and shortness of breath, and trouble breathing, for what little time he has left dying.
All because the United States Department of Justice has no respect for the rights of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and has no respect for the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, or the November 10, 2021 Memorandum of Attorney General Garland, and refuses to protect the rights of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act Request, made by Billy Kidwell requesting Justice Department Records of how many Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities, the Justice Department has protected the rights of, the Justice Department responded that they have no records, because in the past Fifty-
It is estimated there are 6.3 Million Vietnam Veterans still alive.
The Justice Department's Statutory Duty, and DOJ's Never-
From the day Billy Kidwell enlisted in the Army in Janurary of 1968, to the present, his life has been documented by his Army Service Records, his Veteran Rights Activities, and
Genocide, and Other War Crimes, by the United States Army, VA, and DOJ
They do not want you to see his Army Service Records, exposing how the government has engaged in War Crimes, torturing, and committing all sorts of fraud against Teenaged Vietnam War Heroes, stealing benefits they EARNED, falsifying the character of their Military Service, and destroying their lives, intentionally driving thousands of Vietnam Veterans to Suicide, in a Genocide Scheme, that has been ongoing, since the Vietnam War.
From the day Billy Kidwell enlisted in the Army in Janurary of 1968, to the present, his life has been documented by his Army Service Records, his Veteran Rights Activities, and his never-
Those records prove that hundreds of thousands of Vietnam Veterans have been defrauded, tortured, denied their rights, illegally discharged, and Murdered in an ongoing Government Genocide Scheme against America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans.
Obstruction of Justice, Denial of Rights, and the Illegal Concealment of Billy Kidwell's Army Records since December 17, 1975
What the indisputable records of Billy Kidwell's Life proves is that Teenaged Vietnam Soldiers, Heros returning from Combat in Vietnam to the States, many with both physical injuries, and with a severe Combat Stress Disability, were victimized, and subjected to a Genocide Scheme by the United States Army, that is now referred to as the Army's "Bad Paper Discharge Con Game".
Billy Kidwell's Army Records expose the Army's "Bad Paper Discharge Con Game", and prove a number of Inhuman War Crimes, committed by the United States Army against its Teenaged Soldiers returning to the states, disabled with Combat Stress Disabilities, from serving in the Vietnam War.
Billy Kidwell filed a Formal Request for a copy of his Army Records on December 17, 1975, which are indepenseable for Kidwell to exercise his rights, to the Courts, including his right to exercise "Meaningful" Access to the United States Court of Claims, and to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records, and to the Army Review Boards Agency.
From December 17, 1975 to the present, a time period of Forty Eight (48) Years, Billy Kidwell has continiously prosecuted his Official Army Records Request, contacting each Secretary of Defense, each Secretary of the Army, and each General Counsel for the Army, durring those Forty Eight Years, sending a copy of his Army Records Request to them, and explaining that he cannot exercise "Meaningful" Access to the Courts, or to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records, without a copy of his Army Records, explaining that he was victimized, tortured, illegally discharged, massively harmed, and continues to be harmed, because of the Army's lies about the Character of his Army Service, and that he needs a copy of his Army Records to exercise his rights.
From December 17, 1975 to the present, a time period of Forty Eight (48) Years, each Secretary of Defense, each Secretary of the Army, and each General Counsel for the Army, has refused to respond to Billy Kidwell's Records Request, and have knowingly, and intentionally, OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE, violating Billy Kidwell's Rights, and denying him any "Meaningful" Access to the Courts,and to the Army Review Boards, on his illegal discharge, and other Army Crimes against him.
durring those Forty Eight Years,
prove that to engage in "Deprivation of Medical Care Torture", to illegally discharge, and steal the EARNED Medical Benefits of those soldiers, to steal the Honorable Discharge, and Medals, our Heros EARNED, to intentionally destroy the lives of those soldiers, and submit them to never-
Over 200,000 Vietnam Veterans committed suicide because of the Army's "Bad Paper Discharge Con Game", while another 307,000 Disabled Vietnam Veterans were Murdered with the VA's "Illegal Medical Waiting List Con Game".
, by becoming a Disabled Vietnam Veteran Activist, exposing the crimes against Veterans, and establishing
Billy Kidwell used to fight the Disabled Veterans Tax with Freshman Congressman Jim Marshal from Georgia, and Kidwell exposed the "Bad Paper Discharge Con Game", the "Illegal Article 15 Scam", the "Illegal VA Medical Waiting Lists", and the "Mistreatment, Abuse, and Discrimination against the Disabled in Florida" to the United States Department of Justice, which has a duty to protect rights.
of to the Justice Department.
for being Disabled with (P.T.S.D.), a Combat Stress Disability.
According to a VA Inspector General Investigation, another 307,000 thousand Disabled Veterans were intentionally Murdered with the VA's Illegal Medical Lists, and paid large Bonuses for Murdering the Disabled Veterans.
Walmart Does Not Allow Service Dogs in Walmart's Florida Stores
Walmart has a Well-
Billy Kidwell, and a large "Class" of other Disabled Vietnam Combat Veterans, have both a Mobility Disability, and a Combat Stress Disability.
Billy Kidwell's left leg, and left side, are numb from a Rocket Attack in Vietnam, resulting in a Walking Disability, and he also needs P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, to calm him during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, so he doesn't die, because of his history of Stress-
Because of his disabilities, the only way Billy Kidwell can safely shop, is to lean on a Shopping Cart to walk, while putting his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in the Shopping Cart, to calm him durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.
That is the only way Billy Kidwell is Medically Able to Shop, because Walmart does not allow Service Dogs in their Disabled, Electric-
Please note from the Walmart Sign above that Walmart allows Pet Dogs in their Shopping Carts, but Discriminates Against Disabled Veterans, by Arbitrarily, and Capriciously, claiming Service Dogs are too dirty to be placed in a Walmart Shopping Carts.
This denies Billy Kidwell any way to safely shop, because he needs to lean on the Shopping Cart to walk, with his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in his cart, to calm him during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.
Walmart considers Pet Dogs to be clean, and allows Pet Dogs in Walmart Shopping Carts, and only specifically Prohibits Service Dogs from being in Shopping Carts, because Walmart says all Service Dogs are dirty. [See the blue Walmart Sign above.]
Walmart puts Cow Manure (Cow Poop), bug poisons, acid, and all sorts of dangerous chemicials from their Garden Center in their Shopping Carts, right next to the food.
Walmart puts Car Batteries, and Auto Coolants, which are extremely poisonous, paints, solvents, and even Welfare Babies, with diapers dripping Human Waste, in their Shopping Carts, right next to the food, and sees no cleanliness problem.
Walmart is fully aware that Shopping Cart Cleanliness Investigations by the Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science, at the University of Arizona, at Tucson, proves that shopping carts from grocery stores are a hundred times dirtier than the floor of a dirty restroom, and that Walmart has the filithiest Shopping Carts, of any store in America, since Walmart encourages Cow Poop, Poisons, and Human Waste to be in their Shopping Carts, right next to Human Food.
