Demand for Criminal Charges Against Walmart Officials and Two Federal Judges - VetsForJustice

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Demand for Criminal Charges Against Walmart Officials and Two Federal Judges

No Race, No Religion, No People on Earth,
Are Discriminated Against, or Treated as Horrible,
As America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans !


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Billy Kidwell, a 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam
Veteran, is Dying, because of a scheme to murder him by
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel,
Karen Roberts, Walmart Attorneys, Arlene Kline, and Ashlea
Edwards, U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell,
and her Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy

Walmart Officials, their Attorneys, and two (2) Walmart-Owned Judges, want Billy
Kidwell dead, to fix a Massive Lawsuit against Walmart, in which Walmart Officials
were filmed assaulting Kidwell, because he used VA Medically Prescribed P.T.S.D.
Service Dogs, to shop at a Florida Walmart Super Center.

In Florida Disability Laws are rarely enforced, and as a result nearly every TV Station
in Florida has aired videos of America's Disabled Veterans, being attacked
for using a
beach, or Public Park, or trying to shop, with a Medically-Required Service Dog.

Life for Disabled Veterans in Florida is beyond horrific!

The video of Walmart Officials attacking Kidwell also catches Walmart Store Officials
conspiring with a Charlotte County Sheriff to falsify the Sheriff's Report of the incident,
and using the Perjured Sheriff's Report to illegally trespass Billy Kidwell, and his daugher,
to punish him for being a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in

With the Indisputable Video Evidence, and Walmart's Well-Documented History of
Habitual Criminal Conduct around the world
, which is described in the Lawsuit, Billy
Kidwell couldn't lose, so Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, Walmart's General Counsel,
two Walmart Attorneys, and Walmart-Owned Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, and her
Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, engaged in a scheme to fix the lawsuit for Walmart, by
causing Billy Kidwell's Death.

There is massive evidence of their scheme to kill Billy Kidwell.

Billy Kidwell, his wife, Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell, have attached
Title 28 U.S. Code 1746 Declarations, Under Penalty of Perjury, proving that Walmart
CEO, Doug McMillon
, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, Walmart Attorneys,
Arlene Kline, and Ashlea Edwards, and Judges U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polster
, and Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, worked together in a scheme, to torture, and
murder, Billy Kidwell, by causing Kidwell to suffer a Life-Threatening Heart Attack,
and then they OBSTRUCTED Needed, Life-Saving, Emergency Medical Care during
the Heart Attack, and a rupture of Billy Kidwell's Aortic Aneurysm.

They wanted to OBSTRUCT Billy Kidwell from receiving Needed, Lifesaving Emergency
Medical Care, which they believed would cause Kidwell's Death, and therefore fix his
lawsuit against Walmart, in favor of Walmart.

To OBSTRUCT Needed, Emergency Medical Care, during a Heart Attack, and the Life-
Threatening Rupture of an Aortic Aneurysm, to intentionally kill someone, constitutes
the Felony of Attempted Murder, and is a First Degree Felony in Florida pursuant to
Florida Statute 825.102, and violates Federal Civil Rights Laws.

Billy Kidwell, his wife, Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell,
DEMAND Criminal Charges against Walmart CEO Doug McMillon,
Walmart's General Counsel, Karen Roberts, Walmart Attorneys, Arlene
Kline, and Ashlea Edwards, U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell,
and her Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy for these crimes.

While Billy Kidwell was dying from their Stress-Caused Heart Attack, and also
suffering from a Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm, Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, and/or,
Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, drafted a "Kill Order" to OBSTRUCT the Dying,
Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, from obtaining Needed, Life-Saving,
Emergency Medical Care, knowing that without the Emergency Medical Care,
Kidwell would die.

and then Obstructing Kidwell
from getting Needed, Life-Saving, Emergency Medical Care, during the Heart
Attack, and Aortic Aneurysm Rupture, they caused, assuring he would likely die.

The scheme was to "fix" a lawsuit, Kidwell had filed against Walmart, in favor
of Walmart, by causing Billy Kidwell's Death.

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