Background, How the Attempted Murder of Billy Kidwell, Started - VetsForJustice

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Background, How the Attempted Murder of Billy Kidwell, Started

No Race, No Religion, No People on Earth,
Are Discriminated Against, or Treated as Horrible,
As America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans !

Everything on this Website May be Freely Copied !

For Immediate Release - August 20, 2022
Part 2


With Links to Indisputable, and Overwhelming, Evidence

The Victim, Billy Kidwell

A teenaged, eighteen (18) year old, Billy Kidwell, enlisted in the Army at the height of the Vietnam War, when the Rich, and Powerful in America were hiding in college, or fleeing to Canada, to avoid Military Service.

Kidwell, asked for Vietnam Service, voluniteered for the most dangerous job in his company, putting his life on the line, everyday in Vietnam, for this country.

Billy Kidwell severely injured his back durring a rocket attack, and has a Combat Stress Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.), that makes him Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and causes him to suffer Physical Disabilities, including a Stress-Caused Sleeping Disorder, Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused Heart Attacks, that get worst, as Kidwell advances in age.

Kidwell needs to use two Small, Japanese Chin, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, to calm him durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and avoid a Stress-Caused heart Attack, because another Stress-Caused Heart Attack can cause his death.

All Kidwell wants is to live, what life he has left, in peace, with Basic Human Rights.

The right to sit on a Public Beach, with his small, Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, and watch the sunset.

The right to enjoy a Public Park with his Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

The right to shop at a Walmart, with his Two (2) Small, Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, without fear of being harassed, and attacked, by the Walmart Store Management for being a Disabled Veteran, Medically-Needing to use a P.T.S.D. Service Dog.

Disabled Vietnam Veterans, Medically-Needing to Use Service Dogs, Have No Rights in Florida

Billy Kidwell is not allowed to enjoy a Public Beach, or Public Park, in Port Charlotte Florida, or allowed to shop at a Walmart, with his Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, because the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Florida Disability Rights Laws, are not enforced in Florida.

The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, which is responsible for enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), discriminates against, and has refused to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, Medically-Needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, for the past fifty (50) years. [See ADA Responsibilities of the Justice Department.]

The refusal of the Justice Department to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans has encouraged the State of Florida, and Corrupt Corporations, like Walmart, to violate the rights of Disabled Veterans, needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody Refuses to Protect Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights

Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody, despite having a son in the Military, does not like Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, Medically-Needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, because she receives Substantial Political Donations from Corporations, that do not want Disabled Vietnam Veterans with Service Dogs, on Public Beaches in Florida, or in stores, like Walmart, shopping.

Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, that attempt to enjoy a Public Beach, or Public Park, in Florida, with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, are sporatically harassed, and threatened by Local Law Enforcement, and if they try to shop in Walmart, with their Medically-Needed Service Dog, they are often assaulted by Walmart Management, Publically Embarassed, and Illegally Trespassed.

There is NO Americans with Disabilities Act, NO Florida Disabilities Rights Laws, NO Basic Human, or Constitutional Rights, Justice, or Freedom, for Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, Medically-Needing to use a P.T.S.D. Service Dog in Florida. [See Videos.]

Walmart Assaulted Billy Kidwell for Being a Disabled Veteran Using a Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dog

The Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, had just been released from the Heart, and Stroke Ward, of the Bay Pines VA Hospital, for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack, and was under the care of Heart Doctors, in the VA's Home Heart Failure Program, and Medically Unable to Stand Stress.

Billy Kidwell went to the Kings Highway, Port Charlotte Florida, Walmart to shop, with his daughter, and VA Medical Care-giver, Hannah Kidwell, and his two small Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

Hannah Kidwell helps her dad walk, while he leans on a shopping cart, with his Medically-Needed, two, small, Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, that are trained to save his life, by calming him durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, to avoid a fatal Stress-Caused Heart Attack.

There was no problem while shopping, but when Billy Kidwell went to the cash register to pay for his items, he was assaulted by the cashier, a Walmart Manager with a name tag on saying her name is "Handy", who said "Walmart is her Store, and Service Dogs are not Allowed!".

"Handy" stated that Walmart is Private Property, and does not go by the Americans with Disability Act, or Florida Law.

Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, Conspired Together, and Falsified the Sheriff's Report

Once outside Walmart, Billy Kidwell's heart was hurting, he was short on breath, sick to his stomach, and extremely dizzy, ready to pass out, so he sat on the dirty sidewalk, with his back against the Walmart Store, trying to keep from passing out, as his daughter went, and got Heart NITRO Pills, from their car.

Three Charlotte County Sheriff's Cars came flying up, like Walmart was being robbed, and the deputies ran up to Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager, and Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss-Prevention, acting like they were related, or best friends with the deputies, as the rest of the sheriff's deputies circled around Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, publically embarassing them, treating them like criminals.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant, Walmart Loss Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager, openly started schemeing together to falsify the Sheriff's Report.

Walmart Bribed the Justice Department, the State of Florida, and the Local Sheriff's Department

Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, said they didn't want Walmart Manager "Handy" to be in the Police Report, or the incident with "Handy" at the Cash Register, where she assaulted Billy Kidwell, to be in the Police Report, and that they didn't want to have any video of "Handy" in the Sheriff's Report.

Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss Prevention, and Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager, wanted the Sheriff's Report falsified to cover-up the attack on Billy Kidwell by Walmart Manager "Handy", for his using Medically Needed Service Dogs, and they wanted the Sheriff's Report Falsified to claim Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, were creating a disturbance when they left Walmart.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant, Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss Prevention, and Chanel Barghausen, conspired together, to have Larry Coultas commit Perjury on a Sworn Statement to the Sheriff's Department, concealing that the inncident occurred at the last cash register, before a Walmart Employee with a Name Tag saying she was a Walmart Manager named "Handy", and concealing that "Handy" engaged in an Unprovoked Attack on Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, Medically-Needing to use two (2) small, highly trained, ADA Compliant, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to safely shop.

Walmart OWNS the United States Department of Justice, and can get by with any crime. [See all the Justice Department Attorneys, Walmart bought, to obtain control of the Justice Department, and F.B.I., Rachel Brand, Joe Beemsterboer, Matt Miner, David Searle, and the list goes, on, and on.]

When Billy Kidwell told the Charlotte County Sheriff SGT that he was entitled to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to calm him durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and pointed out Florida Law, F.S. 413.08(4) makes it a crime to obstruct the disabled with a Service Dog, the Charlotte County Sheriff stated;

"Who do you think you are? An Attorney! Walmart is Private Property and they don't have to go by any Americans with Disabilities Act, or Florida Disability Law. They can do anything they want, and they want you, and your dogs Trespassed, and Punished!"

Walmart Trespasses Disabled Veteran, Billy Kidwell, and his Daughter, from Murphys Gas Stations, and Carvers Resturants, to Punish Billy Kidwell for being Disabled from Vietnam

Walmart Officials, Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, stated that they also wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, trespassed from Murphys Gas Stations, and Culvers Resturants, because they said Walmart owns the land Murphys, and Carvers is on, and rents to them.

The Charlotte County Sheriff stated he wasn't putting it on the Trespass, but for their own good, Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, better not go near a Culvers Resturant, or a Murphys Gas Station. [See the video.]

The Charlotte County Sheriff's Department then Trespassed Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, and Medical Care-Giver, Hannah Kidwell, from the Kings Highway Walmart for life, while threatening them to never go to a Murphy's Gas Station, or eat at a Culvers Resturant "For their own good", strongly implying the sheriff would assault, and falsely arrest them. [See the video.]

The Felony Assault, Falsification of the Sheriff's Report, and Illegal Trespass, is all on Film!

According to the Walmart Store Manager, and Walmart Loss-Prevention, the Kings Highway Walmart is a "Key Store", where everyone is videotaped, from the time they enter the store, until they leave.

The Kings Highway Walmart Store Manager stated that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, were filmed from the second they entered the store, until they left, which means the whole incident, including the Felony Attack on Billy Kidwell, is on film.

And that the Walmart Store Video proves the Walmart Loss-Prevention Officer, Larry Coultas, at the Kings Highway Walmart, in Port Charlotte, Florida, committed Perjury on the Affidavit attached to the Trespass Warning, and that the whole Charlotte County Sheriff's Report is fraudulent, and that Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, were illegally Trespassed.

The JusticAfter being victimized by a Felony Assault, by a Walmart Manager for being a Disabled Veteran, using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs,

The Attempted Murder of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, Started With an Assault on Kidwell, at the Kings Highway, Port Charlotte, Florida, Walmart by Walmart Manager "Handy"

Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, had just been released from a ten (10) day stay in the Heart, and Stroke Ward, of the Bay Pines VA Hospital, at Saint Petersburg, Florida, and was released to his home, and enrolled in the VA's Home Heart Failure Program, where he takes tests, and is monitored every day, by a VA Cardiologist Nurse Practitioner, who would usually call Kidwell to discuss the results, which are overseen by a VA Cardiologist Heart Doctor.

Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, and VA Health Care Assistant, Hannah Kidwell, with his Medically-Needed, ADA-Compliant, two (2) small Japanese Chin, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, went to the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter in Port Charlotte, Florida to shop.

After shopping, at the cash register when paying, a dark-skinned Walmart Manager, with a name tag saying her name is "Handy" immediately started yelling, and acting extremely hostile, and irrational towards Billy Kidwell, yelling that she didn't allow dogs in her store.

Billy Kidwell explained that he had just been released from the Bay Pines VA Hospital for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack, and that he is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and that her unprovoked extreme hostility, yelling, and shouting, could cause him to suffer another Stress-Caused Heart Attack, and possabily die.

Kidwell told "Handy" that his ADA Compliant P.T.S.D. Service-Dogs are Medically-Needed for him to safely shop, and that Federal Law, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires Walmart allow the disabled to shop with Needed Service Dogs.

"Handy" went off the deep end and started shouting "Walmart doesn't go by any Americans with Disabilities Act. Walmart is private property and I want your frigen dogs out of my store!"

Billy Kidwell asked "Handy" if could they please discuss his Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs with Walmart's Disability Coordinator, or the Store Manager, without all the hostility, yelling, and shouting, and "Handy" said "No, get out of my Store!".

This was the start of what would snowball into a scheme by Walmart, and others, to murder Billy Kidwell, to cover-up the assault, and "fix" a lawsuit filed against Walmart for the assault.  

Attacked by Walmart Manager "Handy" for Being A Disabled Vietnam Veteran

"Handy" said the reason for her unprovoked attack was because she doesn't like dogs, and that she especally dislikes Disabled Veterans, with Service Dogs.

Billy Kidwell made "Handy" aware of his Medical Condition, and recent release from the hospital for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack, and asked "Handy" if she could please stop shouting, please calm down, and please let him speak to a Disability Coordinator, or to the Store Manager.

