The U.S. Department of Justice has No Funds to Protect Veterans Rights! - VetsForJustice

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The U.S. Department of Justice has No Funds to Protect Veterans Rights!

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar's
Is being used by the DOJ to Torture, Veterans, and Deny Them Their Rights

After Years of Abuse Veterans are Promised Justice, and Protection, with Congresswoman Escobar's Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, on her Internet Website, along with Congressman Taylor, Senator Hirono, Senator Ernst, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, Veterans Education Success, and the Student Veterans of America worked together to pass the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, which they promised would at last provide rights, and protection to Veterans, in the Justice Department, which has a long history of discrimination, hate, and abuse towards Disabled Vietnam Veterans.

The only problem is that the United States Department of Justice has a long history of Blatant Hate for Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and a complete lack of respect for any law that does not support the Justice Department's Socialist Political Agenda, which refuses to respect the rights of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and refuses to, under any circumstance, to Protect the Rights of Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, or comply with the Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act.

The Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Act, is no more than a joke to the United States Department of Justice, and there is no one to help, or Protect the Rights of America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Issues Memorandum ORDERING the United States Department of Justice to Comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative, and to Agressively Protect Veterans Rights

On November 10, 2021, United States Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, who got at least Three (3) Deferments to avoid Vietnam Service, and who spewed hate for Vietnam Soldiers, as a leader strongly promoting the radical Anti-Military Views of the Socialist "New American Movement" at Harvard, helping to ban the ROTC at Harvard durring the Vietnam War, issued a Memorandum to the Justice Department, Heads of Department Components, and to United States Attorneys, ORDERING them to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative.

In his Memorandum, Attorney Merrick B. Garland, stated that the Justice Department, which has never Protected the Rights of any Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, with a Combat Stress Disability, fraudulently claimed that the Justice Department is committed to "Guarding the Rights of, and Ensuring Access to Justice, for Veterans, Servicemembers, and their Families".

Attorney General Merrick Garland specificly directed specific steps be taken including outreach, identifying needs, collaborating with Federal Partners, and coording the distribution of Department resourses to assist Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families.

Attorney General Garland directed the Civil Rights Division to develope a plan to guard the rights of, and improve Access to Justice for Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families, and to expand the Justice Department's Outreach Efforts, to "Protect the Rights of those that Served, and lead efforts accross the government to Ensure Access to Justice for Veterans, Servicemembers, and their Families".

The United States Department of Justice ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, and Attorney General, Merrick Garland's Memorandum.

The DOJ refuses to respond to letters from Extremely Disabled, Elderly, Dying, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and/or their Families, begging the Justice Department to Protect their Disability Rights, and refused to Protect the ADA Disability Rights of Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, Dying, 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Veteran to merely shop in a Walmart, with his Medically Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs.

There are videos of the Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, being Felony Assaulted by Walmart Management, solely for shopping with his Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dogs at a Walmart in Florida, shortly after after he was released from the Intensive Care, Heart and Stroke Ward at the Bay Pines VA Hospital for a Stress-Caused Heart Attack.

There are videos of Walmart's Bribed Charlotte County Florida Sheriff's Department falsifying a Sheriff's Report, and then illegally Trespassing Billy Kidwell from Walmart, and then threatening Kidwell that he cannot use Murphy's Gas Stations, or Carvers Resturants, because Walmart fraudulently claims Murphys, and Carvers rents their stores from Walmart, and that Walmart has a right to control them.

It would be impossible to lose a Civil Rights Lawsuit, with the Indisputable Videos proving Kidwell did nothing wrong, and only wanted to safely shop with a Medically-Needed P.T.S.D. Service DogBay, and the Justice Department has a history of prosecuting similar cases, especally if the victim is "of Color", the Justice Department just REFUSES to Protect the Rights of Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and will NOT comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, or the Memorandum of Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department will spend Millions of Dollars to Protect Dog's Rights, and has Unlimited Funds for it's Political Investigations, but the Civil Rights Division, and its SVI Section, will not spend one penny to provide Access to Justice, or to Protect the Rights of the Elderly, Severely Disabled, Dying Vietnam Veteran, Billy Kidwell, who only wants to be allowed to shop at Walmart, with his Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, and maybe be allowed to sit on a beach, and watch the sunset, with his Service Dogs, in the time he has left to live.