For Walmart to say Service Dogs make their Shopping Carts dirty, is nothing but a Blatant Lie, motivated from pure hate by Walmart Officials, towards the Disabled.
Doug McMillon's Walmart(s) Bribes Local Cops in America
Local Law Enforcement are heavily bribed by Walmart, especally in Florida.
Walmart converted some of their prized Handicapped Parking in the front of stores, to Parking for Local Law Enforcement, and hires Local Law Enforcement for Special Occassions, at Substantial Pay, gives "Donations" to Local Law Enforcement, and gives Law Enforcement a 10% Discount, which is more than Walmart gives their own Employees.
Meanwhile, 100% Disabled American Combat Veterans, in pain each day for providing the Freedom we all live under, often cannot find a place to park at Walmart, often cannot find an Electric Wheelchair that works, receive No Discount, and are treated with Extreme Hate, and Disrespect, and even sporadically assaulted, by Walmart Management, and/or, Walmart Security, when they Medically Need, to use a P.T.S.D. Service Dog, to shop in Walmart's Stores.
Videos on Youtube, and Tic Tok, prove Walmart has Local Law Enforcement, so heavily bribed, that when the police respond to a Complaint at Walmart, the Local Police are Extremely Hostile, Agressive, and Unconstitutionally Bias, towards Walmart Customers, often falsifying the Police Report, concealing Evidence, and Witnesses, while committing crimes for Walmart, acting like they are Extremely Corrupt, Paid, Private, Security, for Walmart.
Walmart's Felony Assault of an Elderly Disabled Veteran
A couple of days after being released from the Intensive Care, Heart, and Stroke Ward, of the Bay Pines Florida, VA Hospital, for a Very Serious, Stress-
Billy Kidwell's Service Dogs are trained to save his life, by helping him avoid, and/or, calming him, during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, which cause Kidwell to suffer, Stress-
At the Kings Highway Walmart in Port Charlotte, Florida as Billy Kidwell was paying for his items at the cash register(s), a Walmart Manager, with a nametag saying her name is "Handy", started yelling at Billy Kidwell, saying that she hates dogs, and that Service Dogs are not allowed in her store.
Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, explained to Handy that Billy Kidwell is an Elderly, Severely Disabled, Vietnam Combat Veteran.
That Billy had recently been released from the Intensive Care, Heart, and Stroke Ward of the Bay Pines VA Hospital, for having a Life-
That Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and that the loud yelling, by Walmart Manager "Handy", could cause Billy Kidwell to suffer another Life-
Billy Kidwell asked to speak to Walmart's Disability Coordinator, or the Store Manager, so that he could make a Reasonable Disability Accommodation Request that he be allowed to shop with his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, and not be yelled, and screamed at, because of his Medical Need for P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
Walmart Manager "Handy" appeared to go off the deep end, screaming louder, and acting more aggressive, when Kidwell asked to speak to a Disability Coordinator, or Store Manager.
"Handy" yelled that Walmart does not have to comply with any Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or Florida's Disability Laws, and that Walmart "can do anything it wants to its customers, because Walmart is Private Property", as she started screaming that Billy Kidwell better get out of her store right now.
The Stress from "Handy's" verbal attacks, arguing, and yelling, at Billy Kidwell, for using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, was too much for Billy Kidwell's Stress Disability, and he started suffering Heart Pains, Dizzyness, Shortness of Breath, and Passing Out, and he started Blacking Out, falling into the candy rack, as Billy Kidwell asked his daughter to call the Sheriff, and help him get out of they store, to get NITRO Pills from his car.
Walmart is OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE Hiding the Video
All this happened at "Handy's Cash Register" as Billy Kidwell was paying for his purchases. "Handy" pointed to a camera in the ceiling and stated that her Walmart is a "Key" Store, and that every customer is filmed from the minute they enter Walmart, till they leave, that a copy of the Video is kept for five (5) years.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Arrives, Acting Like They Are Employees of Walmart
About six (6) Charlotte County Florida Sheriff Police Cars arrived at the Walmart Store, and the cops rushed around the victim, Billy Kidwell, real hostile, acting like he had robbed a bank, or something, inflicting massive Public Embarassment on him, when his only crime, was that of being Severely Disabled, from defending this country in a war, and needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to safely shop.
Billy Kidwell explained to the sheriff(s), that he had just gotten out of Intensive Care, at a VA Hospital, for a Stress-
Kidwell explained that Walmart Manager "Handy" then attacked Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, screaming at them that Walmart don't go by any Americans with Disabilities Act, and Service Dogs are not allowed in Walmart, causing Billy Kidwell to suffer the smyptoms of starting to have a Stress-
Hearing this, the Charlotte County Sheriff got upset, and rudely, and forcefully, stated to Billy Kidwell, "What are you? Some kind of lawyer? Walmart is Private Property, and they can do anything they want! Florida is a state and doesn't go by any Federal Americans with Disabilities Act!"
The Charlotte County Sheriffs acted as if they are "Dirty Cops" Emploied by Walmart.
Walmart, and the Charlotte County, Florida, Sheriff, Suborn Perjury, Falsify the Sheriff's Report, and Hide the Key Witness of the Crimes
The responding Charlotte County Sheriff in charge, a Sergeant, started scheming with the Walmart Store Manager, Chanel and Walmart Loss Prevention, at the King's Highway Super Walmart in Port Charlotte, Florida, telling them to falsify the sheriff's report about the incident, because he didn't want the Sheriff's Report truthfully stating how Billy Kidwell was attacked at the Cash Register, when leaving, solely for being a Disabled Veteran, with Medically Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
The Walmart Store Manager, and the Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, told Walmart Loss Prevention, Larry Coultas to commit Perjury, and intentionally lie, Under Oath, about the Facts of the Incident, and to be sure he left Walmart Manager "Handy" out of the Sheriff's Report.
Do an Affidavit and have Hannah do one and post here.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent stated that "only Walmart was allowed to make a statement in their Investigative Report, and that if Billy Kidwell, or his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, wanted to make a statement they would have to hire an Attorney".
The Sheriff Deputies then guided Walmart Loss Prevention, Larry Coultas, as to what to say, instructing Larry Coultas to lie, Under Oath, about where the Incident Occurred, to lie about who was involved, to completely conceal the Actual Material Facts, and to specifically conceal that the Incident was with a Walmart Manager, named "Handy", at the Cash Register.
Larry Coultas knowingly, and intentionally, committed Perjury, and lied to conceal Billy Kidwell was attacked, solely because is a Disabled Veteran, that Medically-
The Sheriff's Report was completely Fabricated, Obstructed Justice, and was used to issue an Illegal Trespass to Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, and to Cover-
Walmart Illegally Trespasses Disabled Veteran, and his VA Caregiver, From Businesses Walmart Does Not Even Own!
