The Democrats Giveth & Taketh from Veterans - VetsForJustice

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The Democrats Giveth & Taketh from Veterans

Piles of Money for All the VA's Democrat Political Appointeess


After Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, were elected, they repaid, and rewarded, those who helped them get elected, by giving the top, vastly overpaid, cushy jobs, in the Department of Veterans, to their loyal supporters, as repayment for helping them get elected. [Click here to see the VA Political Appointees of Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.]

These Political Rewards Jobs didn't require knowledge, or experience, and came with tons of benefits, rewards, and massive bonsuses, even when they weren't earned.

Every action in the Department of Veterans Affairs is taken by a Democrat Political Appointee.

The first action taken by the Political VA Secretary, Denis McDonough, and the other Political Appointees of Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, was to cut funds, and restrict the use of the VA Community Care Program, turning away Veterans that could die without the VA Community Care Program.

Instead of Community Care, Disabled Veterans were put on VA Medical Care Waiting Lists, to die.

Some of the funds, needed to keep Service-Connected, Disabled Veterans alive with Community Care was diverted by the Democrats to fund Democrat Political Issues, like VA Fertility Benefits for Veterans.

Meanwhile, the VA got caught giving out $11,000,000.00 to Senior Employees "Political Appointees", each of whom received at least a $30,000.00 Bonus, while many received Bonuses in excess of $100,000.00.

After getting caught looting VA Funds, the VA revealed that their mismanagement of VA Funds, has resulted in the VA being bankrupt, and unable to pay Disabled Veterans their Disability Pay, when October gets here.

While the Politically Appointed VA Secretary, Denis McDonough, made it clear that none of the VA Executives (Political Appointees) caught looting the $11,000,000.00 from the VA will be fired, or punished, the Secretary has decided to FIRE 10,000 Frontline VA Healthcare Workers, and VA Workers that Process VA Claims.

So don't expect your VA Disability Pay anytime soon.

Can Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their Political VA Secretary, Denis McDonough, please tell me HOW the Political-Appointee Upper-Management at the VA earned those $100,000.00 Bonuses?  [And when will America's Disabled Veterans ever get a bonus?]

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