Walmart Manager "Handy" got extremely angry, and shouted "I don't care if you just got out of a hospital, or if your dogs are Japanese Chins, or Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, authorized by some Americans with Disabilities Act, I want you and your dogs out of my store right now!"

Hannah Kidwell told "Handy" that she is killing her dad, that he is Medically Unable to handle her shouting, and "Handy" said that if Billy Kidwell is that so disabled he can't handle shouting, that he shouldn't be allowed to shop at Walmart, as "Handy" continued to be extremely hostile.

Billy Kidwell, who is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and had just gotten released from the VA Hospital, for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack, started passing out, and was falling into a candy bar rack by the cash register, until his daughter grabbed him to keep him from falling, and help him get out of the store.

Walmart's Criminal Assault on Billy Kidwell is On Film!!!

Billy Kidwell asked if the incident was being filmed and "Handy" pointed to a camera in the celling, aimed at Kidwell and the cash register, and stated that the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter is a "Key Store", and everything is filmed.

"Handy" shouted that means that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter were filmed from the minute they entered Walmart, and are filmed until they walk out the front door, and that the video is kept for five (5) years, as she kept screaming at Billy Kidwell.

Assaulted a Second Time While Leaving Walmart to Get Nitro Pills From their Car!

Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, started leaving Walmart as fast as they could, because Billy Kidwell had started suffering sharp Heart Pains, shortness of breath, light-headedness, and dizzy spells, the symptoms of a heart attack, and was falling into the candy bar rack, so they wanted to get some NITRO Heart Pills out of Billy Kidwell's car.

They were almost all of the way out of the store, when an extremely aggressive Unknown Female, and Male, ran up to Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, hitting Billy Kidwell in the back, and pushing Billy Kidwell, telling him to get out of the store faster, trying to make him run, despite his being severely disabled and unable to even walk, without leaning on a shopping cart.

Billy Kidwell's Daughter started telling the Unknown Female, and Male, that Kidwell had just gotten off of Intensive Care at the VA Hospital, and couldn't stand stress, and the two individuals got even more aggressive, pushing Kidwell harder, hitting his back, aggravating his stress disorder, and causing Sharper Heart Pains, and increased dizzyness.

Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, Conspired Together to Suborn Perjury, and Falsify the Sheriff's Report

Once outside Billy Kidwell sat on the dirty sidewalk, with his back against the Walmart Store, trying to keep from passing out, as his daughter went, and got Heart NITRO Pills from his car.

The Unknown Agressive Female, and Male, that assaulted Billy Kidwell as he was leaving Walmart, now identified themselves as the Male being Larry Coultas, a Walmart Loss-Prevention Officer, and the Female, as being Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager.

Three Charlotte County Sheriff's Cars came flying up, like Walmart was being robbed, and the deputies ran up to Chanel Barghausen, and Larry Coultas, acting like they were related, or best friends with the deputies, as they circled around Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, publically embarassing them, treating them like criminals.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant, Walmart Loss Prevention Office Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager, openly started schemeing together to falsify the Sheriff's Report.

Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, said they didn't want Walmart Manager "Handy" to be in the Police Report, or the incident with "Handy" at the Cash Register to be in the Police Report, and that they didn't want to have any video of "Handy" in the Sheriff's Report.

Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss Prevention, and Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager, wanted the Sheriff's Report falsified to cover-up the attack on Billy Kidwell by Walmart Manager "Handy" for his Medically Needed Service Dogs, and they wanted the Sheriff's Report Falsified to claim Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, were creating a disturbance when they left Walmart.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant, Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss Prevention, and Chanel Barghausen, conspired together, to have Larry Coultas commit Perjury on a Sworn Statement to the Sheriff's Department, concealing that the inncident occurred at the last cash register, before a Walmart Employee with a Name Tag saying she was a Walmart Manager named "Handy", and concealing that "Handy" engaged in an Unprovoked Attack on Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, Medically-Needing to use two (2) small, highly trained, ADA Compliant, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to safely shop.

Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, are Hiding the Key Offender, and Key Witness, Walmart Manager "Handy", and hiding Video Proving Two Felony Assaults, Falsified a Sheriff's Report, a Issued a Fraudulent Trespass, and violated Kidwell's ADA, and Civil Rights, Obstructing Justice

The complete Video of Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, shopping proves Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant, completely falsified the Sheriff's Report;

1. Concealing the incident occurred at the last cash register at Walmart.

2. Concealing that a Walmart Manager named "Handy", started the incident, and was the main party in the incident, by engaging in an unprovoked attack on Billy Kidwell.

3. Concealing the video of Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, from the time they entered Walmart, until they left, which would prove there was two (2) Unprovoked Attacks on Billy Kidwell, one by "Handy", and another as Billy Kidwell was leaving the store, to punish Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran with Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

4. The Sheriff's Report was fraudulent, concealing that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, had at all times been friendly, and courteous, and that it was Walmart Management that was rude, threatening, and disruptive, because of their hate for Disabled Combat Veterans with P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

5. The Sheriff's Report was fraudulent, concealing that the Unprovoked Attack on Billy Kidwell by Walmart Management, because of his Service Dogs, caused Kidwell to suffer the symptoms of a Heart Attack.

6. The Sherrif's Report intentionally lied by claiming the Kidwell's were "disruptive", when they were victims of an assult, victims of the intentional violation of their rights, and victims of disability abuse.