Walmart is so full of hate for America's Disabled Veterans that the Kings Highway Walmart Store Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and her Store Security, Larry Coultas, lied to the Charlotte County Sheriff, and fraudulently claimed that Walmart owned the property, all the Culver Resturants are on, and the land all the Murphys Gas Stations are on, and demanded that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department trespass Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, from all Culver Resturants, and all Murphys Gas Stations.
The Charlotte County Sheriff kept acting like the Sheriffs were Walmart Employees, and stated that while they were not putting Culver, and Murphy in the Trespass Notice, that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah, "For their own good", better stay away from Culvers, and Murphys.
It was clear that the statement to stay away from Culvers, and Murphys, was a threat by the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department against Billy Kidwell, and his daughter.
It is illegal, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, have no authority to ban Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, from Culver Resturants, and Murphy Gas Stations, to PUNISH Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, OBSTRUCTS Needed, Life-
the United States Department of Justice Department, Refused to Protect Kidwell's Rights, and Forced Billy Kidwell to File a Lawsuit, Knowing it Can Cause his Death!
Billy Kidwell, has been a Vietnam Veteran Activist for fifty (50) years, fighting for Veterans Rights, however in 2017, while fighting for Veterans Rights in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, Florida Kidwell suffered a Massive, Stress-
Billy Kidwell's VA Heart Doctor told Kidwell that he could no longer do law work, or write letters, fighting for Veterans Rights, because his heart had suffered major damage, and any stress would likely cause another Stress-
U.S. District Court Judge, John Steele knowingly, and intentionally, Aggravated the Life-
In the REUTERS Investigation "The Teflon Robe" it was exposed that America's Courts are a Cess Pool of Corruption, that thousands of Corrupt Judges, who broke laws, remain on the bench.
One of the most corrupt Courts in America is the United States District Court at Fort Myers Florida, where Disabled Veterans, who are unable to afford an Attorney to protect themselves, are harassed, and tortured, as Corrupt Judges intentionally Aggrivate their Disabilities, trying to inflict as much harm, as possible, on Elderly, Disabled Veterans, even trying to cause the Disabled Veteran's Death, in schemes by the Court to fix cases.
As a Severely Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, went to the United States District Court at Fort Myers to enforce my Americans with Disability Act Rights, because I was harassed, and not allowed to use a Public Beach, or Park, or Public Accommodation, with my Medically-
Disabled VeteransJudges are above the law, and thousands because there is NO MEANINGFUL OVERSIGHT.
And if you do an internet searchout of all the Federal Judges in America, the names of two (2) United States District Court Judges
The Attempted Murder of Disabled Vietnam Rights Activist, Billy Kidwell, by Two (2) Federal Judges, to Fix a Lawsuit for Walmart
The United States Department of Justice has UNLIMITED FUNDS for Politics, Dogs, Criminals, and Sex Perverts, but NOT ONE PENNY to Protect the Rights of a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, with a Combat Stress Disability!
For Four (4) Years Billy Kidwell wrote the U.S. Attorney General, and the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, begging them to protect his ADA Disability Rights.
They refused to respond, so Kidwell filed a Freedom of Information Act Request, seeking a Public Record of how many Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities, have had their rights protected by the Justice Department.
When the Justice Department refused to respond to Kidwell's Public Records Request he started calling the Justice Department on the phone, and was told by an Attorney in the Civil Rights Division, that the Justice Department has no money to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, no records of ever helping a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and that they never will protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities.
This Suprised Kidwell since the Justice Department is Required by Federal Law to Have Funds to Protect Veterans Rights
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is REQUIRED by Federal Law, the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative, to have the funds to protect Veterans Rights.
It should be noted the Justice Department has Unlimited Funds for Political Investigations, and Interferring in Elections.
Unlimited funds for Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and the top dogs at the Justice Department, to fly around in Private Luxury Jets, and buy hundred dollar lunches.
The Justice Department has Unlimited Funds to protect "People of Color", LGBTQIA+, and even has Unlimited Funds to protect the rights of Dogs.
However, the Justice Department claims it does not have one penny, to protect the rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans to simply shop in a store for food, and maybe sit in a park with their Service Dog, in the last years (maybe months) of their lives.
The United States District Courts Hate Disabled Vietnam Veterans, as much as the DOJ!
Most Federal Judges are Elitist, believing America's Disabled Veterans, are far beneath them, and not deserving of rights.
To OBSTRUCT Disabled Veterans from exercising "Meaningful" Access to the United States District Court, at Fort Myers Florida, the Judges use a "Mere Techinicality, and Aggravate the Disability, while Avoiding the Merits" Con-
When a Disabled Veteran cannot afford an Attorney, and must fight for his rights in court, on his own, United States District Court Judges in the Fort Myers U.S. District Court, act as if they are attorneys on the side against the Veteran, the Elitist Judge(s) target the Veterans Disabilities, and use mere techinicalities to avoid addressing the merits, as the Judges attempt to aggravate the Disabled Veterans Disabilities, as much as possible.
making the case a legal contest between
with most FederalMagistrate(s) Carol Mirando, and Mac R. McCoy, with United States District Court Judge(s) John E. Steele, and Sheri Polister Chappell, in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, Florida, did knowingly, and willingly, abuse the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, causing Great Bodily Harm, and Permanent Disability, in direct violation of F.S. 825.102(2)(c), a First Degree Florida Felony
United States Magistrate(s) Carol Mirando, and Mac R. McCoy, with United States District Court Judge(s) John E. Steele, and Sheri Polister Chappell, in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, Florida, did knowingly, and willingly, abuse the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, causing Great Bodily Harm, and Permanent Disability, in direct violation of F.S. 825.102(2)(c), a First Degree Florida Felony
For Fifty-
A teenaged Billy Kidwell, believing the ideas this country was founded on were great, enlisted in the Army, at the height of the Vietnam War, when thousands were fleeing this country to Canada to escape the draft, and avoid Military Service.
CEO Doug McMillon, Sheriff, Bill Prummell, Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, then OBSTRUCTED Billy Kidwell from getting Emergency Medical Care, knowing that either the Heart Attack, or the tearing Aortic Aneurysm, were likely to be fatal, without prompt Emergency Medical Care.
The Obstruction of Needed Emergency Medical Care inflicted Great Bodily Harm, Permanent Disability, and such Massive Harm on Kidwell, that no amount of Damages can ever repair, or make, Kidwell whole.
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, with their Attorneys, and with the assistance of Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, had knowing, and intentionally, tried to Murder Billy Kidwell, in a scheme to fix a lawsuit, in favor of Walmart, and the Sheriff.
It should be noted that the Justice Department has a Duty to Enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act, and has a Statutory Duty, pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act to assist Billy Kidwell, especally with Billy Kidwell being Medically-
Instead, both the United States Department of Justice, and Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody, spit all over Billy Kidwell, to punish him for being a Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran, by refusing to protect his Disability Rights, and refusing to allow him to merely enjoy Public Beaches, Public Parks, and refusing to allow Kidwell to shop in Walmart, with his Medically-
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, Bill Prummell, and their "Associates", were sued by Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, for a Felony Assault on Kidwell, by a Manager at the Kings Highway Walmart, in Port Charlotte, Florida.
