Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke's Fraudulent Remarks, and Discrimination, towards Veterans ! - VetsForJustice

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Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke's Fraudulent Remarks, and Discrimination, towards Veterans !

Billy Ray Kidwell

1. This case started with Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, refusing to enforce the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Rights

the ulmvented the Attempted Murder of the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, by Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice.

1. Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, arbitrarily, and capriciously, refuse to enforce, and/or, refuse to protect, the rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, to "Punish" them for their Military Service in the Vietnam War.

2. Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, arbitrarily, and capriciously, refuses to provide Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, including Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, access to the Services of the Justice Department, to "Punish" Kidwell, because of his Extremely Honorable Military Service in the Vietnam War.

3. Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, strongly discriminates Against Veterans, targeting Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disorders, and she has the Justice Department refuse to comply with the Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, as to "Veterans", and/or, their Families.

4. The refusal of Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division, to protect the rights of Disabled Veterans, and her refusal to comply with the Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, encouraged the State of Florida, many of its Political Subdivisions, and Public Accommodations in Florida, like Publix, ALDI, and Walmart,  to freely violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, including the rights of the Complainant, Billy Kidwell.

5. Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, Severely Disabled, Vietnam War Veteran, Medically Unable to Stand Stress, who needs to have P.T.S.D. Service Dogs with him in public, to help him avoid P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and to calm him durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, suffered Stress-Caused  Bleeding Ulcers, and a Massive Stress-Caused Heart Attack, resulting in his being placed in the Heart, and Stroke, Intensive Care Ward of the Bay Pines VA Hospital at Saint Petersburg, Florida, because of Kristen Clarke, and her Civil Rights Division, refusing to proptect Billy Kidwell's ADA Rights, to punish him for being a Vietnam Veteran.

6. Because Kristen Clarke's Justice Department will not enforce the Disability (ADA) Rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans in Florida, the State of Florida, and its Political Subdivisions, in this case Charlotte County Florida, and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, do not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and blatantly harass Disabled Veterans, with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, refusing to allow Billy Kidwell to use Port Charlotte Public Beach, and Port Charlotte Public Parks, with his NEEDED P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

7. Walmart has a State-Wide Policy in Florida of refusing to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, when the victim is an Elderly, Disabled, Veteran.

As a direct result of the United States Department of Justice, respect the rights of the  intentional violatioNews Release, as being a Formal Victim Complaint, by the Elderly, Severely Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, his wife, Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell, for Blatant Violations of the

Inhuman Torture of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, caused by a scheme by Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and Kristen Clark, to have their Justice Department violate the Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020, while Garland, and Clarke, blatantly lie to the Public, to conceal their Inhuman Treatment of Disabled Veterans, as they inflicted Inhuman Torture on Billy Kidwell, and his family, with the intent of causing Billy Kidwell's Death.

We Request an Independant Investigation, and that you prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and Kristen Clark, for their many Rights Violations, and other Illegal Acts, towards Disabled Veterans, including their Blatant Discrimination, and refusial to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, their refusal to provide the Services of their Justice Department to Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and their refusal to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act.

Merrick B. Garland, and Kristen Clark, have made a Complete Farce, and Mockery, of Congress, by refusing to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, as to America's Disabled Veterans, and their Families.

It should be noted that Merrick B. Garland, and Kristen Clark, have cost America's Taxpayers OVER Two Hundred, and Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($227,000), so far, and at least several Million Dollars in Damages to the Kidwell Family, with their attempts to cause Billy Kidwell's Death, to punish him for being an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran.

Please read the information below, and please contact us for additional information, a massive list of Eye-Witnesses, and other evidence.

This Complaint is of Great Public Importance because it affects the rights of every Disabled Veteran in Florida, and exposes an Extreme Hate for Elderly, Disabled Veterans, and the Denial of Justice Department Services, to Veterans, and a Mockery of the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, by  Merrick B. Garland, and Kristen Clark's Justice Department.

by: /s/ Billy Kidwell                                         April 12, 2022

by: /s/ Tana Kidwell                                        April 12, 2022

by: /s/ Hannah Kidwell                                   April 12, 2022


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