We agree that dog's rights should be protected, but strongly disagree with the Justice Department that Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans are not worth the cost of a stamp, are far less important that a dog, and are not entitled to any rights.

Clearly the Servicemember's, and Veterans Initiative Act is just some kind of Political Con Game, to deceive the Public into believing Disabled Veterans have some rights.

There are NO RIGHTS for Disabled Veterans in this country, NO DISABILITY RIGHTS, NO BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, and in the eyes of the Justice Department, and the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative, America's Disabled Veterans are valued far less than dogs.

The United States Department of Justice REFUSED to even consider protecting Billy Kidwell's ADA Rights, to simply use a Medically Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dog in Florida, fully knowing that their refusal to protect Billy Kidwell's Rights violated the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, and violated the Memorandum of Attorney General Merrick, and would likely cause Billy Kidwell's Death. [See Sworn Declaraction.]

Records of the Justice Department prove that if Billy Kidwell was "Of Color", or if he was LBQGT, and had sex with men, (the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department believes LBQT Soldiers that had sex with other men are the Unsung Heroes of the Vietnam War), the Justice Department would have protected his ADA Right to use a Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dog.

It is only Elderly, Straight, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities, Medically Needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs, that have NO RIGHTS in America, and face such Horrific Discrimination by the United States Department of Justice, and from those trusted with enforcing the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act.

Once again, Disabled Vietnam Veterans have NO RIGHTS, and there is no one to help America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans.


The United States Department of Justice is Killing Billy Kidwell, a 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, by Refusing to Comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, and/or, November 10, 2021, Veterans Memorandum of Attorney General Merrick Garland

Billy Kidwell is dying, and in extreme, inhuman pain every day, because the United States Department of Justice, knows;

1. That Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, Vietnam Veteran, has a Well-Documented Medical History of being Severely Disabled from a Combat Stress Disability (P.T.S.D.), from serving this country in the Vietnam War, that causes him to suffer Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused, Life-Threatening, Heart Attacks.

2. That Billy Kidwell is Medically Unable to stand the stress of attempting to enforce his rights, Pro Se, in Court, and has suffered Life-Threatening Heart Attacks in the past, from trying to enforce his rights.

3. That prior Stress-Caused Heart Attacks have inflicted such severe damage to Kidwell's Heart, that another Stress-Caused Heart Attack, could cause his death.

4. That Billy Kidwell was victimized with a Felony Attack by Walmart Officials for attempting to use ADA Authorized, P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to safely shop at Walmart, and that Walmart has indisputable Videos of Billy Kidwell being Felony Assaulted by Walmart Employees, for merely using a Medically-Needed, P.T.S.D. Service Dog.

5. That the Justice Department enforces ADA Rights, when the victim isn't an Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veteran, with a Combat Stress Disability.

6. That the Justice Department would have enforced Billy Kidwell's ADA Rights if he was Black, Gay, or in the Military, and only refused to protect his right because of the blatant Justice Department Discrimination against Elderly, Disabled, Vietnam Veterans, with a Combat Stress Disability.

7. That the Justice Department was REQUIRED by the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act to, at least, assist Kidwell in obtaining a Civil Rights Attorney.

8. That the Justice Department was REQUIRED by the November 10, 2021 Memorandum of Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to protect Billy Kidwell's Disability Rights. [After all, he is disabled because of his Military Service to this country.]

9. That with Billy Kidwell's Stress Disability, and Documented History of Life-Threatening Heart Attacks, the Justice Depasrtment knew it would likely cause Billy Kidwell's Death, if the Justice Department refused to provide counsel, or at least assist Kidwell in obtaining counsel.

10. The the Justice Department's Arbitrary, and Capricious, Refusal to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative, and/or, Refusal to comply with the November 10, 2021 Memorandum of Attorney General, Merrick Garland, would likely cause Billy Kidwell's Death.