Each Element of the Attempted Murder Offense
(a) Notice of Life-
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, and the Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, Bill Prummell, were served a copy of Billy Kidwell's Walmart Lawsuit.
United States Magistrate Mac McCoy, and United States District Court Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, read Billy Kidwell's Walmart Lawsuit.
Therefore, Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, Walmart, and the Sheriff's Attorneys, Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, were all NOTIFIED, and FULLY AWARE, that Billy Kidwell has a well-
(b) Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, the Walmart, and Sheriff's Attorneys, Magistrate Mac McCoy, and Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, took Direct Actions to Cause Billy Kidwell's Death
After being informed of Billy Kidwell's Life-
Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, Magistrate Mac R. McCoy,
After Walmart CEO McMillon, Judge Chappell, Magistrate McCoy, Sheriff Prummell, and their Attorneys, had rendered the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, terminal, he needed Emergency Medical Care, and an Emergency Operation on his Aortic Aneurysm, or Kidwell would die.
Walmart has been caught all around the world bribing Government Officials, Judges, and Law Enforcement, to cover-
Billy Kidwell filed a lawsuit, in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, against Walmart for Assaulting Billy Kidwell, violating the Americans with Disabilities Act, Falsifying the Sheriff's Report, Suborning Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, and other crimes. [See Walmart Global Corruption, Walmart Drug Dealing, Walmart Hurting Disabled.]
Kidwell's Walmart Lawsuit exposed that Walmart is concealing a video of a Felony Assault on Billy Kidwell, by a Walmart Manager, concealing Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff suborning Perjury, and falsifying the Sheriff's Report, and concealing the key witness who committed the Felony Assault, while Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, took away the Liberty Rights, and Freedom of Movement, by banning them from Walmart, with an Illegal Trespass, and threats that "For their Own Good" Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, better not go to Carvers Restaurants, or Murphy's Gas Stations.
The First Murder Attempt by Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Magistrate McCoy, and Judge Chappell
After learning of Billy Kidwell Medical Inability to Stand Stress, from the Lawsuit Complaint, the Attorneys for CEO, Doug McMillon, General Counsel, Karen Roberts, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, along with Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, and Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, started mocking, and misusing the "Rules", engaging in the Non-
They mocked, and violated, Billy Kidwell's Constitutional Right of "Meaningful" Access to the Courts, and "Due Process".
Magistrate McCoy, and Judge Chappell, spit on the U.S. Supreme Court's Specific Instructions in Foman v. Davis, 371 U.S. 178 Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, and Maty v. Grasselli Chemical Co., 303 U.S. 197 "that the Federal Rules reject the Approach that Pleading is a Game of Skill, where one misstep by Counsel is decisive to the outcome, and accept the principle that the purpose of Pleading is to facilitate a proper decision on the merits".
Both Magistrate McCoy, and Judge Chappell, knew that their U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, on June 8, 2018, in Case 2:16-
Both Magistrate McCoy, and Judge Chappell, knew that Billy Kidwell was put on the Bay Pines Intensive Care, Heart, and Stroke Ward, for ten (10) days.
Both Magistrate McCoy, and Judge Chappell, knew that their U.S. District Court, in Case 2:16-
From July 20, 2021, until October 31, 2021, Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, Magistrate Mac McCoy, and District Court Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, used every Techinicality they could come up with, as a pretext, to harass Billy Kidwell, and Intentionally Impose Massive Amounts of Stress on Billy Kidwell, knowing he is Medically-
For months Walmart, and the Judges, harassed Kidwell, misusing the Rules, in a scheme to create as much legal work, as possible for Kidwell, till he would throw up blood, have Heart Pains, Shortness of Breath, and pass out, as Kidwell kept begging them to stop.
On October 31, 2021 as Billy Kidwell was being tortured with more "Techinical Harassment" by Walmart, and the Court, he just couldn't take anymore, and Kidwell started Throwing-
Overwhelming Evidence Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, tried to Murder Billy Kidwell
Billy Kidwell, a Frail, Seventy-
Needing health items, Billy Kidwell went to the Kings Highway Walmart, in Port Charlotte, Florida, with his VA Medical Care Giver Daughter, Hannah Kidwell, and his two (2), Small, Medically Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, to safely shop.
When checking out, a Walmart Manager named "Handy", after being informed of Billy Kidwell's dire health, and medical inability to stand stress, attacked Kidwell for having Service Dogs, yelling that Walmart does not go by the Americans with Disability Act, stating that Walmart is Private Property, and can do anything it wants, screaming at Kidwell, until he started suffering the smyptoms of having a heart attack, getting dizzy, short on breath, and falling into the aisle. [Harming an Elderly, or Disabled Person is a Felony in Florida. See F.S. 825.102.]
The Walmart Store Manager, and Walmart Loss Control, ran up, extremely aggressive, pushing on Billy Kidwell, yelling that they want him out of their store right now, trying to force him to run out of the store, when he is too disabled to even walk, without leaning on a Shopping Cart, or using his VA issued Walker.
his wife Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell, have signed 28 U.S.C. 1746 Declaractions, Under Penalty of Perjury, stating that Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, knowingly, and intentionally, concealed an Eye Witness, and Indisputable, Video Evidence of a Felony Assault, on the Elderly, Severely Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, by a Walmart Manager, and Walmart Security, at the Port Charlotte, Florida, King's Highway Walmart Supercenter, to punish Kidwell, for Medically-
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, General Counsel, Karen Roberts, Judge, Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, know Walmart then conspired with the Charlotte County Florida Sheriff to, Obstruct Justice, by Suborning Perjury, and falsifying the Sheriff's Incident Report.
are fully aware
The Justice Department has refused to investigate those crimes, and refused to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, except in very rare cases, when forced to act, because of substantial News Media Exposure.
The Justice Department discriminates against America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and provides its services based on Skin Color, Sexual Pervision, and Politics.
According to the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department it gives "preference" to protecting the rights of people of color, females, and members of the LGBTQI, and does not have funds to protect the rights of lightskinned people, or Disabled Vietnam Veterans.
The Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act requires the Justice Department to have funds to protect Veterans Rights, and to assist Veterans, but the Civil Rights Division ignores said law, and absolutely refuses to protect Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.
In a F.O.I.A. Response to Kidwell the Justice Department stated that "the Justice Department has no record of ever protecting the rights of a Disabled Vietnam Veteran".
