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The Department of Justice's Fifty (50) Years of Vietnam Veteran Hate, Discrimination, and Corruption
The U.S. Government's "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
In a scheme to reduce the cost of war, by destroying the lives of soldiers returning from Combat in Vietnam, and making their lives so horrible, and horrific, it drove tens of thousands of Disabled Vietnam Veterans to suicide, the Secretary of Defense established a "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
Soldiers returning from Vietnam with Combat Stress Disorders, who were unable to adjust to gung-
They were overcharged for very minor infractions, that normally would result in minor punishment with a small fine, and a little extra duty, and were forced out of the service with AR 635-
The Army intentionally took advanage of the heroes, that put their lives on the line for this country, and defrauded them out of the Honorable Discharges, and benefits they EARNED, and DESERVED.The Veterans Administration Partners with the Military, to Destroy Vietnam Veterans Lives, and Drive Disabled Vietnam Veterans to Suicide
Thousands of Combat Disabled Vietnam Veterans started filing claims with the Veterans Administration (now Department of Veterans Affairs) to receive Needed Medical Care for their Combat Disabilities, and Compensation, so they could feed their families, their wives, and children, only to find the VA wouldn't even consider their claims.
The VA told America's Heroes that their "Administrative AR 635-
A Dishonorable Discharge is the worst punishment the Military can give, and even most felonies don't qualify for a Dishonorable Discharge.
The Felony has to be of "Moral Turpitude" such as for Rape, or Desertion durring Combat, or some other Morally Vile Act, and can only be given by a General Court Martial.
You CAN'T legally Discharge a soldier with a Dishonorable Discharge, or Under Dishonorable Conditions, for being Disabled with a Combat Stress Disability they received defending this country in the most intense combat of any war.
Thousands of Vietnam Veterans defrauded by the United States Government's "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
Congress, and the United States Department of Justice, SPIT on our Vietnam Veterans, and their families, and did NOTHING!
Veterans eat from trash
Many Disable bystealing Disability Benefits from disabled, to defraud those who provide us with the freedom we all enjoy, out of the Disability, and other Benefits they EARNED with their service.
A very corrupt United States Department of Justice refused to investigate Complaints from Disabled Vietnam Veteranshas a Well-
Durring the Vietnam War, and for the past fifty (50) years, the Justice Department has covered-
The "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
The Justice Department has allowed, and encouraged, the Inhuman "Bad Paper Discharge Con-
According to the VA Inspector General, another Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand (380,000) Disabled Veterans were murdered with the VA's "Medical Waiting List Con-
According to the United States Department of Justice, despite there being over 2,700,000 Veterans that served in Vietnam, in the past Fifty (50) Years the Justice Department has not protected the Disability Rights of even one (1) Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
As the case of Billy Kidwell, on this website proves, the United States Department of Justice is so full of hate towards Veterans, that the Justice Department will violate any law, and commit any crime, trying the cause the death of the Disabled Vietnam Veteran, all to avoid providing any Disabled Vietnam Veteran the Services of the Justice Department.The
The United States Department is Bribed, and Owned, by the Walmart Corporate Crime Family
The Most Important Law for Veterans in History
the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act
Disabled Vietnam Veterans are the most vulnerable people in America, in that nearly all of the Elderly, Severely Disabled Vietnam Veterans are either still living in the woods, and under bridges, after fifty (50) years, or they are trying to live on a small, fixed income, VA Disability Check, and they cannot afford an Attorney to protect their rights.
Corporations like Walmart, Publix, Comcast, Bank of America, Insurance Companies, and others, target Elderly, Disabled Veterans to cheat, defraud, and abuse, knowing they are vulnerable, and cannot afford an Attorney to protect their rights.
In Florida the abuse of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans is widespread, and Disabled Veterans needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs are banned from Florida's Public Beaches, Public Parks, and sporatically harassed everyplace they go.
The "Policy" of the United States Department of Justice not to provide its services to Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, and not to enforce their ADA Rights in Florida, has strongly encouraged the violation of Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights in Florida.