Because of the Blatant Discrimination, and hate, for Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities, by the United States Department of Justice, those Veterans have NO RIGHTS!


We DEMAND that the "Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Con-Game" Immediately Stop, and that the United States Department of Justice START complying with it's Statutory Duties pursuant to that Law.

It's been two (2) Years, with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative refusing to help Disabled Veterans, while targeting the most vulnerable Veterans, Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities, to discriminate against.

We DEMAND that Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, and her "Associates" (Congressman Taylor, Senator Hirono, Senator Ernst, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, Veterans Education Success, and the Student Veterans of America) in this Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act Con Game, to immediately stop the targeted Discrimination of America's most vulnerable, most helpless Disabled Veterans, by contacting the Justice Depart DEMANDING that Billy Kidwell immediately be provided counsel to protect his Rights, and that his rights start being protected.

The United States Department of Justice is using the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative to try to kill Billy Kidwell, an Elderly, 100% Service-Connected, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and that needs to immediately stop.

And there needs to be hearings by the House, and Senate Committees on the Judiciary to stop the Justice Department's Blatant Hate, and Discrimination, towards Elderly, Severely Disabled Vietnam Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities.

YOU can help by contacting your local Newspaper with this story.

The Congressional Intent of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act

The Congressional Intent of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act is made extremely clear, by the Statements of the Senators, and Congresspersons, that drafted, and passed, the SVI, in the Press Release posted on Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar's Internet Website.

Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, Congressman, Van Taylor, Senator, Mazie Hirono, and Senator, Joni Ernst, stated that the purpose of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act is to :

(a) Establist a SVI Section in the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.

(b) To protect the legal interests, and rights, of Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families, during, and long after, their their Military Service.

(c) To get the Justice Department to focus on creating Policies, and carrying out the laws, that protect those who have served.

(d) And to protect Veterans Criticial Rights by providing Legal Resources, and Assistance, to Veterans, Servicemembers, and their Families.

Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke's United States Department of Justice (DOJ), absolutely REFUSE to comply with the Congressional Intent of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act (SVI), and are Terrorizing, Torturing, and Endangering the Lives of America's Disabled Combat Veterans, with their Blatant, Intentional, Violations of the SVI, and Violations of Veteran's Rights.

No Race, No Religion, No People on Earth,
Are Discriminated Against, or Treated as Horrible,
As America's Disabled Vietnam Veterans !

Everything on this Website May be Freely Copied !


A Con Game on America's Veterans, and the Public!

The Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act

The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act places a Statutory Duty on the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, to Establish a Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Section in the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ, and places Statutory Duties on the Justice Department to help Servicemembers, Veterans, and their families.

Violation I : The Civil Rights Division, under Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, REFUSE to Establish a Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Section in the Civil Rights Division. [See Declaractions.]

Public Law 116-288 116th Congress, Section 2(b) Duties

The Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative, REQUIRES the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Section of the Justice Department to:

(1) serve as legal, and policy advisor, to the Attorney General, on the Department of Justice’s efforts to enforce criminal, and civil laws, that impact servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(2) develop policy recommendations for the Attorney General on how the Department of Justice may improve enforcement of Federal Law to support servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(3) serve as the liaison, and point of contact between the Department of Justice, and the military departments.

(4) provide counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs to ensure funding decisions take into account servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(5) consult with components of the Department of Justice to promote the provision of civil legal aid to servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(6) serve as liaison, and point of contact, with the Consumer Protection Branch of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice, with respect to the prosecution of Federal Crimes involving fraud that target servicemembers,

(7) serve as liaison, and point of contact, with other components of the Department of Justice, as needed, to support the enforcement of other Federal Laws that protect servicemembers, and veterans, as the Attorney General determines appropriate.

How U.S. Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, are Violating YOUR Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act (SVI) Rights !!!

ING, and have NO INTENT of ever PROVIDING FUNDING to protect the rights of Veterans and their Families.

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