The First Attempt to Murder Billy Kidwell
In an effort to keep Billy Kidwell from exposing this corruption towards Disabled Vietnam Veterans, the Justice Department has allowed, and encouraged, the Department of Veterans Affairs to cut off Kidwell's Needed, Life-
The Justice Department refused to protect Billy Kidwell's ADA Disability Rights, encouraging U.S. District Judge, John E. Steele in Fort Myers, to harass, and mock Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, for being a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
Judge John Steele illegally stripped Billy Kidwell of his Constitutional Rights, to punish Kidwell for his Vietnam Service, telling Kidwell in a Court Order that "the Court would not address the Merits of his ADA Violations, and would not proceed on Kidwell's Pro Se ADA Lawsuit, seeking the right to use a Medically Need P.T.S.D. Service Dog, unless Billy Kidwell could heal his Pernmant Vietnam Disabilities".
Judge Steele, knowing Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and knowing Kidwell has a Documented History of Stress-
The United States Department of Justice was fully aware of Kidwell's Dire Medical Condition, fully aware of the abuse by Judge Steele, and encouraged the abuse, by refusing to protect Billy Kidwell's Rights, while knowing the abuse, and rights violations, could kill him.
The Second Attempt to Murder Billy Kidwell
intentionally Aggravate his Life-
and OBSTRUCT to shut him up, and punish him for being a Veteran Rights Whistleblower, and encouraged at least two attempts by those Judges to MURDER Billy Kidwell.
As a result of those MURDER Attempts, Billy Kidwell was rushed to an Emergency Room in Terminal Condition, had an Emergency Operation, and Emergency Medical Care, that cost the American Taxpayer nearly a Million Dollars, while Kidwell is nearly completely bedbound, and dying of Heart Failure.
The United States Department of Justice, and their Corrupt Federal Judge Puppets, need to be investigated, prosecuted, and put in prison.
But first I am going to expose the Genocide of Vietnam Veterans by the United States Government, and the Criminal Schemes the Army, the VA (now Department of Veterans Affairs), the Justice Department, the Federal Courts, and Major Corporations, are using to murder Hundreds of Thousands of Disabled Vietnam Veterans.
Victim's Request to the House Committee on the Judiciary,
Seeking the Investigation, Prosecution, and Impeachment, of U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, for the Felony, Attempted Murder of Elderly, Disabled Veteran, Billy R. Kidwell
Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, attempted to murder Billy Kidwell, to cover-
And it is the intent, and a clear DUTY, pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, for the Justice Department to either provide legal assistance, or to promote the provision of Legal Aid to Billy Kidwell, and his family, especally with his dire health, and Medical Inability to protect his own rights.
Instead the Justice Department has acted as a Criminal Accessory, After the Fact, doing everything it can to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and to hinder, and Obstruct, Disabled Vietnam Veterans from obtaining Legal Aid, and/or, Legal Assistance.
The REFUSAL of the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice to Respect Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and to comply with their Statutory Duties, pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, substantially aggravated the Combat Stress Disability of the Elderly, Severly Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, and STRONGLY ENCOURAGED the Murder Attempt on Billy Kidwell by Walmart, and two Corrupt Federal Judges.
On December 14, 2021 informing Judge Chappell, and Magistrate McCoy, that I was suffering from a suspected Heart Attack, and Aneurysm, and was Medically Unable to Proceed, and that I was too ill to even sit up, and needed to have the time limits in Case 2:21-
fter three (3) months of their torture I had to be rushed to the Sarasotta Memorial Hospital Emergency Room, in terminal condition, dying, suffering a Massive Judge-
Because of Judge Chappell, and Magistrate McCoy, I am unable to walk anymore.
I have to get my wife, or my daughter, help me sit up in bed to watch TV, because when I try to sit up on my own I get extremely dizzy, and short on breath, and start passing out, if I try to sit up on my own.
My wife, and daughter, have to help me get out of bed. They have to help me if I have to go to the restroom. They have to help me get to the car if I want to go to the store to shop, and at the store I am no longer able to shop by leaning on a shopping cart, I now have to use an electric wheel chair, and I even need help getting into the electric wheelchair.
I cannot safely shop, or use a Public Beach, or Public Park in Florida, because I Medically-
This is the condition I am in after three (3) months of inhuman torture by United States District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and her "Partner" U.S. Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, who were assisted by Attorneys for Walmart, and Attorneys for the Charlotte County Sheriff, in a scheme to fix Case 2:21-
Judge,Sheri Polster Chappell, and U.S. Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, who tortured, and tried to kill Billy Kidwell, Walmart, and the other Defendants in Case 2:21-
The Justice Department's Refusal to Protect Billy Kidwell's Rights is a Blatant Violation of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, and is killing Billy Kidwell
In an effort to protect the rights of both Servicemembers, and Veterans, a new law, the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020 was passed that REQUIRES the Justice Department to :
1. Establish a Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.
Billy Kidwell, his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, and his wife, Tana Kidwell, have been writing to the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative in the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, since Janurary of 2021, and haven't received a single reply.
Clearly no Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative has been created in the Justice Department, despite being REQUIRED to be created by law.
2. Serve as a Legal, and Policy Advisor to the Attorney General on the Department of Justice's efforts to enforce criminal, and civil, laws that impact Servicemembers, Veterans, and their families.
The Department of Justice absolutely refuses to enforce criminal, and civil laws, that impact Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and their families.
3. The Department of Justice is REQUIRED to consult with components of the Justice Department to promote the provision of Civil Legal Aid to Servicemembers, Veterans, and their families.
The Department of Justice absolutely refuses to consult with components of the Justice Department to promote the provision of Civil Legal Aid to Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, like Billy Kidwell, even when the refusal of the Department of Justice to comply with this STATUTORY REQUIREMENT poses an extremely serious risk to the life of the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, as in the case of Billy Kidwell.
4. Serve as a liaison, and point of contact, with other components of the Department of Justice, as needed, to support the enforcement of other Federal Laws, that protect Servicemembers, as the Attorney General deems appropriate.
The Department of Justice absolutely refuses to comply with this Statutory Requirement, and will not act as a liaison, or point of contact, or do anything to help an Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
In fact, the Department of Justice has OBSTRUCTED Billy Kidwell from obtaining any of his Statutory Rights, provided in the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, and is directly responsible for inflicting months of torture, and inhuman treatment on Billy Kidwell, trying to help cause Billy Kidwell's Death, by the Justice Department blatantly violating the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act.
From January 6, 2021, the day after the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative was signed into law by President Trump, to the present, a time period of nearly two (2) years, Billy Kidwell has constantly been sending letters to the Veterans Initiative, in the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, begging for help enforcing his ADA Disability Rights, explaining that he is too disabled, and could die, if he tried to protect his own rights in Court, because of his being Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative has REFUSED to even make a single response.
The Justice Department's Blatant Violations of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, is killing Billy Kidwell
In an effort to protect the rights of both Servicemembers, and Veterans, a new law, the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020 was passed that REQUIRES the Justice Department to :
1. Establish a Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.
From January 6, 2021, the day after the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative was signed into law by President Trump, to the present, (July 27, 2022), a time period of nearly two (2) years, Billy Kidwell has been sending letters to the Veterans Initiative, in the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, begging for help enforcing his ADA Disability Rights, explaining that he is too disabled, and could die, if he tried to protect his own rights in Court, because of his being Medically Unable to Stand Stress.
protect his own rights.
