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No Race, No Religion, No People on Earth,
Are Discriminated Against,
or Ever Come Close to Being Treated as Horrible,
As America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans !
Than Being a Disabled Veteran in Florida
Vietnam Veterans were in far more combat than soldiers in any other war.
In addition to combat in the jungle, every Military Post in Vietnam was subject to Mortor, and Rocket Attacks, and no place was safe in Vietnam.
As a result many Vietnam Veterans experienced horrors, that no other soldiers in history have experienced, resulting in large numbers of Vietnam Soldiers returning to the "states" from Combat in Vietnam were suffering from Combat Stress Disabilities, and "Adjustment Problems", and unable to perform Stateside Military Duties, after being experienced to such intense, horrific, Combat.
The State of Florida has set an "Unwritten Policy" that Disabled Vietnam Combat Veterans, needing a P.T.S.D. Service Dog, are considered to be "Less than Human", and not worthy of Human Rights in Florida.
Florida Disabled Veterans, with Service Dogs, are Discriminated Against, and harassed in every aspect of their lives, from being banned from Public Parks, and Beaches, in Florida, to not being allowed to shop in stores.
The only thing a Disabled Veteran, NEEDING a Service Dog, is allowed to do in Florida, is to spend their life, sitting in their home, waiting to die.
There are hundreds of Videos on YouTube proving how inhuman Disabled Vietnam Veterans, NEEDING Service Dogs, are treated in Florida. [Some of those Videos are posted on our "Videos of Service Dog Harassment" Page.] NO P.T.S.D. SERVICE DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON PORT CHARLOTTE BEACH!
Florida has strong laws to protact the disabled, however the State of Florida refuses to enforce Disability Rights Laws for Disabled Veterans, with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, resulting in Local Governments, and Florida Businesses, believing that they do not have to respect the Disability Rights of Veterans with Service Dogs.
The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, and Attorney General of Florida, Ashley Moody, are "Politicians" who have tourists as their priority, not a bunch of old Vietnam Veterans, and especally not Old Disabled Veterans with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
They do not want Service Dogs pooping on Florida's Beaches, or Disabled Veterans with missing limbs sitting on their beaches, destroying the festive feeling, and tourist mood of Florida Beaches that promotes Tourism.
And Florida's Politicians know that the United States Department of Justice has NEVER protected the Disability Rights of an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran using a P.T.S.D. Service Dog.
The Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice is Racist, Political, and has a strong prejudice towards Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and will not even investigate a Civil Rights, or Disability, Violation against a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and has told Billy Kidwell numerous times that the Justice Department "does not have funds to protect the individual rights of a Disabled Vietnam Veteran", and only has funds for minorities, who have preference, to enforce sexual rights, to investigate politicans, and in rare occassions, when there is substantial News Media coverage, protect the rights of Post 911 Veterans.
The only right Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans have is to sit at home, and die.
They will be arrested if they take their P.T.S.D. Service Dog to a Public Beach, or Public Park.