About the Victim - VetsForJustice

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About the Victim

Fighting for Vietnam Veterans Rights !


In 1949 Billy Kidwell was born in a small farmhouse in Butler, Kentucky.

Times were bad, there were no foodstamps, or welfare, and poor farmers got commodities to live, which consisted of a few bags of Flour, Cornmeal, lard, butter, cheese, rice, and peanut butter.

In Janurary 1968 the Kentucky Post was running front page stories of the Vietnam War with long, daily, lists of soldiers killed in Vietnam.

Liberals were rioting, and protesting, spitting on the Teenaged Soldiers returning from Vietnam, calling them "Baby Killers", while encouraging America's Teenagers, of draft age, to dodge the draft, to get deferments, and to use any means to avoid the draft, including deserting to Canada.

Farmers in Kentucky were extremely Patriotic, and were raised to believe that the ideas that this Country were founded on, were the best on earth, so shortly after turning Eighteen (18) Years Old Billy Kidwell hitch hiked to Cincinnati, Ohio and enlisted in the Army, asking for the hardest Military Service the Army had so he could go defend his country in Vietnam.


Billy Kidwell was extremely gung-ho in the Army, always asking for the hardest, and most dangerous assignments, and he re-enlisted, and voluniteered for Combat Service in Vietnam, where he also voluniteered for the most dangerous jobs in his battalion.

Kidwell returned from Vietnam, only to find that after serving in Vietnam, and returning to the states, soldiers were denied Medical Care, Abused, and Illegally Discharged, with the recently exposed Military Bad Papaer Discharge Con Game, used to defraud Disabled Soldiers, out of their Benefits.

On March 15, 2002, Billy Kidwell, a Service-Connected, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, with an injured back, one side, and leg numb, and a Combat Stress Disability, founded VetsForJustice.com, to fight for Veterans Rights, and to expose injustices towards Veterans, as much as his health allowed.

VetsForJustice was one of the leaders fighting the Disabled Veterans Tax, exposed VA Medical Waiting Lists, exposed the Army's Bad Paper Con Game, and exposed the Massive Hate, and Discrimination, towards Disabled Vietnam Veterans by the United States Department of Justice, and the Federal Courts.

As the years passed, Kidwell's Vietnam Combat Disabilities became worst, with Advancing Age, and the stress of fighting an extremely corrupt Vietnam Veteran Hating Government in Federal Courts, while the Justice Department refused to protect Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.

This took a toll on Kidwell, who is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, causing him to suffer Stress-Caused Insomia, Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused Heart Problems, and Heart Attacks, when he tries to do Law Work to enforce Veterans Rights.

As a result Billy Kidwell is now dying from Severe Heart Failure.

Billy Kidwell's VA Heart Doctor told him that the Ejection Fraction of his Heart is Less Than 15%, that he has Severe Heart Failure, and must  avoid all stress, because another Stress-Caused Heart Attack would likely kill him.

Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to Stand Any Stress, and Medically Unable to Do Law Work, without endangering his life.

The Federal Courts, Justice Department, and Department of Veterans Affairs, knowing that Kidwell is dying of Heart Failure, and knowing stress can kill him, are intentionally causing Kidwell as much stress, as possible, trying to cause his death, to stop him from exposing the Government's Never-Ending Crimes, towards Disabled Vietnam Veterans.


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