7. The Sheriff's Report concealed that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department knowingly, and intentionally, issued a Fraudulent Trespass against Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, to punish them for Billy Kidwell being a Disabled Veteran, using Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, as authorized by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Florida Statute 413.08(4).

Walmart and the Charlotte County Sheriff Hide the Evidence

The video proves Billy Kidwell suffered two Unprovoked Felony Attacks causing Heart Problems in violation of  F.S. 825.102, a First Degree Felony, Billy Kidwell's Federal, and State Disability, and Civil Rights, were constantly violated, as Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Obstruct Justice, falsifying a Sheriff's Report, concealing video of the crimes, and concealing the Offender, and Key Witness "Handy", while Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, are fraudulently Trespassed.

Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, asked to make sworn statements to attach to the Sheriff's Report and the Charlotte County Sheriff refused saying only Walmart has rights because Walmart is private Property, denying them any fairness, honesty, or Due Process.

Billy Kidwell asked Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant to attach the complete video to the Sheriff's Report, and Trespasses, and the Charlotte County Sheriff refused. [Link to Video made by Hannah Kidwell.]

Illegally Illegally Trespassed from Culvers, and Murphys Gas Station, as Punishment for being a Disabled Veteran

Larry Coultas, the Walmart Loss-Prevention Officer, with the Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, by his side, stated that Walmart wanted Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, trespassed from eating at Culver's, the Kidwell's favorate resturant, and trespassed from buying gas at Murphy's Gas Stations, one of the lowest priced, and best gas stations, in Charlotte County.

Hannah Kidwell asked "Why" and Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, said that Culvers Resturants, and Murphy's Gas Stations, rented from Walmart, and therefore Walmart controlled them, and Walmart wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell trespassed from them, in addition to trespassing them from the Kings Highway Walmart, to punish Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in Walmart, and to punish his daughter for helping her dad walk. [See video made by Hannah Kidwell.]

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargeant stated that he was going to leave Culvers, and Murphys, off the trespass, and then he looked at the Kidwells and said "But if I were you I wouldn't go near a Culvers, or Murphys, because we'll have trouble, if you know what I mean".

The Kidwell's clearly felt this was a threat by the Sheriff, and they have been scared to go to a Culvers, or Murphys Gas Station, for four years now.

Billy Kidwell Personally Notified the State of Florida, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff of the Assaults, Fraudulent Sheriff's Report, and Fraudulent Trespass, and that Video, and a Key Witness, was being Concealed by Walmart, that Proves those Allegations

It was clear that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department had some kind of deal, or aggargement, with Walmart to fix, and falsify investigations in Walmart's Favor, and to falsify Police Reports, for Walmart.

Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt, conspired with, and encouraged Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss-Prevention, to commit Perjury in an Affidavit he signed, in which he concealed that Walmart had a complete Video of the assault on Kidwell by Walmart Manager "Handy", as he lied, Under Oath, and concealed that Walmart Manager "Handy" assaulted Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, and Larry Coultas also lied under oath about the whole incident, where it occurred, who was involved, and what it was about.

Larry Coultas's sworn statement, given to the Charlotte County Sheriff, Under Oath, is fraudulent, and an Intentional Act of Perjury.

Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, were upset that the Charlotte County Sheriff was suborning Perjury, to falsify the Sheriff's Report, and that Walmart Official, Larry Coultas, was knowingly committing Perjury, and they asked to sign an Affidavit too.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt stated that Walmart does not have to comply with the ADA, or Florida Disability Laws, and that the Disabled Have no rights at Walmart, because Walmart is Private Property.

The Charlotte County Sheriff stated that the victims, Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, could not make a Statement, and that only Walmart can sign an Affidavit about the incident, [See Video describing whole incident.]

in a cover-uphe paragraphs below describe the Inhuman Way, Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans are treated in America, and exposes widespread crimes, and Corruption, by Walmart, which was fined over $292,000,000 for bribing Law Enforcement, and Government Officials, in China, India, Mexico, and Brazil, and is now terrorizing Disabled Veterans in America, by bribing the United States Department of Justice, corrupting the Judicial System in America, and trying to Murder the Elderly, Severely Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell.

The many paragraphs below are necessary to expose how Walmart has corrupted nearly every aspect of our country, and how the attempted Murder of a Disabled Vietnam Veteran snowballed into having so many different Government Officials Involved.

This case exposes how Walmart bribed law enforcement in America, just like Walmart did in China, India, Mexico, and Brazil, and how Walmart, and Walmart's Associates, which includes a Federal Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, a U.S. Magistrate, Mac R, McCoy, and the Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, are getting by covering-up Felonies by criminals, getting by with blatantly Fixing a Lawsuit for Walmart, and getting by with openly trying to kill the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, in an effort to shut him up about all of this.

The Strongest Attempted Murder Case in History

Every member of Billy Kidwell's Family signed Affidavits stating that Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, knowingly, and intentionally, tortured, and attempted to Murder, the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, inflicting massive Pain, Suffering, and Permanent Harm, on Kidwell, causing him to be terminal, with a choice of Hospice, or Emergency Surgery.

There are dozens of Eyewitnesses, Mountains of Indisputable Evidence, an Actual Video, Court Records, many Medical Experts, and Records of an Emergency Operation, proving that Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Walmart General Counsel, Karen Roberts, the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Sheri Polster Chappell, Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, knowingly, and intentionally, tortured, and attempted to Murder, the Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell. [At the end of this article there are links to the evidence.]

There has never been a case of Attempted Murder with so many credible witnesses, and so much indisputable evidence, the only problem is finding just one Government Official honest enough to do their job, and prosecute the criminals.

