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Attorney General Merrick B. Garland issues a Fraudulent Memorandum Claiming the Justice Department is Protecting Veterans Rights...
The Plagiarism, and Blatant Lies, in Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland's Fraudulent Veterans Memorandum
Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland issued a Memorandum bragging "The Justice Department is committed to guarding the rights of, and ensuring Access to Justice for Veterans, Servicemembers, Veterans, and Military Families."
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, in "his" Fraudulent Memorandum, tries to copy the Statutory Duties, set forth for the Justice Department, in the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, that was drafted by Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, and signed into law by President Trump, on January 5, 2021.
Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, clearly Plagiarizes the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act drafted by Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, as he tries to take credit for her work, and her ideas.
WHY would the United States Attorney General try to take credit, in a Memorandum, for Statutory Duties in the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, that were drafted by Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, and signed into law by President Trump, that the Justice Department should have been already following, for nearly a year?
Please compare Merrick B. Garland's Memorandum with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initative Act. [And please note the Yellow Highlights on Merrick Garland's Memorandum are the documented lies in said document.]Some Questions for Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland
This Plagiarism by Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and all his Blatant Lies, in "his" Memorandum, fraudulently claiming his Justice Department is helping Veterans, demands an explaination from this politician:
1. Attorney General Garland, WHY do you take credit for the Statutory Duties of the Justice Department, clearly stated in the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act (SVI), while you are not honest, and do not give credit, to Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, who drafted the SVI, and you give no credit to President Trump, who signed the SVI into law?
2. WHY does your Memorandum of November 10, 2021, ORDER the Justice Department to comply with the Statutory Duties of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, that was signed into law on January 5, 2021, when by law YOUR Justice Department was supposed to be complying with the SVI for nearly a year already?
3. Even more important, WHY as of March 29, 2022, nearly two (2) years after the SVI was signed into law, and some four (4) months AFTER your Memorandum was issued, are the Heads of the Justice Department Components, including the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, and "SVI Section", and Florida United States Attorney, Roger B. Handberg, still refusing to comply with the Statutory Duties of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, and Merrick Garland's Memorandum of November 10, 2021?
4. WHY is the Justice Department Refusing to Comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, and Refusing to Obey Merrick Garland's Memorandum, by Discriminating Against Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, and Refusing to protect their Rights?The Justice Department Refuses to Protect the ADA Rights of 100% Service-
Billy Kidwellprotecting the rights of "Veterans, and their Families", pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020.
The problem is NOTHING in Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland's Memorandum, is truthful! [Everything highlighted in yellow is a lie.]Fifty Years of Discrimination
For the past Fifty (50) Years the Justice Department has refused to protect the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans that NEED to use a Service Dog, to calm them during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.
In Florida Vietnam Veterans, with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs are not allowed on Public Beaches, in Public Parks, and are not allowed to shop for food at Publix, Walmart, or ALDI's with their NEEDED P.T.S.D. Service Dog, because everyone knows the Justice Department will NOT protect Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.
On January 5, 2021 the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act (SVI) was signed into law by President Trump requiring the Justice Department to have funds to protect Veterans Rights,to enforce laws protecting Veterans Rights, and to help Veterans get Attorneys to protect their rights.
However, despite all the lies in the Memorandum of Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department absolutely REFUSES to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act.
The Justice Department REFUSES to respect, or protect, the Rights of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans.
And the Justice Department REFUSES to provide the Services of the United States Department of Justice to Disabled Vietnam Veterans.
According to the Justice Department, they only protect the Rights of Important People, like the rights of People of Color, the rights of Gays, or Members of the LGBTQI Community, or the rights of the Terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
The Justice Department considers Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans to be "Less than Human", and not deserving of any rights.
The Justice Department Tried to Kill Billy Kidwell, Causing an Emergency Surgery, that has Cost America's Tax Payers Nearly $300,000.00, So Far...
About six (6) years ago, since none of the VA Medications for P.T.S.D. had worked, Billy Kidwell's VA Doctors had him try using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
The United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, REFUSED to protect the ADA Rights of Billy Kidwell to use a P.T.S.D. Service Dog in Florida, and told Billy Kidwell that the Justice Department does not comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, and will NOT protect the ADA Rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans.