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No Race, No Religion, No People on Earth,
Are Discriminated Against, or Treated as Horrible,
As America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans !
Everything on this Website May be Freely Copied !
By Obstructing Life-
Walmart Assaulted an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, Hid Video of the Assault, Hid the Key Witness, Falsified the Police Report, and then Tried to Murder the Disabled Veteran
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, terrorized victims around the world, by operating Walmart like a RICO Mafia Crime Family, freely committing crimes, and then bribing Judges, Police, and Government Officials in Brazil, China, India, Mexaco, and in the United States, to cover up those crimes.
Walmart is operating the same way in this case, assaulting an Elderly, Severely Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, hiding Video of the Assault, hiding the Key Witness, Falsifying the Sheriff's Report, Bribing the Sheriff, and then having Two (2) Corrupt, Walmart-
The Attempt to Murder the Elderly, Disabled Veteran, Billy Kidwell, has cost America's Taxpayers nearly a Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in Emergency Medical Care, paid for, by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, knowing Kidwell had recently been hospitalized for a Life-
CEO Doug McMillon, Sheriff, Bill Prummell, Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, then OBSTRUCTED Billy Kidwell from getting Emergency Medical Care, knowing that either the Heart Attack, or the tearing Aortic Aneurysm, were likely to be fatal, without prompt Emergency Medical Care.
The Obstruction of Needed Emergency Medical Care inflicted Great Bodily Harm, Permanent Disability, and such Massive Harm on Kidwell, that no amount of Damages can ever repair, or make, Kidwell whole.
Walmart CEO, Doug McMillon, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, with their Attorneys, and with the assistance of Judge Sheri Polister Chappell, and Magistrate Mac R. McCoy, had knowing, and intentionally, tried to Murder Billy Kidwell, in a scheme to fix a lawsuit, in favor of Walmart, and the Sheriff.The Facts
At the Kings Highway Walmart in Port Charlotte, Florida a Walmart Manager, with a nametag saying her name is "Handy", assaulted Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, Severely Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran, right after he had been released from the Intensive Care, Heart, and Stroke Ward of the Bay Pines VA Hospital, for having a Life-
Walmart Manager "Handy" was extremely upset, and aggressive, because of Billy Kidwell being a Disabled Veteran, having to use a Medically-
"Handy" aggressively asserted, as she assaulted Billy Kidwell, that Walmart is above the law, and does not have to comply with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or Florida's Disability Laws, and "can do anything it wants to its customers because Walmart is Private Property".Walmart Allows Pet Dogs in Shopping Carts, but Does Not Allow Service Dogs
Billy Kidwell is part of a large "Class" of Disabled Veterans, who cannot walk because of a Combat Injury, and yet Medically-
For years Walmart, with the protection of a Walmart-
You can go to any Walmart in Florida, and see the sign above, prohibiting Service Dogs in Shopping Carts, because Walmart claims "Service Dogs are too dirty for Walmart Shopping Carts".
And yet Walmart encourages customers to put pet dogs in Shopping Carts, and you can see pet dogs in Walmart Shopping Carts, in every Walmart Store in Florida.
It should be noted that Walmart never washes their Shopping Carts, and in addition to Pet Dogs, Walmart encourages customers to put Car Batteries, Rat Poisons, Dangerous Chemicals of all kinds, and even bags of Cow Manure from their Garden Department, into Walmart Shopping Carts, while Welfare Moms put filthy kids, with diapers leaking human waste, in Walmart Shopping Carts, right next to food.
But yet Walmart claims Service Dogs make their Shopping Carts dirty.The Charlotte County Sheriff Arrives, Acting Like They Are Employees of Walmart
About six (6) Charlotte County Florida Sheriff Police Cars arrived, and the cops rushed around Billy Kidwell, real hostile, acting like he had robbed a bank, or something, inflicting massive Public Embarassment on him, when his only crime, was that of being Severely Disabled, from defending this country in a war, and needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to safely shop.
Billy Kidwell explained to the sheriff(s), that he had just gotten out of Intensive Care, at a VA Hospital, for a Stress-
Kidwell explained that Walmart Manager "Handy" then attacked Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, screaming at them that Walmart don't go by any Americans with Disabilities Act, and Service Dogs are not allowed in Walmart.
Hearing this, the Charlotte County Sheriff got upset, and rudely, and forcefully, stated to Billy Kidwell, "What are you? Some kind of lawyer? Walmart is Private Property, and they can do anything they want! Florida is a state and doesn't go by any Federal Americans with Disabilities Act!"