The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act is the most important law in history, for America's Veterans, because it places Statutory Duties on the United States Department of Justice, to make sure Veterans can obtain counsel, to protect their Civil Rights.
The Well-
Because of this injustice Congresswoman Escobar drafted the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020, which was signed into law by President Trump.
Congresswoman Escobar makes the purpose of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act extremely clear on her Congressional Internet Website by stating that her Congressional District:
"is home to a strong, and growing, Veteran Community, and to Fort Bliss, and one of my top priorities is to protect them, and their families, in the same way they have served our country, and defended the freedoms we enjoy each day."
The above statement by Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, who wrote the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, makes it clear that one of the top priorties of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act is to:
"protect Veterans, and their families".
Attacked by Walmart
The Complaint
At Page
Walmart's Bribery of the Justice Department
Walmart was exposed by the New York Times for operating like a RICO Crime Family WorldWide, bribing Government Officials, including Law Enforcement, and Judges, in Mexico, Brazil, China, and India, and violating the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
By "hiring" top Justice Department Attorneys to quit the Justice Department, and accept Dream, Coveted, Jobs at Walmart, with Massive "Sign-
Walmart operates the same corrupt, Mafica-
Walmart dumps toxins in the Water Supply in many states, and according to the Justice Department, is responsible for the Opioid Crisis in America, overcharges commiting fraud on the weight of meats to cheat customers, fraudulently charges customers with shoplifting in a scheme to steal customers money, and constantly commits crimes against the Military, Veterans, and the Disabled, under the leadership of Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, and Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, whom are above the law in America, and "Untouchable" for their crimes, as they operate Walmart like a Mafia Corporate Crime Family.
The Justice Department is
Merrick B. Garland's Memorandum to Veterans
On November 10, 2021, the day before Veterans Day, Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland issued a Memorandum titled "Guarding the Rights of, and Improving Access to Justice for Veterans, Servicemembers, and Military Families."
Merrick B. Garland's Memorandum is a Dishonest, Political, Con-
The "Memorandum" consists of ten (10) paragraphs, each of which is a blatant lie, and an attempt by Merrick B. Garland, to take credit for the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, which was actually proposed, and drafted, by Congresswoman Veronica Escobar of Texas, and signed into law by President Trump, Eleven (11) Months Earlier on Janurary 5, 2021.
Even more apalling is that Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, are actually violating, and have been violating for nearly a year, every right that Merrick B. Garland's "Fake Memorandum" claims he is providing to Veterans.
Since Janurary 5, 2021, when the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act was signed into law by President Trump, nearly a year, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, were REQUIRED, by law, to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020, and for, nearly a year,both Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department refused to do so.
Instead, Merrick B. Garland, believing that the News Media, and Veterans Service Organizations, like the VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS, Vietnam Veterans of America, IAVA, and others, are too corrupt, and stupid, to tell the truth to Veterans, made up a Fake Memorandum, in which he pretends to come up with all kinds of rights for Veterans, on Veterans Day, and wrongly tries to take credit for Congresswoman Veronica Escobar's Servicemember, and Veterans, Initiative Act, as Merrick B. Garland Fraudulently Claims that he is Ordering the Justice Department to START providing those rights to Veterans.
Every statement in Merrick B. Garland's "Memorandum", that he allegedly Orders the Justice Department to do on November 10, 2021, the Justice Department was already REQUIRED to do for the past Eleven Months (11), pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020, that was signed into law on Janurary 5, 2020 by President Trump.
So what Merrick B. Garland's "Fake Memorandum" really said is:
"That after Eleven (11) Months of the Justice Department violating the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, the Attorney General was now asking his Corrupt, Veteran-
Each alleged "Right" that Merrick B. Garland claimed he was providing to Veterans in his Fraudulent "Memorandum" of November 10, 2021, was already provided to America's Veterans Eleven (11) Months EARLIER by President Trump, on Janurary 5, 2021, when President Trump signed the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020, into law.