Act, forcing Billy Kidwell to violate his doctor's ORDERS, trying to enforce his ADA Rights by himself, substantially endangering his life.
The Judges, and Every Party in Case 2:21-
Judge,Sheri Polster Chappell, Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, every Defendant, and their Attorneys, were fully aware, that Billy Kidwell was Medically-
1. The Complaint filed in Case 2:21-
2. At paragraph 10 the Complaint states "Billy Kidwell has a severe back injury from a Rocket Attack in Vietnam, Per-
3. On page 8, at paragraph 11 the Complaint states "Billy Kidwell's P.T.S.D. has caused him to suffer Stress-
4. At paragraph 12 the Complaint States "Billy Kidwell has one side numb, and one leg numb, from his Combat Back Injury, and needs a VA Walker to walk, or has to lean on a Shopping Cart to shop".
5. At paragraph 13 the Complaint states "Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and needs two (2) small Japanese Chin, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, when in public, to protect, and calm him, durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks".
6. On pages 18 to 22, in paragraphs 66 to 85 in the Complaint, makes it extremely clear that Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and that mere shouting, can cause Billy Kidwell to suffer a Life-
7. Page 16 of the Complaint at paragraph 53 fully notified Judge,Sheri Polster Chappell, U.S. Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, every Named Defendant, and their Attorneys, that Florida Statute 825.102 makes it a Felony to "Intentionally inflict physical, or psychological, injury on an Elderly, or Disabled, Adult in Florida".
Walmart has a long, well-
In this case Walmart has went lightyears beyond its past wrongful conduct, and crimes, by:
1. Engaging in a Felony Assault, on an Elderly, Severely Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, who was just released from the Heart, and Stroke Ward of the Bay Pines VA Hospital, knowing the Felony Assault could kill the Veteran.
2. By Suborning, and committing Perjury, in a Police Report.
3. By conspiring with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department to falsify the Sheriff's Incident Report, to Obstruct Justice, and by concealing video, and the Key Witness of the Felony Assault on Billy Kidwell.
4. By Illegally Trespassing Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, and by threatening Billy Kidwell, and his daughter not to shop at Carvers, and Murphy's Gas Stations.
5. By Walmart trying to Murder Billy Kidwell, to fix Case 2:21-
Nearly every TV Station in Florida has shown stories of Veterans being attacked, banned from businesses, and treated inhuman for needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs. [See the videos.]
Walmart, Local Governments, and Corporations, engage in this illegal conduct towards Disabled Veterans, with Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, because the Justice Department allows it, and refuses to protect the Disability Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans.
The Big Question is "Where has the United States Department of Justice, and F.B.I. been, while all these Federal Crimes were being committed by Walmart, the Walmart-
A couple of days after being released from the Bay Pines VA Hospital, Intensive Care Heart, and Stroke Ward, for a Stress-
Federal, and State Laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Florida Statute F.S. 413.08(4), says I have a right to use a Medically-
The United States Department of Justice, and the State of Florida, refuse to enforce the ADA, and Florida Statute F.S. 413, when the victim is an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran.
When I filed suit the CEO of Walmart, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, and two (2) corrupt Federal Judges, United States District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate Judge, Mac R. McCoy, attempted to cause my death, almost killing me, in a scheme to fix the lawsuit for Walmart. [See Declaractions of Billy Kidwell, Tana Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell.]
I want the Federal Trade Commission, and the F.B.I., to investigate the "RICO Racketeering Way" Walmart Operates, under the direction of Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, and Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, violating the rights of Disabled Veterans, terrorizing them, and OBSTRUCTING Justice, concealing video, and witnesses of their crimes, bribing local Law Enforcement, and conspiring, through their Attorneys, with corrupt Federal Judges, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate Judge, Mac R. McCoy, to fix a lawsuit against Walmart, by causing the death of an Elderly, Severely Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
As a Victim that has been tortured beyond discription, almost murdered, and put in Hospice Condition, requiring Life-
According to Emergency Room Doctors at the Sarasotta Memorial Hospital, Judge Chappell, and Magistrate McCoy, rendered me terminal, and ready for hosptice, trying to kill me, in a scheme to fix a lawsuit for Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department. [See Case 2:21-
Judge Chappell, and Magistrate McCoy, knowing I am extremely disabled, with a history of Stress-
The Walmart Lawsuit
Walmart openly operates like a RICO Mafia Crime Family, world-
knowing my Heart Doctors ORDERED me to avoid stress, and told me stress could kill me, knowing their intentional aggravation of my stress disability was causing me to throw up blood from Stress-
until I just couldn't stand anymore, and passed outMy Aneurysm Doctor said that if I had followed the Court ORDERS of Judge Chappell, and Magistrate McCoy, for just one (1) more day I would be dead now.
Evidence: Attached is a 28 U.S.C. Section 1746 Declaration of Billy Kidwell's Medical History, three (3) 28 U.S.C. 1746 by Billy Kidwell, his wife, Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell, that United States District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and her "Partner", U.S. Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, tortured, and tried to murder Billy Kidwell, to fix Case 2:21-
he United States Constitution claims that everyone has a First Amendment Right to exercise "Meaningful" Access to the Courts to obtain justice.
In Florida there are so many con-
Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, 100% Service-
Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, and VA Health Care Assistant, Hannah Kidwell, with his Medically-
Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, Terrorized, and Attempted to Cause the Death of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, to "Fix" a Lawsuit for Walmart
After shopping, at the cash register when paying, a dark-
Billy Kidwell explained that he had just been released from the Bay Pines VA Hospital for a Stress-
Kidwell told "Handy" that his ADA Compliant P.T.S.D. Service-
"Handy" went off the deep end and started shouting "Walmart doesn't go by any Americans with Disabilities Act. Walmart is private property and I want your frigen dogs out of my store!"
Billy Kidwell asked "Handy" if could they please discuss his Medically-
This was the start of what would snowball into a scheme by Walmart, and others, to murder Billy Kidwell, to cover-
Attacked by Walmart Manager "Handy" for Being A Disabled Vietnam Veteran
"Handy" said the reason for her unprovoked attack was because she doesn't like dogs, and that she especally dislikes Disabled Veterans, with Service Dogs.
Billy Kidwell made "Handy" aware of his Medical Condition, and recent release from the hospital for a Stress-
Walmart Manager "Handy" got extremely angry, and shouted "I don't care if you just got out of a hospital, or if your dogs are Japanese Chins, or Medically-
Hannah Kidwell told "Handy" that she is killing her dad, that he is Medically Unable to handle her shouting, and "Handy" said that if Billy Kidwell is that so disabled he can't handle shouting, that he shouldn't be allowed to shop at Walmart, as "Handy" continued to be extremely hostile.