The Charlotte County Sheriffs acted as if they are "Dirty Cops" Emploied by Walmart.Walmart, and the Charlotte County, Florida, Sheriff, Suborn Perjury, Falsify the Sheriff's Report, and Hide the Key Witness of the Crimes
The Sheriff in charge, a Sergeant, started scheming with the Walmart Store Manager, and Walmart Loss Prevention, to falsify the sheriff's report about the incident, because they didn't want the Sheriff's Report truthfully stating how Billy Kidwell was attacked, for being a Disabled Veteran, with a Service Dog.
Walmart, and the Sheriff, had Walmart Loss Prevention commit Perjury, and intentionally lie, Under Oath, about the Facts of the Incident.
The Charlotte County Sheriff Sargent stated that "only Walmart was allowed to make a statement in their Investigative Report, and that if Billy Kidwell, or his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, wanted to make a statement they would have to hire an Attorney".
The Sheriff Deputies then guided Walmart Loss Prevention, as to what to say, instructing Walmart Loss Prevention to lie, Under Oath, about where the Incident Occurred, and to lie about who was involved, to completely conceal the Actual Material Facts, and to specifically conceal that the Incident was with a Walmart Manager, named "Handy", and to conceal Billy Kidwell was attacked, solely because is a Disabled Veteran, that Medically-
The Sheriff's Report was completely Fabricated, Obstructed Justice, and was used to issue an Illegal Trespass to Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, and to Cover-Walmart Illegally Trespasses Disabled Veteran, and his VA Caregiver, From Businesses Walmart Does Not Even Own!
Walmart is so full of hate for America's Disabled Veterans that the Kings Highway Walmart Store Manager, Chanel Barghausen, and her Store Security, Larry Coultas, lied to the Charlotte County Sheriff, and fraudulently claimed that Walmart owned the property, all the Culver Resturants are on, and the land all the Murphys Gas Stations are on, and demanded that the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department trespass Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, from all Culver Resturants, and all Murphys Gas Stations.
The Charlotte County Sheriff kept acting like the Sheriffs were Walmart Employees, and stated that while they were not putting Culver, and Murphy in the Trespass Notice, that Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah, "For their own good", better stay away from Culvers, and Murphys.
It was clear that the statement to stay away from Culvers, and Murphys, was a threat by the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department against Billy Kidwell, and his daughter.
It is illegal, Walmart, and the Charlotte County Sheriff, have no authority to ban Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, from Culver Resturants, and Murphy Gas Stations, to PUNISH Billy Kidwell for being a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, and Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, are Hiding Video, Proving Every Charge in Kidwell's Lawsuit, and Hiding the Key Witness "Handy"
The Walmart Store Manager, and Walmart Security, stated that the Kings Highway Walmart is a Key Store, and that the Assault on Kidwell, and the entire incident, was recorded by Walmart.
Because the Video Evidence is indisputable, Walmart is hiding the Video Evidence, and concealing the Key Witness, named "Handy", that assaulted Billy Kidwell, to Obstruct Justice.
The video will prove Billy Kidwell, and his daughter, Hannah Kidwell, are victims of an Unprovoked Assault by Walmart Manager "Handy".
And that Walmart Management, and Walmart Loss Prevention, at the Kings Highway Walmart Supercenter in Port Charlotte, conspired with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department to Suborn, and Commit Perjury, falsifying nearly every statement in the Sheriff's Report to conceal the Key Witness "Handy", to conceal Walmart Management involved in the attack on Kidwell, to conceal where the incident occurred, and to deceive anyone reading the Sheriff's Incident Report, as to the Actual Material Facts.
Florida, and the United States Department of Justice Department, Refused to Protect Kidwell's Rights, and Forced Billy Kidwell to File a Lawsuit, Knowing it Can Cause his Death!
Billy Kidwell, has been a Vietnam Veteran Activist for fifty (50) years, fighting for Veterans Rights, however in 2017, while fighting for Veterans Rights in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, Florida Kidwell suffered a Massive, Stress-
Billy Kidwell's VA Heart Doctor told Kidwell that he could no longer do law work, or write letters, fighting for Veterans Rights, because his heart had suffered major damage, and any stress would likely cause another Stress-
heTo correct this injustice, on January 5, 2021, Congress passed the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, that is intended to protect Servicemembers, Veterans, and their families of Servicemembers, and Veterans, by placing Specific Statutory Duties on the United States Department of Justice.