As of December 18, 2021, nearly a year since the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act was passed, and over a Month since Merrick B. Garland's "Memorandum" was released, both Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, still refuse to comply with EITHER the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, or Merrick B. Garland's "Memorandum".
The Justice Department absolutely REFUSES to provide Justice Department Services to Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and according to the Justice Department, they do not have any records of ever providing services to a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
This is WHY we are asking the United States District Court at Fort Myers Florida to force Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, to start obeying the law, and start respecting Veteran's Rights. [Click here to see the Motion.]
The U.S. Department of Justice
The Decision to Shop at Walmart
A couple of days after being released from Intensive care at the Bay Pines VA Hospital Billy Kidwell, who is dying, and was on the VA's Home Heart Failure Program, took his morning Heart Tests, and discussed going shopping at the Kings Highway Walmart with his Heart Nurse, to get out of his house for a while.
Billy Kidwell's heart nurse thought it would be good for Billy Kidwell to get out of the house for awhile, however because of his dire health, and recent release from Intensive Care, wanted him to take his VA Medical Care-
Walmart's Filthy Shopping Carts
On July 20, 2017 the Plaintiff, Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, went to the Kings Highway Walmart in Port Charlotte, Florida with Billy Kidwell’s two small Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to shop.
When parking in handicapped there were two Walmart Shopping Carts next to the Handicapped Parking Space for Billy Kidwell to lean on.
One Walmart Shopping Cart had an open, diaper, full of human poop, and pee, leaked all over the inside of the shopping cart, and what looked like vomit, the other Walmart Shopping Cart had a tore “Black Cow Brand Bag”, about a third full of cow poop for gardens, inside the Walmart Shopping Cart.
Billy Kidwell picked the shopping cart with the bag of Black Cow Poop, that appeared to be the cleanest Walmart Shopping Cart available, and had his daughter search for napkins in Kidwell’s Car, to clean the Walmart Shopping Cart, as good as they could, before putting Billy Kidwell’s Clean P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in the filthy Walmart Shopping Cart.
After Hannah Kidwell cleaned the Walmart Shopping Cart, as good as she could with the napkins, she put Billy Kidwell’s two small P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in the cart, and Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, entered Walmart to shop.
Walmart Doorman was Friendly and has No Problem with Kidwell's P.T.S.D. Service Dogs
When entering Walmart there was a Male Walmart Employee at the Walmart Store Entry, and Billy Kidwell complained to him about how filthy the Walmart Carts were, and asked when they were last cleaned.
The Male Walmart Employee laughed, and stated, that he had worked at the Kings Highway Walmart Store since it opened, and he had never seen Walmart’s Shopping Carts being cleaned.
The Male Walmart Employee laughed, joked with Billy Kidwell, saying that Walmart leaves them outside, and waits for it to rain on the shopping carts, to clean themselves.
Never cleaning Walmart Shopping Carts was the Policy of all Walmart Stores in Charlotte County, Florida, prior to the Pandemic.
The Walmart Door Employee was friendly, and joking, with Billy Kidwell, and did not say anything about Billy Kidwell’s two (2) Small P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, with Service Dog Vests, being in his Shopping Cart when he entered Walmart.
Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, walked around the store shopping for a while, and then went to the Pet Section to look at treats, and stuff for Billy Kidwell’s P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
In the Pet Section was another Walmart Customer with a Pet Dog in their Shopping Cart, who was shopping, with no problems, with a Pet Dog in their Shopping Cart.
Walmart Customer Service Approves Billy Kidwell's P.T.S.D. Service Dogs
Billy Kidwell noticed Dog Flea Medicine marked over half off, however it was for dogs over 55 lbs., and Billy Kidwell needed Dog Medication for his very small P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, so Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, went to the front of the store to Customer Service, to ask if they had the Flea Medication for his small Japanese Chins discounted too.
At Customer Service there was a line and Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, waited to see a Customer Service Representative.