In Florida it is is a First Degree Felony to "willingly, and knowingly engage in any intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in Psychological, or Physical Injury to an Elderly, or Disabled Adult in Florida", [See F.S. 825.102], and it is a crime to harass a disabled person with a Service Dog, [See F.S. 413.08(4)] .

Billy Kidwell's Daughter started telling the Unknown Female, and Male, that Kidwell had just gotten off of Intensive Care at the VA Hospital, and couldn't stand stress, and the two individuals got even more aggressive, pushing Kidwell harder, hitting his back, aggravating his stress disorder, and causing Sharper Heart Pains, and increased dizzyness.

After Two Assaults on the Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, Hid Video of the Assaults, Suborned Perjury, and Falsified the Sheriff's Report

The Agressive Female, and Male, Walmart Officials now identified themselves as the Male being Larry Coultas, a Walmart Loss-Prevention Officer, and the Female, as being Chanel Barghausen, the Walmart Store Manager.

Three Charlotte County Sheriff's Cars came flying up, like Walmart was being robbed, and the deputies ran up to Chanel Barghausen, and Larry Coultas, acting like they were related, or best friends, with the deputies.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent then asked Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, what they wanted done, and Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, stated they wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, trespassed from Walmart, and from Culvers Resturants, and Murphy's Gas Stations, for life, to punish Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, having P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in their store.

Larry Coultas, the Walmart Loss-Prevention Officer stated that Culvers Resturants, and Murphy's Gas Stations, rented from Walmart, and therefore Walmart controlled them, and he wanted Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell trespassed from them, in addition to trespassing them from the Kings Highway Walmart, to punish Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in Walmart. [See video made by Hannah Kidwell.]

Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, openly discussed, and decided to falsify, and did falsify, the Sheriff's Report, and to conceal that the incident occurred at the far-end cash register in Walmart, with a Walmart Manager named "Handy".

For some reason Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, did not want "Handy" in the police report anywhere, and did not want the video of Billy Kidwell being assaulted by "Handy", and by Larry Coultas, and Chanel Barghausen, as he was leaving Walmart put in the Sheriff's Report.

Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, conspired, and got Larry Coultas to knowingly, and intentionally commit Perjury in the Sheriff's Report, so Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff could lie, and conceal, that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, were at all times polite, and obedient, and that at no time were they disruptive, so that Walmart could violate the Statutory Disability, and Civil Rights, of Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell.

Larry Coultas, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent, conspired, and got Larry Coultas to knowingly, and intentionally commit Perjury in the Sheriff's Report, by concealing the attack by "Handy", by concealing that the incident occurred with a Walmart Manager named "Handy", concealing that the incident occurred at the far-end cash register in Walmart, with a Walmart Manager named "Handy", concealing that the only person disruptive was Walmart Manager "Handy", concealing that the whole incident was Walmart punishing Billy Kidwell for being an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Medically Needing to use a P.T.S.D. Service Dog, and to OBSTRUCT Justice, and the lawful investigation of Walmart, "Handy", and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department for attacking Disabled Veterans.

The Charlotte County Sheriff's Report concealed that the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter is a "Key" Walmart Store, that has video of its customers from the time they enter the store, until they leave, and that the incident with Walmart Manager "Handy" at the far cash register had two camera aimed at it, and was clearly videotaped, and that the Sheriff, and Walmart, are hiding that tape.

It was clear that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department had some kind of deal, or aggargement, with Walmart to fix, and falsify investigations in Walmart's Favor, and to falsify Police Reports, for Walmart.

Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and the Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt, conspired with, and encouraged Larry Coultas, Walmart Loss-Prevention, to commit Perjury in an Affidavit he signed, in which he concealed that Walmart had a complete Video of the assault on Kidwell by Walmart Manager "Handy", as he lied, Under Oath, and concealed that Walmart Manager "Handy" assaulted Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, and Larry Coultas also lied under oath about the whole incident, where it occurred, who was involved, and what it was about.

Larry Coultas's sworn statement, given to the Charlotte County Sheriff, Under Oath, is fraudulent, and an Intentional Act of Perjury.

Billy Kidwell, and Hannah Kidwell, were upset that the Charlotte County Sheriff was suborning Perjury, to falsify the Sheriff's Report, and that Walmart Official, Larry Coultas, was knowingly committing Perjury, and they asked to sign an Affidavit too.

The Charlotte County Sheriff Sgt stated that Walmart does not have to comply with the ADA, or Florida Disability Laws, and that the Disabled Have no rights at Walmart, because Walmart is Private Property.

The Charlotte County Sheriff stated that the victims, Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, could not make a Statement, and that only Walmart can sign an Affidavit about the incident, [See Video describing whole incident.]

U.S. Department of Justice Says Elderly Disabled Vietnam Veterans Should Just Die!

The United States Department of Justice has a duty to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and eagerly protects the ADA Disability Rights of "People of Color".

Disability Rights of

called the U.S. Department of Justice to make a Freedom of Information Act Records Request.

A United States Department of Justice Attorney implied to Billy Kidwell, on the phone, that the Justice Department considers Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans to be "Less than Human and Not deserving of rights", and said the Justice Department does not protect the rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans.

The U.S. Department of Justice Attorney then told Billy Kidwell "Elderly Veterans should just die, because they are eating up the money, and using benefits, needed for the younger Veterans."