The United States Department of Justice, has NO RESPECT for Disabled Vietnam Veterans, or laws intended to protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, absolutely REFUSES to comply with the Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020.
It should be noted that the Justice Department has a Duty to Enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act, and has a Statutory Duty, pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act to assist Billy Kidwell, especally with Billy Kidwell being Medically-
Instead, both the United States Department of Justice, and Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody, spit all over Billy Kidwell, to punish him for being a Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran, by refusing to protect his Disability Rights, and refusing to allow him to merely enjoy Public Beaches, Public Parks, and refusing to allow Kidwell to shop in Walmart, with his Medically-The United States Government Hates Disabled Vietnam Veteran
A teenaged Billy Kidwell, believing the ideas this country was founded on were great, enlisted in the Army, at the height of the Vietnam War, when thousands were fleeing this country to Canada to escape the draft, and avoid Military Service.
Kidwell voluniteered for Vietnam, and returned from the war disabled with a Back Injury from a Rocket Attack, and a Combat Stress Disability.
Billy Kidwell was assigned to the Gung-
At twenty (20) Years Old, Billy Kidwell, who was suffering with severe Depression, Anxiety Attacks, Insomnia, and Combat Nightmares, was five minutes late for a work formation, placed in the Stockade, gang-
Kidwell was then lied to, in writing, by an Army Attorney, and threatened, until he agreed to accept, what his Army Attorney said was an "Administrative Discharge", but was actually an Illegal "P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharge", [What the Army calls a "Bad Paper Discharge".]
Tens of thousands of America's Teenaged Soldiers, returning to the states from Vietnam, with Combat Stress Disorders, were also denied Medical Care, threatened, lied to, and tricked, with the Army's Illegal "P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharge" (Bad Paper Discharge Con-
We were young, mostly teenagers, and we made the mistake of trusting our government, trusting the Army, and trusting the Sleazy Military Attorneys the Army provided us with.
The Army drove at least Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) Disabled Vietnam Veterans to suicide with their "P.T.S.D. Dishonorable Discharge" (Bad Paper Discharge Con-
At least another Three Hundred, and Eighty Thousand, (380,000) Disabled Veterans were knowingly, and intentionally, Murdered, by the Department of Veterans Affairs "Medical Waiting List Con-
VA Officials were paid an extremely large Bonus for reducing the cost of the Vietnam War, by Murdering all those Disabled Veterans, after all, Dead Veterans don't get VA Benefits.
As a result of finding out, how inhuman, and illegal, those that enlisted to fight for this country, and voluniteered for Vietnam Service, are treated, Billy Kidwell started his Fifty-
Disabled Vietnam Veterans are Not Allowed in Florida
Billy Kidwell's VA Doctor put in his VA Records that he Medically Needs to use his two (2) small, Japanese Chin P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, to help him avoid, and to calm him, during P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks.
When Kidwell attempted to use his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs signs prohibited them on Florida Beaches, and Parks, and he was sporatically harassed, and threatened, by Florida Law Enforcement, and told "Florida does not go by the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act" (ADA).
Because Federal, and State, Disability Laws are not enforced in Florida, State, and Local Governments, Corporations, Restaurants, Stores, and Public Accommodations in Florida only sporatically, and at whim, allow Service Dogs.
Billy Kidwell is not allowed to eat in restaurants, in Florida, with his Medically-
Publix, and ALDI, called the police, and told Billy Kidwell "they don't go by any ADA", and that he could not shop in their store with his Medically-
The responding Charlotte County Sheriff said he didn't know want the Americans with Disability Act is, but that the stores have a right to refuse to allow P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, and can trespass Kidwell if they want to.
A couple of days after being released from the Intensive Care, Heart, and Stroke Ward, at Bay Pines VA Hospital, a Walmart Manager, on Video, assaulted Billy Kidwell, at the Kings Highway Walmart in Port Charlotte, Florida, for using his P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.
The Charlotte County Sheriff was called and he stated that "Florida does not go by Federal Disability Laws, like the ADA, and that Walmart can do anything they want, because Walmart is Private Property."
Nobody Enforces the Law in Florida, when the Victim is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran !
Wanting the Walmart Manager that assaulted him arrested, and wanting an investigation of the Dirty Cops in the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, that falsified the Sheriff's Report, Billy Kidwell, his wife, Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell, started sending victim letters to the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, to Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody, to the U.S. Department of Justice, ADA Section, to the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, to the Board of Directors for Walmart, to Walmart President & CEO, Doug McMillon, to Walmart General Counsel, and to Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, Bill Prummell.
For over a year, Billy Kidwell, and his family, begged Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Ashley Moody, and the United States Department of Justice to get the video of him being assaulted, and to investigate Walmart Manager "Handy" for violating Florida Statute 825.102, knowingly, and intentionally, causing Billy Kidwell to suffer Great Bodily Harm to his Heart, just a few after he was released from the Heart, and Stroke Ward of Bay Pines VA Hospital for a Stress-
And to get the video proving Walmart engaged in Blatant, Intentional, Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Subornation of Perjury, Perjury, Falsification of a Police Report, Obstruction of Justice, violation of Civil Rights, and continues to harm Kidwell with a Fraudulent Trespass.
Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Board of Directors for Walmart, the CEO, and General Counsel of Walmart all refused to respond to Billy Kidwell's many letters, and letters from his family.
After nearly a year Billy Kidwell got a phone call from someone in the Office of Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody saying that Florida does NOT enforce Florida Disability Laws like F.S. 825.102, or F.S. 413.08(4), and that Florida does not enforce, or comply, with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), because it is a Federal Law, and that the Florida Attorney General has designated the enforcement of Disability Laws to a Non-
Billy Kidwell went to the Disability Rights Florida internet website and requested help, and after receiving no response, Kidwell sent several letters by Registered U.S. Mail to Disability Rights Florida, and after nearly two months received a response that Disability Rights Florida does NOT protect the Disability Rights of Elderly Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and only enforces the rights of specific groups of the disabled, it gets Federal Grants to enforce their rights.
Simply put, in Florida elderly Disabled Vietnam Veterans have no Disability Rights.
Billy Kidwell had been victimized, by a Felony Assault, by a Walmart Manager, for using his Medically-
Then he was victimized by the Falsification of the Sheriff's Report, and illegally Trespassed from the Kings Highway, Port Charlotte, Florida Walmart, from Carvers, and from Murphys Gas Station by Walmart, and their Dirty Cops in the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department.
Walmart took Video of all the crimes, and is concealing the Video, and concealing the Walmart Manager, that assaulted Kidwell, for being a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
Wanting the Walmart Manager that assaulted him arrested, and wanting an investigation of the Dirty Cops in the Charlotte County Sheriff's Department, that falsified the Sheriff's Report, Billy Kidwell, his wife, Tana Kidwell, and daughter, Hannah Kidwell, started sending victim letters to the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, to Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody, to the U.S. Department of Justice, ADA Section, to the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, to the Board of Directors for Walmart, to Walmart President & CEO, Doug McMillon, to Walmart General Counsel, and to Charlotte County Florida Sheriff, Bill Prummell.
For over a year, Billy Kidwell, and his family, begged Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Ashley Moody, and the United States Department of Justice to get the video of him being assaulted, and to investigate Walmart Manager "Handy" for violating Florida Statute 825.102, knowingly, and intentionally, causing Billy Kidwell to suffer Great Bodily Harm to his Heart, just a few after he was released from the Heart, and Stroke Ward of Bay Pines VA Hospital for a Stress-
And to get the video proving Walmart engaged in Blatant, Intentional, Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Subornation of Perjury, Perjury, Falsification of a Police Report, Obstruction of Justice, violation of Civil Rights, and continues to harm Kidwell with a Fraudulent Trespass.
Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Board of Directors for Walmart, the CEO, and General Counsel of Walmart all refused to respond to Billy Kidwell's many letters, and letters from his family.
After nearly a year Billy Kidwell got a phone call from someone in the Office of Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody saying that Florida does NOT enforce Florida Disability Laws like F.S. 825.102, or F.S. 413.08(4), and that Florida does not enforce, or comply, with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), because it is a Federal Law, and that the Florida Attorney General has designated the enforcement of Disability Laws to a Non-
Billy Kidwell went to the Disability Rights Florida internet website and requested help, and after receiving no response, Kidwell sent several letters by Registered U.S. Mail to Disability Rights Florida, and after nearly two months received a response that Disability Rights Florida does NOT protect the Disability Rights of Elderly Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and only enforces the rights of specific groups of the disabled, it gets Federal Grants to enforce their rights.
Simply put, in Florida elderly Disabled Vietnam Veterans have no Disability Rights.