When they were waited on the Customer Service Representative was very friendly, and she stated that the only Dog Flea Medication on sale was the ones for large dogs, over 55 pounds.
The Walmart Customer Service Representative stated that she never saw dogs that were as well-
They are trained to calm Billy Kidwell during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.
The Walmart Customer Service Representative smiled and said she had to get some dogs that well behaved.
She didn’t say anything about the P.T.S.D. Service Dogs being in Billy Kidwell’s Shopping Cart, and she smiled, and clearly approved at how well they behaved, and that she had no problem with the Service Dogs in Kidwell’s Shopping Cart.
Assaulted at the Cash Register by a Walmart Manager Named "Handy"
Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, and went back to shopping, and after a while went to the cash registers, to pay for their purchases, and all hell broke loose.
As Billy Kidwell went up to the cash register to pay for their purchases, smiling, after having a good time shopping, the Cashier, a Black Woman, with a Name Tag saying she was a Manager, named “Handy”, started shouting, and yelling, that she doesn’t like dogs, and she doesn’t allow dogs in her store.
Billy Kidwell explained that they are trained P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, that calm him during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) allows Service Dogs when they are needed to perform a function for a Disabled Person, such as calming them during an Anxiety Attack.
“Handy” then shouted that Walmart doesn’t go by any Americans with Disabilities Act, and that she doesn’t allow dogs in her store.
Billy Kidwell’s Daughter, Hannah Kidwell, then told “Handy” that Billy Kidwell is deathly ill, and that he just got off of the Intensive Care Heart, and Stroke Ward, at the Bay Pines VA Hospital for a Stress-
“Handy” said that she didn’t care about any Heart Attack, and that if Billy Kidwell was sick, he should have stayed home, that it was her Walmart, that she is the manager, and she can shout if she wants to.
“Handy” kept shouting, and yelling, and Billy Kidwell started shaking, having Heart Pains, getting very dizzy, about ready to pass out, and was unable to get his breath, and he said in a low voice “Call you please just let us pay for our stuff and leave. The yelling is killing me.”
The nicer Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, talked, the madder, and more hostile, and aggressive, “Handy” seemed to get.
Billy Kidwell asked are there any cameras filming this, and “Handy” replied that the Kings Highway Walmart is a “District Walmart Super Store”, one of Walmart’s Main Stores, and therefore every customer is filmed from the minute they enter the store, until they leave, and the video is kept for five (5) years.
“Handy” pointed up to the celling and stated that there are three camera’s pointed at her cash register, and that every action, and word spoken, between Billy Kidwell, and her, has been recorded, and will be kept for five (5) years.
Billy Kidwell passed out for a moment from Handy’s Arguing, and Yelling, and fell slightly into the candy bar rack, right before the cash register, and his daughter, Hannah, grabbed him, keeping him from falling to the floor.
Hannah Kidwell was nearly crying and stated “You are killing him. My dad just got off intensive care, he can’t take this.”
Billy Kidwell asked “Handy” if she could please get the Store Manager to find out why he was being attacked.
“Handy” said she would call the Store Manager and have the Store Manager meet them at Customer Service, but that it didn’t matter what the Store Manager said, that it was “Handy’s Store”, and that she hated dogs, and didn’t care what any Americans with Disabilities Act says, that she wanted Billy Kidwell out of her store right now, because Service Dogs are not allowed.
After paying for their items Billy Kidwell tried to walk to the customer service which is on the way out of the store towards the door, while “Handy” kept arguing, and shouting at him, knowing Billy Kidwell had just gotten off Intensive Care at the Bay Pines VA Hospital, for a Stress-
Billy Kidwell was extremely dizzy, his heart was having irregular, very sharp pains, beating “funny”, and it felt like a tractor trailer was on his chest, while he could hardly catch his breath, or get any air, and he was right on the verge of passing out again.