Billy Kidwell asked for Public Records, of all Disabled Vietnam Veterans that have been denied the services of the Justice Department, and the Justice Department Attorney stated that the Justice Department does not have a record of ever protecting the Disability Rights of even one (1) Disabled Vietnam Veteran, with a P.T.S.D. Service Animal, and never intends to protect Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.

Charges & Evidence

1. Billy Kidwell, and his family, allege that Billy Kidwell has been disabled with a Combat Back Injury, resulting in his left side, and left leg being numb, while he suffers extreme back pain, and he is Severely Disabled with a Combat Stress Disorder, that causes Physical Disabilities including a Severe Sleeping Disorder, Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused heart Problems, including Stress-Caused Heart Attacks, and a Medical Inability to Stand Stress, since his return from Vietnam in 1969, which is documented by his Army Records, over forty (40) years of VA Records, with every VA Doctor, and Medical Expert that examined Billy Kidwell AGREEING in their diagnosis, documented by a trial before Social Security Administrative Law Judge Farr, who concurred, documented by the VA Board of Appeals Judgment Order, and a review by the United States Surgeon General.

, and that for the past thirty (30) years that he has lived in Florida the State of Florida, Charlotte County Florida, and Corporations in Florida, such as Walmart, Publix, Busch Gardens, Disney, Comcast, and others, engage in Blatant Discrimination Against Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities The paragraphs below prove the CEO of Walmart, Doug McMillion, the General Counsel of Walmart, Karen Roberts, the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, and their Attorneys, worked with U.S. Magistrate,  

is part of a number of intentional illegal events that aggravated Billy Kidwell Life-Threatening Disabilities, and resulted in Billy Kidwell suffering years of Inhuman Torture, with no rights, and a nearly fatal, intentionally caused, Stress-Caused Heart Attack, and the nearly fatal tearing of his Aortic Aneurysm, resulting in doctors giving Kidwell a choice of 24 hours to possabily live, or having Emergency Surgery, in which he could still possabily die.

This all started with an Inhuman Hate of Disabled Vietnam Veterans by the United States Department of Justice, and a denial of Justice Department Services to Disabled Vietnam Veterans, that has resulted a complete lack of respect for Disabled Vietnamthose Veterans by State Governments   .

Walmart, the Charlotte County Sheriff, and the United States Department of Justice, Want Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, Dead!

Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Prays he doesn't die, before Getting A Criminal Investigation of Walmart, the U.S. Department of Justice, two Corrupt Federal Judges, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, who conspired together, Inhumanly Tortured,  and Tried to Murder him, to "fix" a Lawsuit, and Cover-Up Mafia-Like Crimes, by Walmart! [See video.]

Billy Kidwell has extreme Back Pain, One Side, and his Left Leg Numb because of a Rocket Attack in Vietnam, and needs to use a VA Walker, and lean on a Shopping Cart, or use an Electric Wheelchair, to shop.

Billy Kidwell has a history of Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused Heart Attacks, and Medically-Needs to use two (2) Small Japanese Chin, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, when shopping, to help him avoid Stress-Caused P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and to calm him durring those Anxiety Attacks, which can kill him because of his Stress-Caused Heart Problems.

After giving everything to defend this country, and suffering extreme pain every day for his Military Service, all Billy Kidwell wants is the freedom to shop at Walmart, with his Medically-Needed Service Dogs, in peace, without being assaulted, surrounded by hostile police, and trespassed for being a Disabled Veteran, and maybe even be allowed to sit on a Public Beach, and enjoy the sunset, or allowed to enjoy a Public Park in Florida, with his Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

Disabled Veterans have No Rights in Florida

In Florida Disabled Veterans are not allowed on Public Beaches, or in Public Parks, with Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, because the U.S. Department of Justice Discriminates Against Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and refuses to enforce their Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Rights. [See the videos.]

When the Department of Justice refuses to enforce Federal Disability Laws it encourages States, Corporations, and others to violate those laws.

According to the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, they only protect the rights of important people, such as "People of Color", and Other Minorities, Females, Members of the LGBTQI Community, Illegals Invading Our Country, and the Justice Department even provided Attorneys to Terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

Walmart, the Charlotte County Sheriff, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Fort Myers U.S. District Court, Conspire, and Hide Walmart Manager "Handy", and the Video, of the Felony Assault on Disabled Veteran, Billy Kidwell

Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and Walmart Loss-Prevention,  Larry Coultas, stated that the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter is a District Walmart Store, and therefore records video of shoppers from the time they enter the store, until they leave, and keeps the videos for five (5) years.

Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah, asked Walmart Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and Walmart Loss-Prevention,  Larry Coultas, to attach a copy of the video to their Sheriff's Report, and requested that they retain copies of the Kidwells shopping, the whole time they were in the store, and the incident by Walmart Manager "Handy".


On Janurary 13, 2022 I was in extreme pain. I could feel my Aortic Aneurysm tearing, and I had been having almost constant symptoms of a Major Heart Attack, since October 31, 2021, about two months earlier.

for The United States Department of I had been threatened by United States Magistrate, Mac R. McCoy, and U.S. District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, in Written Court ORDERS, not to see a doctor for my symptoms of a Heart Attack, my Heart Pains, Passing Out, Loss of Breath, Dizzyness, and not to see a doctor for my extreme pain, and symptoms of my Aortic Aneurysm tearing, or for my throwing up blood.

My wife drove me to

I had been attacked at the Kings Highway Walmart in Port Charlotte, Florida, by a Walmart Manager named "Handy", for being a Disabled Veteran needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

I contacted the Justice Department, which has the responsibility of enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, and they said they don't protect the rights of Veterans, that the Justice Department only protects the rights of "People of Color", Other Minorities, Gays, the LGBTQI Community, the rights of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, and the rights of illegals invading our country.

