The Scheme to Violate the Rights of Every Veteran in America - VetsForJustice

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The Scheme to Violate the Rights of Every Veteran in America

The Senate, and House Committees on Veterans Affairs ...


While Veterans Organizations Do Nothing !

In even the best countries there are Government Officials that are so drunk with power, and so evil, and lacking in ethics, morals, and a conscience, that they do not care about the population, or care about the ideas this country was founded on, or care about the rights of Disabled Veterans.

The above combined with No Real Oversight of Politicans, the Justice Department, or Judges, and with bribing Government Officials with "Lobbyists" being legal in America, we have ended up with one of the most corrupt governments on earth, with Senators, and Congressmen getting Extremely Rich off of "Misappropriated Political Donations", bribes from Lobbyists, and Insider Stock Trading, while the F.B.I., and Justice Department, pretend to be blind.

United States Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Department of Justice (DOJ), are engaged in an Inhuman Scheme to violate the Constitutional, and Statutory Rights of every Veteran in America.

Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his DOJ, do not want Veterans to receive the Services of the Justice Department, however a New Law, the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act, provides Veterans with Statutory Rights, so Garland simply refuses to obey the New Law, and refuses to respect those rights.

Merrick Garland, and his DOJ, refuse to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020, refuse to protect the Civil Rights, and/or, ADA Disability Rights, of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and refuse Vietnam Veterans the Services of the United States Department of Justice.

While every Veterans Group remains Strangely silent!

Vietnam Veterans Have Suffered Over Fifty (50) Years of Discrimination, and Abuse, by the Justice Department!

For over fifty (50) years Disabled Vietnam Veterans have been discriminated against, and victimized, by many of the agencies of the Federal Government.

The Secretary of Defense, and United States Military, engaged in a "Bad Paper Discharge Con-Game", that Congress now calls a "National Disgrace", destroying the lives of tens of thousands of Disabled Veterans, and their families, driving thousands of Disabled Veterans to commit Suicide.

Another three hundred, and eighty thousand (380,000) Disabled Vietnam Veterans were intentionally murdered by the Department of Veterans Affair's "Medical Waiting-List Con-Game", while the VA also drove thousands, and thousands, of Disabled Veterans to Suicide, by engaging in Never-Ending Crimes, intended to steal the VA Benefits from Disabled Veterans.

Just about every corporation in America, from Bank of America, to Insurance Companies, Comcast, and Walmart, are overcharging, defrauding, and cheating America's Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families, targeting them because they are vulnerable, and unable to afford attorneys to protect their rights.

Meanwhile, in Florida Disabled Veterans, with Combat Stress Disabilities, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.), needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs to calm them durring P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, are harassed, threatened, and not allowed to shop at ALDI, Publix, or Walmart with their needed Service Dog.

They are not allowed to simply sit on a Public Beach, or allowed to enjoy a Public Park, with their Needed P.T.S.D. Service Dog, because the Justice Department refuses to protect their Disability Rights, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and ENCOURAGES the abuse of Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families, in Florida, by refusing to protect their Disability Rights.

Lawsuits by Disabled Veterans, merely wanting their ADA Disability Rights, are "fixed" by an extremely corrupt Federal Judicial System, unless the Disabled Veteran is able to hire an Attorney.

Elderly, Disabled Vietnam Veterans are the most Vulnerable, Abused, and Mistreated People in America's History.

There is NO Americans with Disabilities Act in Florida, NO Rights, and NO Justice, when the victim is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.

Disabled Vietnam Veterans, needing to use P.T.S.D. Service Dogs in Florida, are NOT allowed to shop, or allowed to enjoy a Public Park, or Public Beach, and are only allowed to sit at home, waiting to die, because of a very corrupt, Vietnam Veteran Hating, Justice Department.

These crimes against Vietnam Veterans only occur, because the United States Department of Justice ALLOWS THEM TO OCCUR!

Veronica Escobar, a Congresswoman that Cares About Veterans

It is rare that a Politician comes along that actually cares about our Nation's Veterans. Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, is one of those rare Politicians.

Congresswoman Escobar, seeing that Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families, were being increasingly abused in her community, drafted, and introduced, the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020 (s.5010 in the 116th Congress) stating its purpose is to:

"Protect Veterans, and their Families, in the same way they have served our country, and defended the freedoms we enjoy each day."

The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020

The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act is the most important law ever passed for Veterans Rights.

For the first time in America's History, Statutory Duties were placed on the United States Department of Justice, to protect the rights of Servicemembers, and Veterans.

The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act REQUIRED the Justice Department to establish a Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Section within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. [Section 2(a) Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative].

Section 2(b) places Specific Statutory Duties on the New Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Section of the Justice Department.

The Statutory Requirements of the New Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020

The Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative, REQUIRES the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Section of the Justice Department to:

(1) serve as legal, and policy advisor, to the Attorney General, on the Department of Justice’s efforts to enforce criminal, and civil laws, that impact servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(2) develop policy recommendations for the Attorney General on how the Department of Justice may improve enforcement of Federal Law to support servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(3) serve as the liaison, and point of contact between the Department of Justice, and the military departments.

(4) provide counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs to ensure funding decisions take into account servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(5) consult with components of the Department of Justice to promote the provision of civil legal aid to servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

(6) serve as liaison, and point of contact, with the Consumer Protection Branch of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice, with respect to the prosecution of Federal Crimes involving fraud that target servicemembers,

(7) serve as liaison, and point of contact, with other components of the Department of Justice, as needed, to support the enforcement of other Federal Laws that protect servicemembers, and veterans, as the Attorney General determines appropriate.

The Justice Department REFUSES to Comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020

The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act (SVI) was signed into law by President Trump on January 5, 2021.

The Justice Department responded by putting up a Dishonest, Internet Website, Discriminating against Veterans, while deceiving the public, as to the Statutory Requirements of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice Website, the New SVI Section of the Justice Department is only a "Guidance Resource" for "Current and Former Members of the Military, Military Family Members, Legal Practitioners who serve the Military Community, and the General Public".

That statement by the Justice Department is a Blatant Lie, and an act of Intentional Fraud, intended to deceive America's Veterans as to their Statutory Rights pursuant to the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act.

The Justice Department SVI Website closes their Introductory Website Page, as to their definiation of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act by stating:

"The Department of Justice, in partnership with other Federal Agencies, is committed to devoting time, and resources, to Protect the Rights of Servicemembers, and the employees of the Department of Justice are proud to serve our men, and women, in uniform".

Nowhere on their SVI Website does the Justice Department offer to help, or to Protect the Rights of Veterans.

The Justice Department then provides page, after page, after page of law suits the Justice Department has filed to protect the rights of Servicemembers. [ See Servicemembers Cases Page 1, Servicemembers Cases Page 2, Servicemembers Cases Page 3. There are no Veterans Cases posted on the Justice Department Website.]

Disabled Vietnam Veteran Rights Activist, Billy Kidwell, contacted the Justice Department to request the link to see cases filed by the Justice Department to protect the Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, as REQUIRED by the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act,and was informed by the Justice Department that:

"the Justice Department does NOT have the funds to protect the Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, because their priority is to protect People of Color, Minorities, Women, the LGBTQI Community, and even Terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba"

the Justice Department Attorney went on to state that:

"the Justice Department has never filed a single lawsuit to protect the Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and does not intend to ever Protect the Rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans".

How U.S. Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, are Violating YOUR Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act (SVI) Rights !!!

Violation One

The United States Department of Justice is REQUIRED by paragraph 1, Sec2(b), of the SVI to get the Attorney General to enforce Criminal, and Civil Laws that impact Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families.

The Department of Justice refuses to comply with this Statutory Requirement. The Justice Department absolutely REFUSES to enforce any Criminal, or Civil Law, that protects a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.

Violation Two

The SVI Section is REQUIRED, pursuant to paragraph 2, Sec2(b), of the SVI, to develop Policy Recommendations for the Attorney General on how the DOJ may improve enforcement of Federal Law that impact Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families.

Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his DOJ, have NO INTENT of ever complying with the SVI, and the DOJ has NO INTENT of ever protecting Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.

Violation Three

Pursuant to paragraph 4, Sec2(b), of the SVI Section, the Justice Department is REQUIRED, to provide counsel for Office of Justice Programs, to assure funding decisions take into account Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families.

Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his DOJ, DO NOT PROVIDE FUNDING, and have NO INTENT of ever PROVIDING FUNDING to protect the rights of Veterans and their Families.

Violation Four

Pursuant to paragraph 5, Sec2(b), of the SVI Section, the Justice Department is REQUIRED, to consult with components of the Department of Justice to promote the provision of Civil Legal Aid to Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families.

Billy Kidwell, and his family, went to the Justice Department and explained that he is dying from Heart Failure, severely disabled from his Vietnam Service, and needs to use a P.T.S.D. Service Dog, however in Florida Billy Kidwell is harassed, threatened, and attacked when he attempts to use his Service Dog.

He cannot enjoy a Public Park, or Public Beach, and he is not allowed to shop at Publix, ALDI, or Walmart with his P.T.S.D. Service Dog.

They explained that Billy Kidwell has a well-documented history of Stress-Caused Heart Attacks, and Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcer, and that he is Medtress, and Medically Unable to fight for his ADA Disability Rights in Florida, that the Stress would likely cause his death.

The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department told Billy Kidwell that they do NOT go by the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act, and that the Justice Department does NOT protect the rights of Disabled Vietnam Veterans, that the Justice Department has NEVER provided Civil Legal Aid, or assisted, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, and that the Justice Department never will.

The Chief Attorney for the Justice Department told Billy Kidwell:

"Elderly Vietnam Veterans are eating up the benefits needed for the younger Veterans, Why don't you just die?"

Violation Five

Pursuant to paragraph 7, Sec2(b), of the SVI Section, the Justice Department is REQUIRED, to serve as a liaison and point of contact with other components of the Department of Justice. as needed, to support the enforcement of other Federal Laws, that protect Servicemembers, and Veterans.

In reality the Department of Justice will NOT respond to any letter, or Complaint, from a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, and will NOT enforce any law protecting Disabled Vietnam Veterans Rights.


In Summary, Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his Justice Department, complys with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act as to Servicemembers, while Storngly Discriminating Against, and refusing to comply with the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act as to Veterans, and their Families.

Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his Justice Department, spits on Disabled Vietnam Veterans, aggravates their Disabilities, violates their Rights, and tries to cause their death.



The Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act of 2020

The most important law ever passed for America's Veterans is the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act (SVI Act of 2020, in that it provides Specific Statutory Rights to Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families, and places Specific Statutory Duties on a very corrupt, and Veteran Hating, United States Department of Justice.

The problem is that United States Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, absolutely REFUSE to comply with the SVI Act of 2020, and REFUSE to comply with their Statutory Duties pursuant to the SVI Act of 2020, and REFUSE to provide the Services of the Justice Department to Veterans, and especally to America's Disabled Veterans, and/or, their Families.

Where is the VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS, Vietnam Veterans of America, IAVA, and others?

So WHY hasn't the Veterans Organizations told their members about this Great New Law, and WHY are the News Media covering-up how Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and his Justice Department, are abusing Veteran's Rights, by refusing to obey the law, by refusing to comply with the STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS of the Servicemembers, and Veterans, Initiative Act?

WHY are all the Veterans Organizations"Strangely Silent".

The large VSO's rake in filthy amounts of donations, intended to help America's Veterans. So WHY are they letting Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, violate, and refuse to comply, with the most important law ever passed for Veterans?

A law that REQUIRES the Justice Department to Establish an SVI Section in the Justice Department to protect the rights of Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families, and REQUIRES the Justice Department to start protecting Veterans Rights, in Criminal, and Civil Matters.

WHY has the VSO's, and the News Media, allowed Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department, to Mock Veterans, and the SVI Act of 2020, violating their Rights?

It's about time the large VSO's started doing their job, making America's Veterans aware of the SVI Act of 2020, and their new Statutory Rights, and start protecting Veterans Rights,starting with exposing the mockery being made of the Servicemembers, and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020, by Attorney General, Merrick B. Garland, and his Justice Department.

The SVI Section of the United States Department of Justice will not even spend fifty cents on a stamp to respond to Complaint Letters from Elderly, Dying, Disabled Vietnam Veterans, being terrorized, and denied the right to sit on a Public Beach, or to enjoy a Public Park, with their needed P.T.S.D. Service Dog.

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