Billy Kidwell’s heart was racing, and seemed to be missing beats, or something, as Billy Kidwell’s Daughter, Hannah Kidwell, was helping to hold Billy Kidwell up, while he also leaned on his shopping cart, as both of his small Japanese Chins were trying to stand up in the shopping cart, to lick his hands, and face, when Billy Kidwell bent over the shopping cart, all concerned, trying to calm Billy Kidwell as much as they could.
Both Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, firmly believe that “Handy” would have killed Billy Kidwell, and he would have died from her yelling, and screaming, and her intentionally causing a fatal Stress-
As Billy Kidwell’s Daughter, Hannah Kidwell, was helping him lean on the shopping cart, and they were proceeding towards the door, all at once Billy Kidwell felt a hard hit in the middle of his back, which is injured from a rocket attack in Vietnam.
An Unknown Woman, and Man, had come running up, all excited, yelling “Get out of the store right now”, and they had started hitting, and pushing, on Billy Kidwell’s Injured Back, trying to knock him forward, wanting to make Billy Kidwell run out of the store, when he can’t even walk.
Keep in mind Walmart Cameras are all over the Walmart Store, with several pointed on the front store entry, so this Second Attack on Billy Kidwell has to be fully recorded.
Because of this attack Billy Kidwell asked his daughter to call the police, and also asked the Walmart Doorman to call the police, and instead of stopping at customer service he tried to get outside as fast as he could to get away from the two (2), Unknown Attackers who kept hitting him in his sore back, while pushing, and shoving, him.
As they kept hitting, pushing, and shoving Billy Kidwell, he kept telling them that he is unable to run, and cannot even walk without the shopping cart, and that he just got off Intensive Care for a Stress-
As soon as he got outside Billy Kidwell had his daughter help him sit on the ground next to the Walmart wall to lean on, because Billy Kidwell was again passing out, and unable to breathe.
Billy Kidwell told his daughter to let him know when the police arrived as he sat leaning on the wall, with his eyes closed, trying to get his heart to stop racing, and trying to get his breath, and to calm down, and stop passing out.
After what seemed like a long time one officer arrived who asked what happened, and Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, explained how Billy Kidwell is disabled, and had just gotten off intensive care, and how he needs to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to calm him during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.
Billy Kidwell described how he was attacked by the Walmart Manager named “Handy” at the cash register, and attacked by two unknown individuals, as they were leaving after paying for their items, and how he believes “Handy” and the two Unknown Individuals, knowingly, and intentionally, caused him to suffer another Stress-
This first Charlotte County Sheriff’s Officer was very polite, and listened to Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell’s, ADA Complaints, writing it down on a pad.
Shortly four (4), or five (5), more Charlotte County Sheriff’s Cars came flying into Walmart, like the store was being robbed or something.
A Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant came rushing up, and he started laughing, and joking, with the Unknown Male that was hitting Billy Kidwell in the back, trying to make Billy Kidwell run out of the store.
The Unknown Male now identified himself as being a Walmart Loss Prevention Officer named, Larry Coultas, and the Unknown Female said she was the store manager named, Chanel Barghausen.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant acted as if Larry Coultas was his best friend, and somehow connected to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department, and the Sergeant was also friendly, and joking with the Walmart Store Manager named, Chanel Barghausen, although he seemed much closer to Larry Coultas.
Prior to taking any report, prior to an investigation, and prior to even hearing any facts, the Charlotte County Sheriff asked Larry Coultas “What he wanted to do with Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell”, and Larry Coultas stated that he wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter trespassed from Deep Creek.
Billy Kidwell was amazed, and stated that he had his daughter call the sheriff, asked the doorman to call the sheriff, because he had just gotten out of the hospital for a Stress-
The Sergeant, in a real snotty voice, said “You know dogs aren’t allowed in stores”.
Billy Kidwell tried to explain that pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Service Dogs are allowed.
The Charlotte County Sergeant appeared to get mad and loudly stated “What are you? You think you’re a lawyer or something? We don’t go by any Americans with Disabilities Act. This is Walmart Private Property and they can do anything they want!”
Billy Kidwell explained that he had a copy of the ADA in his glove department in his car, and a copy of Florida State Law making it a crime for anyone to obstruct a disabled person from shopping with a Service Dog in Florida.
Billy Kidwell had his daughter go get a copy of the ADA, and a copy of Florida Statute 413.08(4), from his car, and he handed them to the Sergeant who, without reading them, crumbled them up, and threw them away, as he stated “Let see where your dogs are Registered as Service Dogs. Without a State Registration as a Service Dog, you can be arrested.”
Billy Kidwell explained that his Service Dogs were ADA Compliant, and that the ADA didn’t require Service Dogs to be registered, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant got mad and yelled “Florida doesn’t go by any ADA, and in Florida your Service Dogs have to be Registered.”
The Sergeant then turned to his friend, Walmart Loss Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, and the store manager, Chanel Barghausen, and they started scheming together, making up lies to falsify the Sheriff’s Report, and an Affidavit they were having Larry Coultas make.
Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, conspired with the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant, to have Larry Coultas commit Perjury, by fraudulently claiming Billy Kidwell, and his daughter were “disruptive” when they were leaving, while hiding the incident occurred at the Cash Register before “Handy”.
When Billy Kidwell overheard Walmart Store Manager, Chanel Barghausen, conspiring with the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant, to suborn Perjury from Walmart Loss Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, and to falsify the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Records, and Sheriff’s Incident Report, with a Perjured Affidavit from Larry Coultas, Billy Kidwell told his daughter to start filming everything with her cellphone.
While being filmed Billy Kidwell told the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant that was conspiring, and falsifying the Sheriff’s Records for Walmart, that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, were the victims, that they wanted to make, and sign an Affidavit as to how they were attacked at the cash register by “Handy”, in direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Florida Criminal Law, because of Billy Kidwell being disabled, and using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
On video the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant denied Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, any fairness, or “Due Process” by stating that only Walmart is allowed to make a statement, or an Affidavit, because the Sheriff is “there for Walmart”, and that if Billy Kidwell, or his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, wanted to put anything in the report, or sign an Affidavit, they would have to hire an Attorney.
That the Sheriff’s Department would not take a Victim Statement, or an Affidavit in the Incident Report, from an Elderly, Disabled Veteran attacked at Walmart, by Walmart Management, apparently because the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department works for Walmart, and not for the citizens of Charlotte County. [The video where the Sheriff will not allow Billy Kidwell, or his daughter to sign a statement, or Affidavit is ].
According to the Charlotte County Sheriff a victim cannot make a Police Report, and citizens do not have any Constitutional, or Americans with Disabilities Act Rights, at Walmart, because the Charlotte County Sheriff says Walmart is above all laws because it is private property, and according to the Sheriff not a Public Accommodation.
There are additional videos proving the allegations herein at and , and more on my daughter’s phone.
The Walmart Store Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and Walmart Loss Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, were so full of hate for Elderly, Disabled Veterans, that they told the sheriff that they wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, trespassed from Walmart, and the nearby stores of Culvers Restaurant, where Billy Kidwell, and his daughter like to eat, and Murphy’s Gas Station, and they claimed that Walmart owns Murphy’s, and Culvers, and that both of those businesses rent from Walmart, and that Walmart is authorized to trespass people, Walmart doesn’t like, from those businesses.
The Sheriff started to put Culvers, and Murphy’s, in the Trespass Ticket, and instead at the last minute, left them out, and instead threatened Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, that to “stay out of trouble” they should avoid the Deep Creek Area, including Culvers, and Murphy’s.