The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department stated it has never, and will never, protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans.

and my family took me to the VA Clinic, which told us that I could die if I didn't immediately go to a Hospital Emergency Room.

This Started with a Walmart Manager Attacking Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Veteran, Medically Needing to Use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, while Shopping at Walmart

A few days after Billy Kidwell was released from the Intensive Care Heart, and Stroke Ward, at the Bay Pines VA Hospital, for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack, he decided to go to the Kings Highway Walmart to shop with his Care-Giver Daughter assisting him, and his two (2) small Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, to help him avoid Stress-Caused P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, and to calm him should he have an attack.

Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to stand stress, and with his recent release from intensive care for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack, his Service Dogs could save his life.

Billy Kidwell is a Seventy-Three (73) Year-Old, 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran, with a back injury from a Rocket Attack in Vietnam, causing his left Side, and left leg to be numb, and is unable to walk without leaning on a shopping cart, or riding in an Electric Wheel Chair.

Since it is dangerous for Service Dogs to be in Electric Wheel Chairs the only way Billy Kidwell can safely shop is to put his Two (2) Small Service Dogs in his shopping cart, and lean on the cart to walk.

Because Walmart Shopping Carts are so filthy, and rarely washed, and used one minute to carry Cow Manure, and Poisons, from Walmart's Garden Section, and Car Batteries, Automotive Chemicals, and Children with Dirty Diapers, leaking human waste, and then food, including raw chicken leaking in the carts, Billy Kidwell often puts a rubber mat on the bottom of Walmart Shopping Carts, so his clean P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, don't have to touch the filthy Walmart Shopping Carts, and catch some disease.

Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, entered Walmart, joked with the door greetor, and shopped for about half an hour, having no problems, and then they went to a cash register to pay, and were attacked by a Walmart Manager operating the cash register, with a name tag that said "Handy".

Walmart Manager "Handy" started shouting at Billy Kidwell that dogs are not allowed in her store.

Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, asked Handy to calm down, and explained that Billy Kidwell had just gotten out of Intensive Care, and that he is Medically Unable to handle shouting, and Undue Stress, and that because of his heart it can kill him.

They explained that, as the vests on his dogs stated, his dogs are ADA Qualified, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs,

The Indisputable Evidence of the Attempted Murder of Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, by U.S. District Court Judges, Sheri Polster Chappell, and Magistrate Judge, Mac R. McCoy, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Florida Sheriff

, the Rocket Attack, he has "Agent Orange Pre-Cancer" everywhere, and extremely severe Combat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.).

Billy Kidwell is a Seventy-Three (73) Year-Old, 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran, with a back injury from a Rocket Attack in Vietnam, causing his left Side, and left leg to be numb from the Rocket Attack, he has "Agent Orange Pre-Cancer" everywhere, and extremely severe Combat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.).

Billy Kidwell can not walk, without using a cane, for more than a couple of feet, and uses a VA Walker, with help from his daughter.

The P.T.S.D. causes a Severe Sleeping Disorder, Nightmares, Depression, and Anxiety Attacks, so severe Kidwell developed Stress-Caused Stomach Problems, Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused Heart Problems, with a well-documented History of Stress-Caused Heart Attacks.

Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and needs to use two (2) small Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to help him avoid, and to calm him, durring Life-Threatening, P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.

the VA could not find a medication that worked for Billy Kidwell's P.T.S.D., and his advancing age, resulted in his Disabilities becoming worst.

About five (5) years ago Kidwell's VA Doctor was changed to an Army Doctor, that just returned from Iraq, who suggested that Billy Kidwell try using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to avoid, and calm him, durring P.T.S.D. Anxiet Attacks.

Billy Kidwell researched and found small Japanese Chins make the best P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, but that because of their shyness they work best in a pair, so he searched, purchased, and personally trained, two small, extremely calm, Japanese Chins that would alert him when stress was causing a P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attack, and calm Kidwell durring a P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attack, helping Kidwell avoid Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Life-Threatening, Stress-Caused Heart Problems, and Heart Attacks.

The P.T.S.D. Service Dogs worked extremely well, so Billy Kidwell's VA Doctor put in his VA Medical Records that his two (2) small Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Dogs were a Medical Necessory to help him avoid, and to calm him, durring life-threatening, P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.

The United States Department of Justice Will Not Protect the Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans

The United States Department of Justice Will Not Protect the Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans in Florida.


ince the Vietnam War the U.S. Department of Justice has denied Disabled Vietnam Veterans the services of the Justice Department, refusing to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), resulting in their being No Disability Rights for Disabled Vietnam Veterans in States like Florida.

Why Walmart, and the U.S. Department of Justice, Want Me Dead!

Since the Vietnam War the U.S. Department of Justice has denied Disabled Vietnam Veterans the services of the Justice Department, refusing to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), resulting in their being No Disability Rights for Disabled Vietnam Veterans in States like Florida.

to protect the Disability Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, idespread corruption in the VA, while

ir for twenty-eight (28) years, to steal his Disability Benefits.

To make it worst the State of Florida has never accepted, and does not enforce Disability Rights for Disabled Veterans,

a 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, in severe pain each day, because of his service to this country, providing the freedoms we all enjoy.

All Billy Kidwell wants is the Disability Rights he Earned, to be able to shop in a store, sit on a beach, or enjoy a Public Park, rights that do not exist in Florida for America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans.