Billy Kidwell, who is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and had just gotten released from the VA Hospital, for a Stress-
Walmart's Criminal Assault on Billy Kidwell is On Film!!!
Billy Kidwell asked if the incident was being filmed and "Handy" pointed to a camera in the celling, aimed at Kidwell and the cash register, and stated that the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter is a "Key Store", and everything is filmed.
"Handy" shouted that means that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter were filmed from the minute they entered Walmart, and are filmed until they walk out the front door, and that the video is kept for five (5) years, as she kept screaming at Billy Kidwell.
Assaulted a Second Time While Leaving Walmart to Get Nitro Pills From their Car!
Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, started leaving Walmart as fast as they could, because Billy Kidwell had started suffering sharp Heart Pains, shortness of breath, light-
They were almost all of the way out of the store, when an extremely aggressive Unknown Female, and Male, ran up to Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, hitting Billy Kidwell in the back, and pushing Billy Kidwell, telling him to get out of the store faster, trying to make him run, despite his being severely disabled and unable to even walk, without leaning on a shopping cart.
Billy Kidwell's Daughter started telling the Unknown Female, and Male, that Kidwell had just gotten off of Intensive Care at the VA Hospital, and couldn't stand stress, and the two individuals got even more aggressive, pushing Kidwell harder, hitting his back, aggravating his stress disorder, and causing Sharper Heart Pains, and increased dizzyness.
Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, are Hiding the Key Offender, and Key Witness, Walmart Manager "Handy", and hiding Video Proving Two Felony Assaults, Falsified a Sheriff's Report, a Issued a Fraudulent Trespass, and violated Kidwell's ADA, and Civil Rights, Obstructing Justice
The complete Video of Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, shopping proves Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant, completely falsified the Sheriff's Report;
1. Concealing the incident occurred at the last cash register at Walmart.
2. Concealing that a Walmart Manager named "Handy", started the incident, and was the main party in the incident, by engaging in an unprovoked attack on Billy Kidwell.
3. Concealing the video of Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, from the time they entered Walmart, until they left, which would prove there was two (2) Unprovoked Attacks on Billy Kidwell, one by "Handy", and another as Billy Kidwell was leaving the store, to punish Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran with Medically-
4. The Sheriff's Report was fraudulent, concealing that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, had at all times been friendly, and courteous, and that it was Walmart Management that was rude, threatening, and disruptive, because of their hate for Disabled Combat Veterans with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
5. The Sheriff's Report was fraudulent, concealing that the Unprovoked Attack on Billy Kidwell by Walmart Management, because of his Service Dogs, caused Kidwell to suffer the symptoms of a Heart Attack.
6. The Sherrif's Report intentionally lied by claiming the Kidwell's were "disruptive", when they were victims of an assult, victims of the intentional violation of their rights, and victims of disability abuse.
7. The Sheriff's Report concealed that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department knowingly, and intentionally, issued a Fraudulent Trespass against Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, to punish them for Billy Kidwell being a Disabled Veteran, using Medically-
Walmart and the Charlotte County Sheriff Hide the Evidence
The video proves Billy Kidwell suffered two Unprovoked Felony Attacks causing Heart Problems in violation of F.S. 825.102, a First Degree Felony, Billy Kidwell's Federal, and State Disability, and Civil Rights, were constantly violated, as Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Obstruct Justice, falsifying a Sheriff's Report, concealing video of the crimes, and concealing the Offender, and Key Witness "Handy", while Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, are fraudulently Trespassed.
Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, asked to make sworn statements to attach to the Sheriff's Report and the Charlotte County Sheriff refused saying only Walmart has rights because Walmart is private Property, denying them any fairness, honesty, or Due Process.
Billy Kidwell asked Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant to attach the complete video to the Sheriff's Report, and Trespasses, and the Charlotte County Sheriff refused. [Link to Video made by Hannah Kidwell.]
Illegally Trespassed from Culvers, and Murphys Gas Station, as Punishment for being a Disabled Veteran
Larry Coultas, the Walmart Loss-
Hannah Kidwell asked "Why" and Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, said that Culvers Resturants, and Murphy's Gas Stations, rented from Walmart, and therefore Walmart controlled them, and Walmart wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell trespassed from them, in addition to trespassing them from the Kings Highway Walmart, to punish Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in Walmart, and to punish his daughter for helping her dad walk. [See video made by Hannah Kidwell.]
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant stated that he was going to leave Culvers, and Murphys, off the trespass, and then he looked at the Kidwells and said "But if I were you I wouldn't go near a Culvers, or Murphys, because we'll have trouble, if you know what I mean".
The Kidwell's clearly felt this was a threat by the Sheriff, and they have been scared to go to a Culvers, or Murphys Gas Station, for four years now.
Billy Kidwell Personally Notified the State of Florida, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff of the Assaults, Fraudulent Sheriff's Report, and Fraudulent Trespass, and that Video, and a Key Witness, was being Concealed by Walmart, that Proves those Allegations
It was clear that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department had some kind of deal, or aggargement, with Walmart to fix, and falsify investigations in Walmart's Favor, and to falsify Police Reports, for Walmart.
Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt, conspired with, and encouraged Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss-
Larry Coultas's sworn statement, given to the Charlotte County Sheriff, Under Oath, is fraudulent, and an Intentional Act of Perjury.
Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, were upset that the Charlotte County Sheriff was suborning Perjury, to falsify the Sheriff's Report, and that Walmart Official, Larry Coultas, was knowingly committing Perjury, and they asked to sign an Affidavit too.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt stated that Walmart does not have to comply with the ADA, or Florida Disability Laws, and that the Disabled Have no rights at Walmart, because Walmart is Private Property.
The Charlotte County Sheriff stated that the victims, Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, could not make a Statement, and that only Walmart can sign an Affidavit about the incident, [See Video describing whole incident.]
in a cover-
The many paragraphs below are necessary to expose how Walmart has corrupted nearly every aspect of our country, and how the attempted Murder of a Disabled Vietnam Veteran snowballed into having so many different Government Officials Involved.
This case exposes how Walmart bribed law enforcement in America, just like Walmart did in China, India, Mexico, and Brazil, and how Walmart, and Walmart's Associates, which includes a Federal Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, a U.S. Magistrate, Mac R, McCoy, and the Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, are getting by covering-
The Strongest Attempted Murder Case in History
Every member of Billy Kidwell's Family signed Affidavits stating that Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, knowingly, and intentionally, tortured, and attempted to Murder, the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, inflicting massive Pain, Suffering, and Permanent Harm, on Kidwell, causing him to be terminal, with a choice of Hospice, or Emergency Surgery.
There are dozens of Eyewitnesses, Mountains of Indisputable Evidence, an Actual Video, Court Records, many Medical Experts, and Records of an Emergency Operation, proving that Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, knowingly, and intentionally, tortured, and attempted to Murder, the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell. [At the end of this article there are links to the evidence.]
