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P.T.S.D. Service Dogs Save Veterans Lives !
Billy Kidwell returned from Vietnam in 1970 with severe Post-
His P.T.S.D. also caused Nightmares, Insomnia, and Stress-
Today's doctors go overboard, and tell everyone that they have P.T.S.D. for everything, but REAL P.T.S.D. is caused by excessive combat, and/or, lifethreatening, or extremely trumatic, horrific, experiences in combat.TWENTY-
P.T.S.D. played a very large part in the One Hundred, and Fifty Thousand (150,000) Disabled Veterans that committed Suicide since the Vietnam War, and in the deaths of the twenty-
The VA spent nearly forty (40) years, changing Medications, and treatments, trying everything, but unable to find a working solution to Billy Kidwell's Combat Post-
The P.T.S.D. severely hindered Billy Kidwell in being able to shop, because of all the people, and stress, or to enjoy even the most simple things like a park, or the beach.
Then, about ten (10) years ago, Billy Kidwell met some Iraq Veterans with Service Dogs who told him how much differance a Service Dog made with their Combat Stress Disability, so Kidwell discussed it with his VA Doctors, and decided to try a Service Dog, since years of medications, and counseling, had not helped.WHY KIDWELL STARTED USING TWO (2) SMALL JAPANESE CHIN SERVICE DOGS
Billy Kidwell started researching on the internet and found on Wikipedia that Small Japanese Chins make the best Service Dogs for the type of problems Kidwell suffered from with his P.T.S.D..
According to Wikipedia "Japanese Chins are loyal to their owners, and are typically a friendly breed. While Japanese Chin prefer familiar surroundings, they also do well in new situations. This, alongside their friendly demeanor, makes them good therapy dogs."
P.T.S.D. Service Dogs are not Therapy Dogs, although Therapy is part of the function P.T.S.D. Service Dogs perform, by being able to Avoid, Detect, and Calm, Veterans with P.T.S.D., when they are having a Life-
My Japanese Chins help me avoid P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and calm me if I do have a P.T.S.D. Attack, and they are the most loyal, well-P.T.S.D. SERVICE DOGS SAVE LIVES !
Kidwell found that Japanese Chins are small, and because of a shyness, work best as a pair in treating, and assisting, Disabled Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress.
Billy Kidwell's Japanese Chin Service Dogs seemed to be so smart, that it was easy for him to train them to calm him, when he started having Stress Attacks in Public, and the first signs of a P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attack, and it was easy teaching them to calm him durring an a P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attack.
Kidwell's Two (2) Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs are small, always calm in Public, always alert to Kidwell's Stress Disorder, ready to calm him durring an Anxiety Attack, and they posed absolutely no problems in public, while working in a team, as P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
It is safer to use two (2) Small, Always Calm, Japanese Chins, as a Service Dog, then to use just one (1) of the large, Very Intiminating, Service Dogs, especally in a crowded store, and public places around kids.WALMART ALLOWS PET DOGS IN SHOPPING CARTS, BUT NOT SERVICE DOGS PROTECTING A VETERAN, UNABLE TO WALK
Walmart allows Pet Dogs in Shopping Carts, but claims Service Dogs are dirty, and that Service Dogs threaten the "cleanliness of their Shopping Carts".
It should be noted that the Walmarts in Port Charlotte Florida have not washed their shopping carts in thirty (30) years.
Walmart allows babies, with soiled diapers, in their shopping carts, raw chicken, car batteries with acid, chemicals, and poisons, to all be put in their carts. Cow Poop is sold by Walmart in their garden section, and put in the same shopping carts Walmart uses for food, and their carts are left outside where birds poop on them.
In University Studies it has been found that Shopping Carts are more filthy than filthy public restrooms, and are loaded with germs.
If anything, the Servicedogs of America's Disabled Veterans are probabily the cleanest thing, to ever be put in a Walmart Shopping Cart!WHY MANY DISABLED COMBAT VETERANS NEED TO PUT THEIR SERVICE DOGS IN SHOPPING CARTS
Many Veterans with P.T.S.D. have additional Combat Injuries, and a very substantial number of Disabled Veterans with P.T.S.D. were in heavy Combat, and have walking disabilities, in addition to their Post-
Billy Kidwell was injuried by a Rocket, or Mortar, that blew him backwards, causing him to land on strings of M-
The M-
It is impossible to control his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs on the floor, and shop with his VA Walker, as is explained, and demostrated in this video.P.T.S.D. SERVICE DOGS ARE A MIRACLE FOR DISABLED VETERANS !
Billy Kidwell found that P.T.S.D. Service Dogs really worked!
He was amazed to find that after Forty (40) Years of Medications, and VA Doctors trying everything, that at last Kidwell started being able to go out in public without as many stress, and depression issues.
Billy Kidwell could now shop without fearing P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks!
Until he found that Disabled Combat Veterans, with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, are hated, and not welcome in Florida, and that Disabled Veterans with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs are banned from Public Beaches, and Public Parks, and banned from shopping in Florida.
Billy Kidwell is in inhuman pain every day because of his Military Service for this Country. His back hurts, and burns, with nerve damage. He can't walk, can't sleep, and wakes in pain, his heart hurts, and he is short on breath. He has anxiety attacks without his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs. Is wanting to use a Medically-
Please Click below to read how;
"Veterans with Service Dogs are Not Allowed on Beaches & Parks in Florida"
and how
"Veterans with Service Dogs are Not Allowed to Shop in Florida".