Billy Kidwell has severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) that causes a Sleep Disorder, where he has been unable to sleep or over a week, causing shortness of breath, and other problems, he has Combat Nightmares, Depression, and P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks that cause Stress-Caused Stomach Problems, including Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, Stress Caused Heart Problems, and documented Stress-Caused Heart Attacks.

Billy Kidwell is MEDICALLY UNABLE TO STAND STRESS, and has a very well documented History of passing out from the stress of Court Hearings, and/or, attempting to do law work, or being subjected to stress.

In the Fifty (50) Years since Vietnam the U.S. Department of Justice has discriminated against, and refused to protect the ADA Disability Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans in Florida.

As a result of no Federal Enforcement of Federal Disability Laws in Florida the Americans with Disabilities Act does not exist in Florida for Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans.

In Florida Disabled Veterans, using P.T.S.D. Service Dogs are sporatically attacked by law enforcement


The New York Times exposed that Walmart operated like a RICO Mafia Crime Family, worldwide, by bribing Officials in China, Brazil, India, and Mexico, violating the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Walmart bribed Cops, Government Officials, Judges, and Politicians, all over the world, putting itself above the law, with the power to cover-up any crime, while illegally making Billions of Dollars.

In America Walmart CEO,       engaged in similar Mafia-Like Tactics, spending over 900 Million Dollars to obstruct justice, and "hush-up" the overseas investigations by the United States Department of Justice, and the Securities, and Exchange Commission, for its many violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, while Walmart starting "buying" the Justice Department.


To F.B.I. Director, Christopher A. Wray;

Please accept this News/Press Release as being a Public Request for an F.B.I. Investigation of Rampant Corruption in the United States Department of Justice.

Since the Vietnam War, the Justice Department has been a partner in the Genocide of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with the Department of Defense, and VA, refusing to protect Veterans, and refusing to investigate, as the Military destroied several hundred thousand Veterans Lives with a "Bad Paper Discharge Con-Game", driving many to suicide, while the Department of Veterans Affairs murdered another three hundred, and eighty thousand Veterans, with a "Medical Waiting List Con-Game".

The Justice Department refused to investigate those crimes until they were exposed in the National News Media forcing the Justice Department to act.

Meanwhile, in states like Florida the Justice Department refuses to protect the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Rights of Disabled Veterans, allowing Florida to illegally ban Disabled Veterans from enjoying a Public Beach, or Public Park, with their P.T.S.D. Service Dog, while allowing Corporations, like Walmart, Publix, and ALDI's to trespass, and sometimes attack, and assault, Elderly, Disabled Veterans with their needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

for the The intentional destruction of the lives of America's Vietnam War Heroes, with It took the Industrial Complex paid Obstruction of Justice, and the refusal of the Justice Department to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, when the victim is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.

And concluding with a Magistrate, and United States District Court Judge, trying to murder me, while the Justice Department closed its eyes, refused to protect me, and is trying to cover-up the murder attempt, because of the "Policy of Hate, and Discrimination", by the Justice Department towards Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans.

For Fifty (50) Years the Justice Department has treated Disabled Vietnam Veterans as if they are not human, nor deserving of Basic Human Rights, that are now protected by the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initative Act Act, in addition to the ADA, and other laws.

The recent attempt to murder me has cost America's Taxpayers nearly Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) in Medical Bills, that the VA paid with Taxpayer Dollars.

I enlisted, asked for the hardest Military Service, and voluniteered for Vietnam, defending this country, while our Elitist, Silver-Spooned, Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, hid in college.

I refturned from Vietnam, after extremely Honorable Service, disabled, and victimized by the Military's "Bad Paper Discharge Con-Game", congress now calls a National Disgrace,  as the government tried to steal my VA Disability, with non-stop crimes, for eighteen (18) years.

I am rated 100% Service-Connected by the VA, and have suffered Fifty (50) Years of pain from my Military Service for this country, while Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, was publishing Racist Hate Articles towards light-skinned Americans, in which she claims light-skinned people are inferrior to Black Americans.

Despite the belief of Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, and her Racist, Disabled Veteran-Hating, Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, I am a Human Being, I have EARNED, and am ENTITLED to Basic Human, Constitutional, and Statutory Rights.

I want the rights I EARNED.

I want Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, and her Justice Department to stop violating the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, as they try to drive Disabled Veterans to suicide, and/or, allow, and encourage, the violation of Veterans Rights, and even the murder of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, as described herein, and in Unsworn Declaractions pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746.

I want the many Crimes against me enforced, to the fullest extent of the law, inclusing the many Rights Violations, and Obstruction of Justice, by the United States Department of Justice, and the Attempted Murder towards me by United States Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, and United States District Court Judge, Sheri Polster Chappell, in the United States District Court at Fort Myers Florida.

This Complaint is of Great Public Importanance because the public can have no faith in this government, until there are some ethics, and those entrusted with enforcing our laws, start doing so equally, and in a Race Neutral Manner, and without hate towards those that defend this country in time of war.

Please note that I have a very large number of Eye-Witnesses, and Expert Medical Witnesses, that support, and prove every single allegation herein, and need to be questioned in regards to the attempts by the United States District Court Judge, and his Magistrate, to murder me.

Please read the Facts Section of this Website, and the Evidence Pages, and the List of Some of the Crimes Committed.


/s/ Billy Kidwell                             April 15, 2022

/s/ Tana Kidwell                            April 15, 2022

/s/ Hannah Kidwell                       April 15, 2022  

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