About three (3) years after being threatened not to go to Culvers to eat, or go to Murphy’s for gas, Billy Kidwell contacted Upper-
For four (4) years Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, have been scared to eat at Culvers, or get gas at Murphy’s, because of the threats by Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, and despite having e-
(b) The Video and Key Witness being Concealed by Walmart, and the United States Department of Justice
Inside the King’s Highway Walmart, the Walmart Manager named “Handy” told both Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, that Walmart has several videos of the complete incident, at the Cash Register, on July 20, 2017, when they were attacked by “Handy” because of Billy Kidwell being a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
“Handy” said that the Kings Highway Walmart is a “Key” Regional Walmart Store, and that Walmart has complete video of the Kidwell’s shopping, from the time they entered the store, until they left, and that the videos are kept by Walmart for five (5) years.
Billy Kidwell told “Handy” he wanted a copy of the videos.
Outside the Kings Highway Store on July 20, 2017 the King’s Highway Walmart Store Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and Walmart Loss Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, both stated the same thing “Handy” had said, that the King’s Highway Walmart was a Key Regional Store, and had video from the time Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, entered the front door, until they left, and that Walmart keeps the video for five (5) years.
Billy Kidwell told both Walmart Store Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and Walmart Loss Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, that he wanted a copy of the video, of the Kidwell’s’ shopping, from the time they entered to store, until they left, to be attached to the Sheriff’s Incident Report, as evidence.
During the time the Charlotte County Sheriff was at the King’s Highway Store on July 20, 2017, on three (3) separate occasions, Billy Kidwell told the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant he wanted a complete copy of the video of Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, shopping, from the time they entered the King’s Highway Walmart, until they left, attached to the Sheriff’s Trespass, and Incident Report, as evidence.
Billy Kidwell told the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant that he was having heart pains from the attack, and the Sergeant acted real snotty, and said “You don’t look sick, or disabled to me”.
After being given the trespass Billy Kidwell started to walk to his car, leaning on the shopping cart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant said “We better go with you so you don’t get in trouble”, and four Charlotte County Sheriff Deputies circled Billy Kidwell like they were going to gang jump him.
After arriving at his car Billy Kidwell climbed in to get a NITRO Pill to try to get his heart to stop hurting, and the gang of cops were circling around his twenty (20) year old daughter, fraudulently saying there was a warrant for her, and acting as if they were getting ready to gang jump her.
Billy Kidwell’s daughter, Hannah Kidwell, doesn’t drive, and has never even had a traffic ticket, and is in many ways like an innocent teenager, and is close friends with a Charlotte County Sheriff, and his kids who come over to our house to play sometimes.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sergeant knew, beyond any doubt that Hannah Kidwell is just an innocent kid that has never, ever, even jaywalked, and that he was lying about a warrant to intentionally get Hannah Kidwell upset, and crying, in an effort to create some kind of incident to try to justify how he had abused me, and my family, because of my being a Disabled Vulnerable Veteran, and he wanted to assault my daughter for videoing the criminal conduct by the sheriff’s department.
As the video proves, I was scared to death that he was going to assault my young child, and I started have very severe heart pains.
I got home and took heart tests with my VA Home Heart Failure Machine to document how the Sheriff, and Walmart, had knowingly, and intentionally, aggravated my Heart Disability.
Two (2) days later, on July 22, 2017, I typed a letter to the King’s Highway Walmart Store, and to the Store Manager, again requesting video of the incident, from the time my daughter, and I entered the Deep Creek Walmart, until we left the store, be placed with the Incident Report, and the Trespasses.
I received no response.
On July 22, 2017 I also sent a letter to the Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, and to “Legal Department for the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department” requesting video of the incident, from the time my daughter, and I entered the Deep Creek Walmart, until we left the store, be placed with the Incident Report, and the Trespasses, as evidence to prove the truth.
Again there was no response.
On July 24, 2017 I sent letters marked “Personal to be Opened Only by Addressee” to Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, to the Board of Directors for Walmart, and to Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, making them fully aware of the incident, and how I was attacked for having a Service Dogs, and how the Sheriff’s Report was falsified by Walmart, asking that they have video of the incident attached to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Report.
I sent a separate Notice that I was filing Suit, and I wanted them to maintain the video because it was needed as evidence.
Only the Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, responded saying she would contact me in a few days, and she never did.