There has never been a case of Attempted Murder with so many credible witnesses, and so much indisputable evidence, the only problem is finding just one Government Official honest enough to do their job, and prosecute the criminals.
In Florida it is is a First Degree Felony to "willingly, and knowingly engage in any intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in Psychological, or Physical Injury to an Elderly, or Disabled Adult in Florida", [See F.S. 825.102], and it is a crime to harass a disabled person with a Service Dog, [See F.S. 413.08(4)] .
Billy Kidwell's Daughter started telling the Unknown Female, and Male, that Kidwell had just gotten off of Intensive Care at the VA Hospital, and couldn't stand stress, and the two individuals got even more aggressive, pushing Kidwell harder, hitting his back, aggravating his stress disorder, and causing Sharper Heart Pains, and increased dizzyness.
After Two Assaults on the Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, Hid Video of the Assaults, Suborned Perjury, and Falsified the Sheriff's Report
The Agressive Female, and Male, Walmart Officials now identified themselves as the Male being Larry Coultas, a Walmart Loss-
Three Charlotte County Sheriff's Cars came flying up, like Walmart was being robbed, and the deputies ran up to Chanel Barghausen, and Larry Coultas, acting like they were related, or best friends, with the deputies.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent then asked Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, what they wanted done, and Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, stated they wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, trespassed from Walmart, and from Culvers Resturants, and Murphy's Gas Stations, for life, to punish Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, having P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in their store.
Larry Coultas, the Walmart Loss-
Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, openly discussed, and decided to falsify, and did falsify, the Sheriff's Report, and to conceal that the incident occurred at the far-
For some reason Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, did not want "Handy" in the police report anywhere, and did not want the video of Billy Kidwell being assaulted by "Handy", and by Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, as he was leaving Walmart put in the Sheriff's Report.
Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, conspired, and got Larry Coultas to knowingly, and intentionally commit Perjury in the Sheriff's Report, so Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff could lie, and conceal, that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, were at all times polite, and obedient, and that at no time were they disruptive, so that Walmart could violate the Statutory Disability, and Civil Rights, of Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell.
Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, conspired, and got Larry Coultas to knowingly, and intentionally commit Perjury in the Sheriff's Report, by concealing the attack by "Handy", by concealing that the incident occurred with a Walmart Manager named "Handy", concealing that the incident occurred at the far-
The Charlotte County Sheriff's Report concealed that the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter is a "Key" Walmart Store, that has video of its customers from the time they enter the store, until they leave, and that the incident with Walmart Manager "Handy" at the far cash register had two camera aimed at it, and was clearly videotaped, and that the Sheriff, and Walmart, are hiding that tape.
It was clear that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department had some kind of deal, or aggargement, with Walmart to fix, and falsify investigations in Walmart's Favor, and to falsify Police Reports, for Walmart.
Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt, conspired with, and encouraged Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss-
Larry Coultas's sworn statement, given to the Charlotte County Sheriff, Under Oath, is fraudulent, and an Intentional Act of Perjury.
Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, were upset that the Charlotte County Sheriff was suborning Perjury, to falsify the Sheriff's Report, and that Walmart Official, Larry Coultas, was knowingly committing Perjury, and they asked to sign an Affidavit too.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt stated that Walmart does not have to comply with the ADA, or Florida Disability Laws, and that the Disabled Have no rights at Walmart, because Walmart is Private Property.
The Charlotte County Sheriff stated that the victims, Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, could not make a Statement, and that only Walmart can sign an Affidavit about the incident, [See Video describing whole incident.]
U.S. Department of Justice Says Elderly Disabled Vietnam Veterans Should Just Die!
The United States Department of Justice has a duty to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and eagerly protects the ADA Disability Rights of "People of Color".
Disability Rights of
called the U.S. Department of Justice to make a Freedom of Information Act Records Request.
A United States Department of Justice Attorney implied to Billy Kidwell, on the phone, that the Justice Department considers Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans to be "Less than Human and Not deserving of rights", and said the Justice Department does not protect the rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans.
The U.S. Department of Justice Attorney then told Billy Kidwell "Elderly Veterans should just die, because they are eating up the money, and using benefits, needed for the younger Veterans."
Billy Kidwell asked for Public Records, of all Disabled Vietnam Veterans that have been denied the services of the Justice Department, and the Justice Department Attorney stated that the Justice Department does not have a record of ever protecting the Disability Rights of even one (1) Disabled Vietnam Veteran, with a P.T.S.D. Service Animal, and never intends to protect Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.
To F.B.I. Director, Christopher A. Wray;
Please accept this News/Press Release as being a Public Request for an F.B.I. Investigation of Rampant Corruption in the United States Department of Justice.
Since the Vietnam War, the Justice Department has been a partner in the Genocide of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with the Department of Defense, and VA, refusing to protect Veterans, and refusing to investigate, as the Military destroied several hundred thousand Veterans Lives with a "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
The Justice Department refused to investigate those crimes until they were exposed in the National News Media forcing the Justice Department to act.
for the The intentional destruction of the lives of America's Vietnam War Heroes, with It took the Industrial Complex paid Obstruction of Justice, and the refusal of the Justice Department to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, when the victim is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
And concluding with a Magistrate, and United States District Court Judge, trying to murder me, while the Justice Department closed its eyes, refused to protect me, and is trying to cover-
For Fifty (50) Years the Justice Department has treated Disabled Vietnam Veterans as if they are not human, nor deserving of Basic Human Rights, that are now protected by the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initative Act Act, in addition to the ADA, and other laws.
The recent attempt to murder me has cost America's Taxpayers nearly Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) in Medical Bills, that the VA paid with Taxpayer Dollars.
I enlisted, asked for the hardest Military Service, and voluniteered for Vietnam, defending this country, while our Elitist, Silver-
I refturned from Vietnam, after extremely Honorable Service, disabled, and victimized by the Military's "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
I am rated 100% Service-
Despite the belief of Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, and her Racist, Disabled Veteran-
I want the rights I EARNED.
I want Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, and her Justice Department to stop violating the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, as they try to drive Disabled Veterans to suicide, and/or, allow, and encourage, the violation of Veterans Rights, and even the murder of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, as described herein, and in Unsworn Declaractions pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746.
I want the many Crimes against me enforced, to the fullest extent of the law, inclusing the many Rights Violations, and Obstruction of Justice, by the United States Department of Justice, and the Attempted Murder towards me by United States Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, and United States District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, in the United States District Court at Fort Myers Florida.
This Complaint is of Great Public Importanance because the public can have no faith in this government, until there are some ethics, and those entrusted with enforcing our laws, start doing so equally, and in a Race Neutral Manner, and without hate towards those that defend this country in time of war.
Please note that I have a very large number of Eye-
Please read the Facts Section of this Website, and the Evidence Pages, and the List of Some of the Crimes Committed.
/s/ Billy Kidwell April 15, 2022
/s/ Tana Kidwell April 15, 2022
/s/ Hannah Kidwell April 15, 2022